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Pages That Mention Benj Murphy & Co




544 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 3/84 From Sewer Comtee recommending a sewer for Union Street adopted Applications for Licenses Referred John McCary, Joseph Francisco, John Rah, Geo Meister, M & K Gottstein, Olive Bernard, John Collins, A E Alden, Geo K Beede John Stifter, James W Smith & Chas G Steinway Licenses Ordered Issues Ordered that licenses be issued as follows to wit: James Chamberlin for retail Liquors for 3 months from Sep 17 Benj Murphy & Co for retail Liquors for 3 months from Sep 12 F Claus for retail Liquors for 3 months from Sep 16 Blanchard & Co for wholesale & retail for 3 months from Sep 12 Frank Wilton for retail for 3 months from Sep 13 Fuhrman & Co for retail for 3 months from Sep 13 Meyers & Powers for retail for 3 months from Sep 18 Ordered that the application of M McDonald be & is hereby rejected Ordered that the application of Walter Burnett be & is hereby rejected Claims Paid City Fund E S Osborne Clerk No 843 $125. J D Lowman Treasurer No 844 $150. W H Taylor Treasurer No 845 $100. C H Hanford Atty No 846 $100. J H Woolery Chief of Police No 847 $150. F L Bangs Police No 848 $80. James Welch Police No 849 $80. Thos Ross Police No 850 $80. Wm Murphy Police No 851 $80. E A Gardner Police No 852 $80. D H Webster Police No 853 $80. W H Pinckney Police No 854 $80. T J Small Police No 855 $29.30 S B Vrooman J P Fees No 856 $28.660 James Bogart Jailor & Janitor No 857 $60. Clarence Hanford Job work 858 $61.50

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb





Dec 12/84 Report rejected Licenses ordered Issued Ordered that licenses be issued as follows Towit: H.E. Brilard for Retail liquors for 3 months from Nov. 22, 1884

Applications for Licenses Referred Joseph Francis Co, Fuhrmann & Co & Benj Murphy & Co.

Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following towit: City Fund Clarence Hanford Printing Ordinances No. 943 $563.96 J.H. Cann Use of office for Police Force & election 944 $25.00 Globe Printing Co. Job Work 945 $2.00 Dick Brown Witness in City -v- Osunia 946 $2.20 L.D. Carroll Witness in City -v- Osunia 947 $2.20 F.V. Snyder Witness in City -v- Osunia 948 $2.20

Road Fund James Bogart Boarding Prisoners no. 739 $24.60

Cemetery Fund Chas F. Clancy & Co teams for Cemetery commission No. 22 $41.50 H.F. Phillips teams for Cemetery commission 23 $8.00 John Langston teams for Cemetery commission 24 $3.00 J. D. Lowman Stationery for Cemetery commission 25 $3.65 Herald Pub. Co. Printing for Cemetery commission 26 $3.00 Post-Intelligencer Pub. Co. Printing for Cemetery commission 27 $2.00 Chronicle Pub. Co. Printing for Cemetery commission 28 $1.50 Ordered that the claim of J.B. Metcalfe be & the same is hereby referred back to Claimant for an itemized statement. Ordered that the claim of L.S. Rowe be & is hereby referred to Street Committee. The following claims are presented for alleged damages caused by grading on James Street Towit: J.M. Hoffman $250.00 Sarah Malson $500.00 C.J. Chilberg $200.00

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




601 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 20/85 From Atty on the matter of Harkin's petition Orderd that the Mayor be & is hereby requested to with hold his signature to said warrants until Wednesday Feb 25, 1885. Licenses referred Applications for Liquor Licenses Referred Emil Davidson, F Claus, Otto Fuhrmann & Co, ]]John Brannen]], John Levy, S Kerschberg, Benj Murphy & Co, Chas Louch, A F Hill, O P Dahlquist, Gumbert & Dickman, Vitus Schmid, E Champeaux, Andreas Mauer, Morgan & Laurence, Robt Hahn, A F Able Perkins & Ladd, S A Scullin, Cowles & Foster, H E Brailland, Henry Mauer, Blanchard & Co Issued Licenses Ordered Issued Orderd that licenses be issued as follows to wit: Patrick Flynn for Retail liquors for 3 months from Feb 12, 1885 Julius W Smith for Retail liquors for 3 months from Feb 8, 1885 The vote in granting said licenses is as follows: In favor Clancy, Frye, Harrington, Latimer, Rinehart, Snyder & Yesler. Against the same Northrup Claims Claims Paid Thefollowing claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered apid by Warrants drawn on the funds & in the amounts following to wit: City Fund Chas Naher Clock No 1031 $20. Cedar River Coal Co Coal 1032 4. C H Hanford To pay witnesses in City-v-Meyers & Powers 1033 8.80 James Hennessy Taxes refunded .22 Road Fund T E Jones Hauling Lumber No 852 $2.10 Sylvanius Buckins Taxes Refunded 853 6.25 Fire Fund Sylvanius Buckins Taxes refunded No 526 $3.75 Cemetary Fund Seattle Cemetary Association Lots for Bodies Transferred No 42 74.50 Father E Demanez Lots for Bodies Transferred 43 31. Father E Demanez Lots for Bodies Transferred 44 6.50 Gardiner Kellogg Lots for Bodies Transferred 45 25. O C Shorey Lots for Bodies Transferred 46 25. Sylvanius Buckins Taxes refunded 47 1.25

