City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention W Murphy


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516 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 1/84 Benj Murphy Judge of Election No 780 $8. W W Barker Judge of Election 781 $8. A D Dawson Clerk 782 $8. Jas F Pickering Clerk 783 $8. D N Hyde Inspector of Election 784 $8. O C Shorey Judge of Election 785 $8. A Storch Judge of Election 786 $8. H J Jacobs Clerk of Election 787 $8. Abner Gardner Clerk of Election 788 $8. R Scott Inspector of Election 789 $8. D T Denny Judge of Election 790 $8. W G Latimer Judge of Election 791 $8. E Bryan Clerk of Election 792 $8. B A Starkey Clerk of Election 793 $8. H A Fredericks Desks to 2d Ward Voting place 794 $1. M J Calligan Desks to 2d Ward Voting place 795 $.50 C F Clancy Team to deliver ballot boxes 796 $2. Ed L Lindsley Desks from 2d Ward Voting place 797 $1. D H Webster Special Officer at Election 798 $3. J D Lowman Stationary 799 $20.80 C Hanford Job Work 800 $17.50 M H Wilcox & Co Brooms etc. 801 $3.10 Young & McKeon Repairs to Water Closet 802 $1.75 L P Smith & Son Dog Tags 803 $25. J S M Smart Attending upon prisoner 804 $5. Road Fund Henry Sheehan Street labor $91. use of Horse $39. No 560 $130. S Berry Street labor 561 $75. John Terrice Street labor 562 $75. Luther Albee Street labor 563 $65. S Koon Street labor 564 $26.25 Thos Rock Street labor 565 $65. W Mullins Street labor 567 $25. W Murphy Street labor 568 $25. Chas Willliams Street labor 569 $90. James Campbell Street labor 572 $65.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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610 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE March 20, 1885 Report Adopted 5th St Sewer From Committee on Sewer on the petition of Fridolin Wilhelm et al for a sewer in Fifth Street. Report re-referred. License referred Applications for Licenses Referred The A P Hotaling Co. James Miles, Bittner & Theiler, James A. Swain, John S. Merigan, Powers & Meyers, Chad G. Steinweg, Joseph Francis Co, John Farnhaus, John Collins, George Meister, John McCary,Chas F. O'Hara, Wm Busha, Robert Walt, L.V. Schnyder, Geo. K. Beede & Shaw & Algar Issued Licences Ordered Issued Ordered that licenses be issued aas follows to wit: Chas Ross for Retail malt liquors for 3 months from Mar. 20 1885 James W Smith for Retail malt liquors for 3 months from Mar. 20 1885 A.E. Alden for Retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Apr. 1 M & K Gottstein wholesale intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Mar 17 Oliver Bernard Retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Mar 27 Frank Wilton Retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Mar 13 Frank Smith Retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Mar 20 The vote on granting said licenses stands as follows: In favor Latimer, Rinehart, Snyder, Yesler Against Northrup Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following, to wit Claims City Fund Lewis VanDoren Constable Fees City v. Meyers and Powers No 1040 $24.30 Cedar River Coal Co Coal 1071 4. D.T. Denny Taxes refunded 1072 1.37 Murphys Claim rejected Ordered that the claim of W Murphy for money paid to procure testimony and $11.25 be & the same is hereby rejected. In favor of allowing said claim Latimer, Northrup, Rinehart and Snyder. Yesler not voting. Claims Road Fund J. Dickerson Labor on Streets No 917 $15.75 M. Donlan Labor on Streets 918 5.62 C. Miller Taxes refunded 919 4.85 James Street Grade #387 R.H. Thomson Engineering No 1380-1381 66.15

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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733 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jan 4 1886 Claims Allowed The following claims against the City having been duly audinted by the Councilare ordered paid by warrant drawn on the several funds W R Forrest 125.00 Salary City Clerk C H Hanford 100.00 Salary City Atty A Chilberg 83.33 Salary City Treeasurer W H Hughes 100.00 Salary Policeman J H Woolery 100.00 Salary City Assessor W Murphy 100.00 Salary City Chief of Police Jas Welch 65.00 Salary Policeman W M Jones 65.00 Salary Policeman W H Pinckney 65.00 Salary Policeman James Burke 67.15 Salary Policeman Laurence Cummings 91.00 Salary St Commisnr' James Bogart 60.00 Salary Jailor James Bogart 47.60 Board of Prisoners Sunset Telephone Co 5.90 Telephone for Jany Stetson & Post Mill Co 311.93 Lumber for Stable Harrington & Smith 25.44 Material for Stable Chronicle Pub Co 27.38 city Printing' Lowman & Hanford Co 7.50 Two receipts for Treasurer Guisseppi Demartini 4.00 Refund Poll Tax 65 years old R H Thomson 9.00 Services on Road Com. R H Thomson 73.00 Locating Govt Monuments R H Thomson 60.00 Services Union St Sewer James Burke 20.25 Labor on Streets James Finegan 48.35 Labor on Streets [total] $383.65 Joseph Mann 51.25 Labor on Streets John Maloney 53.10 Labor on Streets Henry Roseburg 49.50 Labor on Streets Michael Costello 57.69 Labor on Streets J L McClellan 57.35 Labor on Streets J Scott 46.35 Labor on Streets

