Pages That Mention W M Jones
To the Honorable Mayor & Common Council of the City of Seattle The undersigned members of the Board of Delagates of the Fire Department of the City of Seattle, would resepctfully represent to your honorable body, that, the remomval of Engine No 2 from its present quarters to Belltown,, as heretofore ordered by your honorable body, is against the public interests of the City, and will in case of a fire in the business portion of the City work an irreparable injury We would therefore respectfully pray your honorable body to rescind your said order and allow the engine to remain where it is. And your petitioners will ever pray U M Rasin President Secretary Delegate No 2 L P Terry Delegate No 2 W M Jones Delegate No 3 J F McDonald Delegate No 2 J Schram Delegate No H&L Robt Abrams Delegate No 1 Jack Levy Delegate No H&L
To the Honorable Mayor and Council of theCity of Seattle We the undersigned Residents of this City Residing in the vicinity of Lake Unoin. Most Respectfully ask that your Honorable body take the necessary steps to provide an alarm Bell for Engine company No3 Thee being at present no means whatever for sounding an alarm in case of Fire and also Two good Laadders one Sixteen and one 24 feet long. + Names Western Mill Co. Lake Union Furniture Co. G L Burns B Kurz A E Hansen Henry Penner W M Jones G E Penner H J Morden James Frankland A J Charleston R Cheadle Geo W Hall E Bryan B B Freid H J Hansen W H Blick Frank W Chandberg C C Rich William Rich W W Smith Joseph Raber
683 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 4 1885 Licenses Ordered issued Ordered that Licenses be issued as follows to wit: Schwabacher Bros & Co Wholesale Liquor for 6 months from Aug 9 85 Gumbert & Dickman Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Sept 1st 85 Geo F McConnell Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 12 months from Aug 22nd 85 A F Hill Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Sep 3rd 85 Vitus Schmidt Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 6 months from Sept 14th 85 Geo M Perkins Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Aug 15th 85 Andrew Slorah Retail Malt Liquor for 3 months from Aug 14th 85 John Levy Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Sept 6th 85 Jacob Boegli Retail Malt Liquor for 3 months from Aug 22nd 85 Ernst Romey Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Aug 22nd 85 Julius W Smith Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Aug 8 85 Morgan & Lawrence Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Aug 23 85 The vote on granting said licenses is as follows: In favor of granting same Calligan, Furth, Hall, Keenen, Lake, McDonald & Young against none. Claims Allowed The following claims having been duly audited by the terminal are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the funds in the following amounts, viz: Name Fund No Amt Services W R Forrest City 1255 84.34 Salary Clerk partMo W R Forrest City 1256 100.00 Salary Atty C H Hanford City 1257 100.00 Salary Chief of Police Jas Bogart City 1259 60.00 Janitor & Jailor Police W H Hughes City 1258 100.00 Salary Assessor J D Lowman City 1260 82.25 Salary Treasurer partMo W M Jones City 1261 42.20 Salary Policeman partMo Jas Welch City 1262 65.00 Salary Policeman partMo Wm Pinckney City 1263 65.00 Salary Policeman Wm Murphy City 1264 65.00 Salary Policeman A E Hunnen City 1265 4.40 Salary Special Policeman Jas Donovan City 1266 4.40 Salary Special Policeman L A Hobson City 1267 2.20 Salary Special Policeman L Cummings City 1268 63.00 St Coroner Part Mo $837.39
721 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 4 1885 James Burke City 65.00 Salary Police Officer W H Pinckney City 40.00 Salary Police Officer W H Pinckney City 25.00 Salary Police Officer Wm Murphy City 65.00 Salary Police Officer W M Jones City 65.00 Salary Police Officer James Welch City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Sunset Telephone Co City 5.90 Telephone Service for Dec Harrington & Smith City 5.90 Supplies for Jail F S Chadbourne & Co City 5.90 Straw Beds for Jail Young & McKeon City 5.90 Repair city Jail A Chilberg City 5.90 Salary City Treasurer Thos Rock City 49.50 Labor on Streets Daniel Moore City 54.00 Labor on Streets James Campbell City 51.75 Labor on Streets R L Woolery City 54.00 Labor on Streets Phillip Corcrane City 49.50 Labor on Streets Patrick DeLaney City 50.05 Labor on Streets John Christopher City 51.19 Labor on Streets Michael Costello City 47.80 Labor on Streets Jno Keenan City 55.05 Labor on Streets Luther Albee City 16.85 Labor on Streets Henry Rosberg City 48.35 Labor on Streets J Scott City 50.05 Labor on Streets Michael Murphy City 50.05 Labor on Streets J S McClellan City 33.15 Labor on Streets [total] 656.79 J A McBeath & Co City 12.15 Shoeing Horses & Repairs S Chilberg City 10.50 1/2 ton feed Harrington & Smith City 65.18 Supplies Street Comm Stetson and Post Mill Co City 157.32 Lumber for Streets James Dunham City 75.00 Salary for Eng No 2 W A Perry City 75.00 Salary for Eng No 2 R H Calligan City 2.50 Hauling Engine No 1 W M Jones City 3.00 Washing hose T W Lake City 1.50 Telegram to San Fran Spring Hill Water co City 166.00 Water Month of Nov Seattle Gas Light Co City 363.93 Gas Month of Nov W F Glick City 32.43 Care of Street Lights
733 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jan 4 1886 Claims Allowed The following claims against the City having been duly audinted by the Councilare ordered paid by warrant drawn on the several funds W R Forrest 125.00 Salary City Clerk C H Hanford 100.00 Salary City Atty A Chilberg 83.33 Salary City Treeasurer W H Hughes 100.00 Salary Policeman J H Woolery 100.00 Salary City Assessor W Murphy 100.00 Salary City Chief of Police Jas Welch 65.00 Salary Policeman W M Jones 65.00 Salary Policeman W H Pinckney 65.00 Salary Policeman James Burke 67.15 Salary Policeman Laurence Cummings 91.00 Salary St Commisnr' James Bogart 60.00 Salary Jailor James Bogart 47.60 Board of Prisoners Sunset Telephone Co 5.90 Telephone for Jany Stetson & Post Mill Co 311.93 Lumber for Stable Harrington & Smith 25.44 Material for Stable Chronicle Pub Co 27.38 city Printing' Lowman & Hanford Co 7.50 Two receipts for Treasurer Guisseppi Demartini 4.00 Refund Poll Tax 65 years old R H Thomson 9.00 Services on Road Com. R H Thomson 73.00 Locating Govt Monuments R H Thomson 60.00 Services Union St Sewer James Burke 20.25 Labor on Streets James Finegan 48.35 Labor on Streets [total] $383.65 Joseph Mann 51.25 Labor on Streets John Maloney 53.10 Labor on Streets Henry Roseburg 49.50 Labor on Streets Michael Costello 57.69 Labor on Streets J L McClellan 57.35 Labor on Streets J Scott 46.35 Labor on Streets