Pages That Mention Hong Kong
Papers of Ernest Henry Wilson, 1896-1952. Memorandum and agreement between James Veitch & Sons, and Ernest Henry Wilson, 1899.
(seq. 6)
the third year, he finding his own wearing apparel; all other expenses connected with the mission and incurred with the approval of the said James Veitch & Sons Ltd shall be defrayed by them. Ernest Henry Wilson may may draw his salary or any part thereof while he is on his mission.
4 The said Ernest Henry Wilson will proceed to China via the United States, calling on Professor Sargent, the Director of the Arnold Arboretum near Boston Mass. en route. He will also, on arrival at Hongkong, call on Mr Charles Ford, the Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens there and then endeavour to communicate with Dr Henry as soon as possible according to the written instructions, He will acting on the advice of that gentleman as far as practicable, and following, as far as he may be able, the general written instructions received from {Messieurs} James Veitch & Sons Ltd previous to his leaving England. Ernest Henry Wilson will write to {Messieurs} James Veitch & Sons Ltd as soon as possible after arrival in China, informing them of the plans he has decided on adopting for the furtherance of the objects of the mission. He will constantly bear in mind that these objects are to procure trees and and plants and seeds of plants likely to prove hardy in this country.
5 The said Ernest Henry Wilson shall send all seeds, bulbous roots, and dried specimens
[right page] which he has collected by Steamer, and plants as often as possible also by Steamer, arranging with the Agents to insure the packages being promptly forwarded to England and always sending by by post Bills of Lading of every consignment shipped.
6 It is intended by this Agreement that Ernest Henry Wilson shall remain sufficiently long in China to gain experience of the different flowering and seed-saving seasons but he agrees to act in conformity with any instruc= =tions James Veitch & Sons may from time to time send to him. He also agrees to write to them not less frequently than monthly during the term of this Agreement inform=ing them of his proceedings, and at the termination of each year he shall make up and send to them a Balance Sheet of his accounts.
7 The said James Veitch & Sons Ltd shall be at liberty to recall Ernest Henry Wilson at any time during the term of three years herein agreed upon, and should the health of Ernest Henry Wilson give way at any time during the three years and he return to England under Medical Certificate, his expenses home shall be allowed him as if he had continued out the whole term.
The foregoing conditions mutually agreed upon and signed this twenty-seventh day of March 1899
Papers of Ernest Henry Wilson, 1896-1952. Copy of a letter from Charles Sprague Sargent to James Veitch, 1899.
(seq. 1)
Copy of Letter WII 4:2
Arnold Arboretum Harvard University.
Jamaica Plain, Mass., March 17th 1899
My dear Veitch:
I have this morning received your letter of March 8th. It is needless for me to say that I shall be glad to do anything in my power to help your collector when he appears here. I shall be in Washington a few days at a meeting of the National Academy on the 19th of April and I shall be leaving again probably for the south about the 1st of May. I hope therefore that he will come between those two dates, or delay coming here until about the 15th of May.
Dr. Henry is now in an almost semitropical country where there are no mountain ranges and it is not probable, although of course possible, that plants from that part of China would be hardy in England.
It takes about two months and a half to get a letter from Dr. Henry's present station to Boston, so that if your man left here on the 1st of May he would not reach Dr. Henry before August. Probably with delays at HongKong, Tonkin and other places en route, it would be the 1st of September before he found Dr. Henry. In this case I should think it would be desirable for him to remain with Dr. Henry during the autumn and early winter
Papers of Ernest Henry Wilson, 1896-1952. Book I: Field Diary, March 22, 1903 to April 30, 1904
(seq. 4)
Arrived Shanghai 6 p.m. on the evening of March 22nd after a rough and unpleasant passage in the S/S "Ch[?}g" from Hong Kong. Put up at Central Hotel at $6.00 per day inclusive.
23rd Call at British Counsulate for Pekin passport which I find awaiting me alright.
24th Hunt up my old Boy's friend Mr. Tung Feh and make inquiries as to whereabouts of my old Boy. Find he is still in Shanghai and send for him. Boy turns up at night alright & is glad to return to my service. Says he is willing to accompany me anywhere only wants