City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention L P Terry


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To the Honorable Mayor & Common Council of the City of Seattle The undersigned members of the Board of Delagates of the Fire Department of the City of Seattle, would resepctfully represent to your honorable body, that, the remomval of Engine No 2 from its present quarters to Belltown,, as heretofore ordered by your honorable body, is against the public interests of the City, and will in case of a fire in the business portion of the City work an irreparable injury We would therefore respectfully pray your honorable body to rescind your said order and allow the engine to remain where it is. And your petitioners will ever pray U M Rasin President Secretary Delegate No 2 L P Terry Delegate No 2 W M Jones Delegate No 3 J F McDonald Delegate No 2 J Schram Delegate No H&L Robt Abrams Delegate No 1 Jack Levy Delegate No H&L

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives


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To the Mayor & City Council for the City of Seattle Herewith we submit a remonstrance signed by the Merchants and Property holders and the Firemen of this City against the proposed removal of No 2 Engine With the exception of Mr Keating and Mr Ritterhoff Every person Who has seen the remonstrance have experssed a wish to sign it We mention the names of these two gentlemen not to qustion their motives only to prove our assertion and show the practical unanmity of public sentiment an the question of removal We will say further that in getting signers We have where a known predijudice was Entertained against the Council Not presented this remonstrance Respectfully Submitted G Kellogg J McDonald L P Terry Com on remonstrance

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives
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