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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136 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 7 1887 [R N Longstaff]] 2064 City 30.00 Salary Special Police E H Hubbert 2065 City 10.00 Salary Special Police R Curran 2066 City 32.50 Salary Special Police Wm Jones 2067 City 12.50 Salary Special Police W Murphy 2068 City 2.00 2 Lanterns for Police Sunset Telephone Co 2069 City 5.90 Telephone Service Dec Lowman & Hanford 2070 City 20.10 Printing Blanks etc Cedar River Coal Co 2071 City 12.00 3 tons coal Jail etc Thos Anderson 2072 City 8.30 Rebate on License F L Benjamin 2073 City 50.00 Rebate on License Conrad Brehm 2074 City 12.23 Rebate on License Jack Connors 2075 City 34.16 Rebate on License Wm Cheader 2076 City 18.30 Rebate on License Otto Fuhrman 2077 City 4.44 Rebate on License Joe Francisco 2078 City 5.85 Rebate on License Jno Heinrich 2079 City 17.58 Rebate on License Bernard Kurz 2080 City 10.00 Rebate on License R Lowe & Co 2081 City 29.16 Rebate on License M J McDonough 2082 City 35.83 Rebate on License Harry Thompson 2083 City 7.77 Rebate on License Geo W Walsh 2084 City 4.17 Rebate on License Wilton & Jordison 2085 City 12.50 Rebate on License [total]250.29 Young & McKeon 2086 City 50.00 Putting sink in Jail S Harris 2087City 50.00 Putting sink in Jail G A Hill 2088 City 50.00 Putting sink in Jail Albro Gardner 2089 City 50.00 Putting sink in Jail Albro Gardner 2089 City 50.00 Putting sink in Jail Albro Gardner 2089 City 50.00 Putting sink in Jail Road Fund 2090 City 12,000.00 Transferred E C McClellahan 1471 Road 62.00 Labor on Streets Phillip Cochran 1472 Road 58.50 Labor on Streets P Cunningham 1473 Road 55.10 Labor on Streets L V Sprague 1474 Road 22.50 Labor on Streets Adam Haenniha 1475 Road 2.25 Labor on Streets John Sheehan 1476 Road 51.75 Labor on Streets O F Soderberg 1477 Road 52.85 Labor on Streets [total][?]

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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159 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar 4 1887 From Finance Committee recommending that the bills of Hasbrook & Terry & Dr. J S M Smart be paid at the same time calling the attention of the Police officers to the fact that the city had a Health Officer whose duty it is to attend to such cases and who is paid a salary therefor, and in future no bills of this character will be allowed unless the health officer is absent form the city. Adopted. From Same committee rejecting the applicationof Elizabeth Shumway for a reduction of the valuations of certain lots in Nagle's Addition. Adopted. Licenses Ordered Issued Bernard Kurz Retail malt six (6) months form March 1st 1887 The votte upon issuing said license is as follows viz: In favor of the same; Furth, Frink,Green, Hinckley, Lake & Reitze. Against None. bills Allowed the followingclaims against the City having been duly presented and audited and allowed bythe Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn onthe several funds as follows viz: Name Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2151 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk F H Peterson 2152 City 100.00 Salary City Atty L A Treen 2153 City 100.00 Salary City Treasurer L Cummings 2154 City 84.00 Salary Street Commr James Bogart 2155 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor & Janitor James Bogart 2155 City 112.40 Board of Pirsoners W Murphy 2156 City 100.00 Salary Chief of Police James Welch 2157 City 80.00 Salary Capt Police J W Hunt 2158 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer W H Pinckney 2159 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Thos H Campbell 2160 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer J L McClellan 2161 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer T Butler 2162 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer [total]1086.40

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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