City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Seattle Iron Works


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505 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE July 9/84 Ordered that a contract be entered into with O C SHorey on his bid for removing bodies from the old cemetary as asson after the ordinance heretofore passed condemning the said cemetary shall take effect & as consent of all owners of lots therein can be abtained And now the surveyor submits the profile of certain proposed changes in the grade elevations on Commercial and Mill Streets; Whereupon after due examination said profile is approved and the Attorney is hereby instructed to submit an ordinance providing for such changes and another Ordinance providing for the grading and planking of certain portions of said Commercial & Mill Streets. And now the Surveyor submits the specification for a sewer in Madison Street; thereupon after due examination the same are approved And now the surveyor submits the plans & Specifications for the purposes grading of Fifth Street Between Battery and Vine Street; after due examination the same are approved And now the chief of the Fire Department submits the plans & specifications for Fire plugs; thereupon the same are approved And now the Council proceeds to open & Consider the bids for furnishing of said fire pugs; which bids are as follows, to wit: Seattle Iron Works per plug $34. Washtn Iron Works per plug $80. Ordered that the contract be awarded to the Seattle Iron Works on their said bid Ordered that the Surveyor be & is hereby instructed to plat the new Cemetary so far as cleared. Ordered that the Council Stand now adjourned Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved H G Struve mayor

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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659 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE J L McClellan For Labor on Streets 1013 58.50 Phil Corcorkan For Labor on Streets 1014 58.50 A C Turner For Labor on Streets 1015 58.50 Geo VanDyke For Labor on Streets 1016 58.50 Thomas Rock For Labor on Streets 1017 58.50 James Campbell For Labor on Streets 1018 58.50 W J Alexander For Labor on Streets 1019 57.95 Geo Huntley For Labor on Streets 1020 56.25 J R Davis For Labor on Streets 1021 40.50 A C Crook For Labor on Streets 1022 40.50 Jordan Simpson Removing earth from Washtn St slide 1023 323.70 R H Thomson Engineering of Washtn St 1024 9.65 Stetson and Post Mill Co Lumber 1025 19.30 Western Mill Co Lumber 1026 2.02 Harrington and Smith Hardware 1027 7.10 Seattle Hardware Co Hardware 1028 4.30 James Bogart Boarding Prisoners 1029 38.60 Gas Light Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co Gas no 121 $331.70 J H May Attending Lamps 122 53.55 Fire Fund W A Perry Engineer no 613 $75. James Dunham Engineer 614 75. Phillips and Sears Engine No 1 to fire 615 5. A B Merrill Team to No 2 Fire Alarm 616 5. R W McDanielHook&Ladder Truck to&from fire617 5. Miller BrosEngine to & From Gilmore fire 618 5. Post Intelligencer Pub Co Printing 619 4. Lowman and Handford SVP Co Paper for No 3 620 1.50 Waddell & Miles Guage Glasses 621 1. Young and McKeon Repairs for fire Dept 622 11.05 J J D'Arcy & Co Belts and Spanner holders 623 12. E Lobe & Co Lamp for Lake Union Co 624 1.75 Lake Union Furn & Mfg Co Table for No 3 625 5. Seattle Iron Works Spanners 626 15. E Myer Shirts for Hook & Ladder Co 627 23.

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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689 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 18 1885 Cowles and Foster Intox 3 months from Aug 12\85 Thomas H Smith Retail Intox 3 months from Sept 10\85 The vote of granting said licenses is as follows, viz: In favor of granting same. R H CAlligan, J Furth, G W Hall, W A HArrington, Jno Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald and G W Young Claims Allowed The following claims having been audited by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the funds in the following amounts viz: Post Intelligencer 1269 City 11.20 Publishing notices L Van Doren 1270 City 2.20 Constable fees D L McClellan 1271 City 2.50 Salary Special Policeman Sunset Telephone Co 1272 City 5.90 Telephone Month [?] J H McGraw 1273 City 65.70 Sheriff's fees G A Hill 1274 City 26.15 Justice fees Lowman & Hanford 1275 City 11.00 Printing etc Geo G Lyon 1276 City 2.30 Justice fees Wm F McNatt 1080 City 2.00 Pasturing City Horse Harrington & Smith 1081 City 23.01 Supplies Stetson & Post 1082 City 47.22 Lumber J A McBeath 1083 City 2.60 Horse Shoeing Jones & Hubble 1084 City 16.90 Feed R H Calligan 1085 City 3.00 Hauling Lumber T H Staskett 1086 City 6.81 Hay J Schram & Co 128 City 12.25 Supplies & Labor Seattle Gas Light 129 City 353.70 Gas James H May 130 City 59.52 Lighting Lamps etc W J Pellman & Co 648 Fire 42.60 Bids etc for No 2 Washington Iron Works649 Fire 4.25 Grate Bars for Engine Seattle Iron Works 650 Fire 4.20 Repairing Hydrant Wm Clark 651 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose Schwabacher Bros & Co 652 Fire 1.44 Rope for No 1 Spring Hill Water Co 27 Fire 166.00 Water Mo of Aug McKeon & Young 28 Fire 4.85 repairing pipe in Jail W E Ryther 124 Fire 124.00 Contract Grubbing Park

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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737 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jan 15 1886 Petition of Mr. L. Wright et als praying that a temporary sidewalk be constructed on the east side of Seventh St. from the Belltown School House to the Sixth St. School House, read and referred to the Street Committee. Petition of R. Russell praying that the license of teamsters be made payable yearly in advance instead of quarterly as at present. Read and referred to Committee on License and Revenue. Petition of the Seattle Lumber and Commercial Co. praying for a renewal of the lease of the wharf at the foot of Madison St. Read and referred to Committee on Streets. Communicaiton from D. T. Denny and Louisa Denny in the matter of the opening of Box Street setting forth that if said st was opened as petitioned for it would pass through unplatted land belonging tot them: read and on motion tabled. Reports Received From Chief of the Fire Department enclosing communication from the Seattle Iron Works offering to furnish seven fire pumps of the same design as those now in use by the City for the sum o $45.00 each. Referred to Committee on Fire and Water. From Custodian of Powder House for month of December. Read and approved and ordered filed. Report of City Treasurer for month of December. Also semi annual report Recd read and referred to Finance com. Committee Reports Received From Committee on Health and Police reporting upon petition of M. Korn et als - that in the opinion the present police force is sufficient in number: Regarding the allowance of $60 to each regular policeman we beliee such allowance coul only be viewed

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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