Pages That Mention Western Mill Co
fire 105 D Petition of Western Mill Co et al For a bell for Engine Co #3 at Lake Union
582 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 2/85 W M Curtis Labor on Streets No 763 $2.25 A Nummelin Labor on Streets 764 $5.06 J M Hoffman Labor on Streets 765 $4.50 W Crowsur Labor on Streets 766 $30.95 C M Bywater Labor on Streets 767 $24.20 J R Davis Labor on Streets 768 $10.69 James Hodgkinson Labor on Streets 769 $5.75 James Bogart Boarding prisoners 770 $21. Western Mill Co Lumber 771 $580.02 Geo Newell Lumber 772 $244.37 Stetson & Post Lumber 773 $193.34 Ed Herrick hauling Lumber 774 $30. B B Freed hauling Lumber 775 $27.75 L S Card hauling Lumber 776 $7.85 Hans Nelson hauling Lumber 777 $11.77 Ballard & Sox Hardware & Sewer Pipe 778 $269.08 Harrington & Smith hardware 779 $11.75 Wm Beattie horse shoeing etc 780 $6.20 Jones & Hubbell feed for team 781 $36.20 J F Warner & Co repairs to harnesses etc 782 $8. R H Thompson Engineering Marion St sewer 783 $33.90 Fire Fund W A Perry Engineer #1 No 503 $75. P E Smith Engineer #2 504 $75. James Dunham Washing Hose 505 $3. Miller Bros Hauling Engine from Fire 506 $2.50 Harrington & Smith Hatcher Handle 507 $.50 Water Fund John Sturm Keeping hydrants open No 6 $30. John F Trana Keeping hydrants open 7 $27. Stetson & Post Lumber for hydrants 8 $6.55 Moses Keezer Boxing hydrant 9 $2. J R Davis Working hydrant 10 $9. Sharpe, Coffman & Co Repairs hydrant 11 $5. Ballard & Sox Oil Can for hydrant 12 $1.
595 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 6/85 P E Smith Engineer #2 No 512 $77.50 Frank McCoy Work on Engine & hose 513 5. A LaBrasche Washing hose 514 3. James Dunham Washing hose 515 3. Waddell & Miles Stove etc for Engine House #2 516 30.87 Hall & Paulson Furniture Co Furniture for Engine House #2 517 93. R L Burke Repairing Engine Room for # 4 518 10.50 Western Mill Co Lumber for Engine Room for #4 519 23.77 W N Bell Lumber for Engine Room for #4 520 2.35 Ballard & Sox Nails etc 521 2.25 John McCauley & Co Fixing Bell Clapper 522 1. Geo London Engine from fire 523 5. J D Lowman Ink Stands 524 1. Seattle Lodge No7 IOOF Taxes refunded 525 2.25 Cemetary Fund Seattle Cemetary Association Lots exchanged as follows: Mrs S J Plummer $31.50 S F Coombs $31.50 E Calbert $31.50 D Horton $31.50 W W White $31.50 No 35 $157.50 Seattle Cemetary Association W Perry Smith 36 16.50 Ursula Wyckoff Lots Exchanged 37 25. Moses Keezer Lots Exchanged 38 16.50. Mary Etta Settle Lots Exchanged 39 12.50 A E Hanford Acknowledging Deeds 40 10. Seattle Lodge No7 IOOF Taxes refunded 41 25. Water Fund Spring Hill Water Co Water No 16 $139.50 Sharpe Coffman & Co repairing Hydrant 17 5. Fifth Street Grade #573 R H Thompson Engineering No 1312 $28.45 Wm Harkins Bal in Contract 1313-1351 1450.65 Latimers Claim The Claim of J H May against the Road Fund is referred to Street Comtee The Claim of W G Latimer as submitted by the street Commissioner in pursuance of teh order of the Council of Date Jan 16,185 and
628 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Cemetary Fund Seattle Cemetary Association deed of E Daniels to City Park Lot No 56 $16.50 Globe Printing Co records for Washelli Cem 57 60.75 Western Mill Co lumber 58 30. Water Fund Spring Hill Water Co Water No 21 $166. Miscellaneous Ordered that His HOnor the Mayor be & is hereby requested to presenet the claims of Providence Hospital & Smith & Willand to the County Commissioners for their action, also the claimof Providence Hospital hereto forepaid And now in accordance with law the Council proceeds to select the members of the Board of Registration for the term provided by law. Whereupon an electionis held and thefollowing named persons receiving the unanimous vote of all the Councilmen, are duly declared elected as members of the Board of Registration for the term provided by law. First Ward R H Thomson Second Ward David Kellogg Third Ward Wm H Hughes Ordinances The Atty submits an ordinance entitled "An ordinance creating the Office of Custodian of the City Powder Magazine and prescribing regulation for the storage of Powder" After due consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit In favor of adoption Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder, Yesler & Latimer. Against same none. 2 Ordinances are submitted each being entitles "A special ordinance appropriating moneyto pay audited bills" Adopted upon the following vote towit: In favor of adoption Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder, Yesler & Latimer. Against adop= tion none. Ordered that the claim of the Chronicle Pub Co against the Fire Fund for printing in the sum of $1.50 be paid Ordered that the Council stand no adjourned attest E S Osborne, clerk Approved John Leary mayor
634 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE matter Referred to Street Comtee From Geo F McConnell & Co for rebate on license money Granted. Communications and Reports From Sunset Telephone Co regarding Fire Department Telephone. Referred to Board of Fire Delegtes Fro Chief of Fire Department on Departments matters, Referred to Board of Fire Delegates From Justic Hill showing Police Business for 11 months Ordered filed. From the Attorney on the claim of A M Jonassen. Report adopted claim rejected. From the Atty on the petition of James Dougan for cancelling tax title to lots 9&12 Blk 66 of A A Denny's platReprot adopted Committe Reports The Sewer Comtee returning without action the ordinance to regulate connections with Sewer. Laid on the table. Applications for Licenses Referred Thomas & Morgan, James Miles, Chas G Steinwey, E J Powers & Co Bittner & Theiler, Abraham Brugger, John McCary, Chas F O'Hara Thos Clancy, L V Schnyder & Jospeh Francisco Licenses ORdered Issued M K Gottstein for wholesale Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from June 17 The vote on granting said license is as follows. In favor of the same Frye, Sox, Yesler, Latimer, Rinehart, Crockett, Graham Against same none. Claims Paid J D Lowman Treasurer No 1160 $150. Cedar River Coal Co Coal 1161 $4. Geo F McConnell & CoLicense money refunded1162 $31.15 Road Fund Seattle HArdware Co Hardware No 1008 $6.70 Western Mill Co Lumber 1009 5.44 Gas Fund J Schram & Co Repairs etc. No 120 $24.15