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




604 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 6/85 From Chief of Police showing arrests. Orders filed. Hand Engine Hauling of From Chief of Fire Department on the matter of hauling the Hnad Engine adopted. Public Benefit Sup Plat Masonic Cem plat From Comtee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds approvint the plats of Collins Public Benefie supplemental plat and Masonic Cemetary Plat as soon as the same are approved by the City Surveyor. Adopted From Justice Geo G Lyon showing fines collected. Ordered filed engine to Bell Town Ordered that the matter or rescindind the order heretofore made to remove Engine #2 to Belltoen Be & the same is hereby laid on the table Licenses referred Applications for Licenses Referred Chas Ross, A E Alden, Frank Smith, Oliver Bernard, Frank Wilton, Mark Gottstein & James W Smith. Issued Licenses ordered issued Ordered that licenses be issued as follows to wit: E Champeaux for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Mar 5,1885 A F Hill for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Mar 3,1885 H E Braillard for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Mar 12,1885 S A Scullin for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Feb 11,1885 O P Dahlquist for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Jan 23,1885 Gumbert & Dickman for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Mar 1,1885 Henry Mauer for Retail Malt Liquors for 3 months from Feb 22,1885 John Brannen for Retail Malt Liquors for 3 months from Mar 3,1885 Benj Murphy & Co for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Mar 12,1885 Chas Louch for Wholesale Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Mar 8,1885 Andreas Mauer for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Feb 18,1885 Morgan & Laurence for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Feb 23,1885 Roff Hahn for Retail Malt Liquors for 3 months from Mar 1,1885 A F Able for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Feb 13,1885 Perkins & Ladd for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Feb 15,1885 John Levy for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Mar 6,1885 Cowles & Foster for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Feb 12,1885 S Kirschberg for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Mar 1,1885 Vitus Schmid for Retail Malt Liquors for 3 months from Mar 1,1885 Blanchard & Co for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Mar12,1885

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb





And now the Council proceeds to consider the matter of equalizing the Assessment Roll for the planking of Commercial, Mill and Front Streets under Ordinance No. 595. Thereupon a motion is made that said Assessment Roll be rejected, the note on said Motion is as follows: In favor of said Motion Frye, Harrington, Yesler & Latimer. Against said Motion Northup, Rinehart, Snyder & Sox. There being a tie vote His Honor the Mayor Votes to sustain the Motion, thereupon said Roll is declared rejected.

From the Judiciary Committee recommending the granting of the C.P.P.S.R.R.Co to cancel certain assessments of property against to Oregon Improvement Co Report. Adopted.

From Street Com tee recommending the granting of the petition of S. F. Hoskinson to vacate temporarily the alley in Block 21 Pontius 2d add Report adopted.

Application for Licenses Referred

H. S. Meyer, M. M. Donald, John Levy, Vitus Schmid, Otto Fuhrman & Co, E. Davidson, Geo. Perkins, Benj Murphy & Co, Cowles & Foster

Licenses Ordered Issued

Ordered that licenses be issued as follows, towit: Geo. Meister for Retail Malt liquors for 3 months from May 1. Bernard King for Retail Malt liquors for 3 months from May 6 Morgan Lawrence for Retail Intoxicatingliquors for 3 months from May 23 John T. Lester for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from May 17 A. F. Hill for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from June 23 Walters Bros. & Co for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Apr 29 Chas Ross for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from June 1 John Brannen for Retail Malt liquors for 3 months from June 3 Patrick Flynn for Retail Malt liquors for 3 months fromMay 22 Henry Mauer & Co for Retail Malt liquors for 3 months from May 22 Gumbert & Dickman for Retail Intoxicatingliquors for 3 months from June 1 Lewis Silvin for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from May 7 E. Champeaux for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from June 5 Wm Waugh for Retail Malt liquors for 3 months from May 15

The vote on granting said Applications Stands as follows: In favor of Granting the same Frye, Harrington, Rinehart, Snyder, Sox, Yesler & Latimer. Against the same Northup

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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