Dorothea Rousby Cookery Book

Pages That Mention Venice

A cookery book with index, containing recipes for preserves, cakes, wines, and household remedies [manuscript], 1694

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16 The Green Oyntment Take halfe A Pound of Fresh Hogs grease 3 ounces of venas Turpentine halfe a pound of Rozen halfe A Pound of Verdegrease Putt all these together into A Skellett and Boyle it untill it comes to A Salve And Strane it into A Gally Pott

The Use of These Take Some of ye Affore mentioned Caustick Powder and mix it with ye Green Oyntment Spread ym thin upon A cloth just ye Bigness of ye nolimetangere and Apply it to ye Same, it must lye on 8 or 10 Dayes till it cast off And yn Apply another Plaister untill all ye dead Flesh be Spent

The White Tarter Water is to be Applyed to the Nolimetangere with A cloth dipt in it if occasion Require it is Allsoe very good for A Canker in ye Nose, Ringworme or Any dead Flesh

The Red Water is to wash ye eyes and Webb if blood Shott or Pained, and will alsoe Preserve the Sight and is Propper for Any Sore to be used Warms and is often cast in with A Seringe if Occation offer

The Green Oyntment is to be Applyed to ye Nolimetangere after ye caustick hath done it's Workeing to heal and draw ye Place and may be used to draw any Sore [H?] Approved

Last edit over 4 years ago by kconnor
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13 To Make unguentum Inernatum Uiry good for old on new Sores and All Manner: of Sores Approved and Experimented Take may Butter or Bores Grease Two Pound of Bettony Halfe a Pound, Agremony Halfe A Pound Rozen A Pound venus Turpintine one Penny Worth Honey one Penny worth and lett ye Hearb's ye chopt Small and lett ym infuse in ye Said Grease or Butter 9 or 10 Dayes yn, Sett it over A Soft fire and melt it and Strane it through A Pees of Canvis and Sett it over the fire Againe and Putt in your Wax and Rosin and when it is melted take itt of and Putt in your Honey and Turpentine and Stir it continually till it be could and then it is made, The more Bettony you Putt in ye Better it will be The Lady Hackett

The Black Salve for Any Cutt Take 3 Pints of Sallett Oyle A Quart of White Wine Halfe a Pound of Red Lead boyle all those together halfe an Houre then Putt in halfe A Pound of Venus Turpentine half A Pound of Frankincense one Pound of Stone Pitch halfe A Pound of yallow Wax A Quarter of A Pound of Dear Suett A quarter of A Pound of Rozin beat all these in A Morter and Putt ym Amongst ye fore mentioned Jndreadients, they must Boyle for 4 or 5 houres yn take itt of ye Fire and Hould yee Pipkin in could water till it is thick as you can but get it out yn Oyle ye Board and Power it out and Roule it into Roules for your use this is good for Any Green or Old Wound or finger or Cutt:

Last edit over 4 years ago by kconnor
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12 A Balsome to Cure A Green Wound Take Sallett Oyle venus Turpentine of Each one Pint Putt ye Same into A Glass with A narro Mouth yn Putt thereto of these Flowers following in their Season ye Flower's of cammomile Red Roase Budd's and bugel's flowers of Each one Handfull of ye St. Jones Wort 3 Handfulls ye Flowers of Centwary and Calladyne of Each Halfe A Handfull mix ym Amongst ye Rest and Stop ye glass close and Sett ym in ye Sunn Two Moneth's and use ye leaves and Allas it is in ye Glass this balsome will heal any green Wound Approve'd

To Wash ye Wound Take A Pint of white Wine one ounce of mastick Seeth ym together a good While yn wash ye Sore or wound with it; wch is very good

For A Burne Take a good Handfull of marregould Leaves A handfull of Sheeps Dung A good quantety of Alehoofe A handfull of Houselike Stamp ym Small and boyle these together in A quart of Thick creame or if you will Keep it long Boyle it in Boares grease and may Butter ye Quantety of A Pint of Each and boyle it to A thick oyntment So Straine it out and Anoint with A Feather as oft you Please

To make Issue Plaister Take Bees Wax 6 ʒ Turpentine 3 ounces Cinaber halfe An ounce Red Lead 3 ʒ and A halfe; Oriss Roote [fy?] Poudered 1 ʒ musk 2 graines First melt ye Wax and Turpentine yn mix ye Powder in A little Sweet Sallett Oyle and desolve ye musk in Rose Water and mix ym all together over A Gentle fire without boyling ym yn dip A fine lin cloth in itt and Smooth it with A Knife

Last edit over 4 years ago by kconnor
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