Pages That Mention L P Ferry
To the Hon. the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle Gentlemen We the undersigned hereby certify that pursuant to Ordinance Nos 536 & 538 an election was held at the City Hall between the hour of 11 o'clock and 6 o'clock PM of May 5, 1884 for the Chief of the Fire Department with the following result to wit: Total number of votes cast 73 Gardner Kellogg received 67 votes Robt Abrams 2 votes Stuart Snyder 1 vote Blanks 3
Dated Seattle WT May 5, 1884 E S Osborne Clerk City of Seattle
A Labrache Teller Seattle Engine Co No 1 L P Ferry Teller Washington Engine Co No 2 Wm M Jones Teller Union Engine Co No 3 Nicholas Schnyder Teller Hook & Ladder Co No 1
645 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE E S Osborne Clerk No 1131 $125. C H Hanford Atty 1132 100. J H Woolery Chief of Police 1133 150. E A Gardner Police 1134 80. Wm Murphy Police 1135 80. James Welch Police 1137 80. F L Bangs Police 1138 80. Wm H Pinckney Police 1139-1140 80. Peter Bruen Special Police 1141 3. Harry Struve Special Police 1142 3. G L Manning Street Commissioner 1143 80.50 G A Hill J Ps Fees 1144 4.40 Geo G Lyon J Ps Fees 1145 12.40 Wm Hughes Assessor 1146 62.50 Wm Hughes Special Deputies Assessing City 1147 622. James Bogart Janitor & Jailor 1148 60. Post Intelligencer Pub Co Printing 1149 4. Lowman & Hanford S & P Co Tax Rolls 1150 100. Sunset Telephone Co Line Rentals 1151 6.65. F Anthony Bonding Detail Lists 1152 49. Wald & Campbell Lock for Powder House 1153 3. Schwabacher Bros & Co Window brushes 1154 2.75 Neuman & Argens Keys to council desks & Mops 1155 2. Lee Backniloss Witness fee City -v-Lu Kee 1156 2.20 Mary Robinson Witness fee City -v-Lu Kee 1157 2.20 L P Ferry Witness fee City -v-Lu Kee 1158 2.20 Nicholas S Snyder Cancelling Certificate of Purchase 1159 13.44 Road Fund Robt Reed Labor on Streets No 971 $ 75. J Close Labor on Streets 972 74.75 Thos Rock Labor on Streets 973 56.25 A C Turner Labor on Streets 974 55.13 W J Alexander Labor on Streets 975 55.13 James Campbell Labor on Streets 976 54.56 Geo Van Dyke Labor on Streets 977 52.87 Geo Huntley Labor on Streets 978 52.87
696 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 18 1885 Petition of Northwestern Cracker Company for a sidewalk on west-sideof Front St Referred to Street Committee Communication from F A Minick regarding pay o fEngineer Engine Co No 1 Referred to Committee on Fire and Water. Communication for L P Ferry et al asking for removal of Jas Dunham Engineer No 2. Referred to Com. on Fire and Water. Communication from Chief of the Fire Dept asking permission to sell condemned hose at private sale. Referred ot Commission of Fire And Water. Reports From Judiciary Committee approving report of City Justice G A Hill, Justice of the Peace Geo G Lyon, Chiefof Police and City Jailor and the same are received and ordered filed. From Judiciaary Committee recommending that the petition of Powers & Meyers praying that the suit of the City against them be decided upon payment of costs by granted. n motion the petition referred back to the Committee for further investigation From the Finance Committee as follows: Your Committee respectfully report that they employed Mr E Shepard to assist the City Clerk in Balancing the various accounts as well as the City Treasurer's books: The work done was a very tedious undertaking from the fact that the accounts have been running for several years without having been balanced. The manner in which the books will be kept hereafter will assist your Committee in verifying the Treasurers report which under the former system was almost an impossibility. We herewith submit the report of our City Clerk and
708 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Miscellaneous Ordered that the application of Fitzgerald for refunding ceertain taxes be referred to Finance Committee Ordered that North 7th Street from Blanchard to Battery Street be opened in accordance with the petition of S Sloane et al Ordered that the Committee on Fire and Water be authorized to negotiate for the purchace of a new Fire Alarm Bell for Engine House No 1 Ordered that the matter of Extension of Rollin St be continued until next regular meeting. Specific charges against Engineer James Dunham by Chief of the Fire Dept G Kellogg, Asst Chiefs Minick and Hunter, and L P Ferry foreman et al, -On motion the same are referred to the Board of Fire Delegates with instructions to report their findings to the Council at next regular meeting Union St Sewer The Council now proceeds to open the bids for the constructin of Union St sewer whereupon the following bids were presented: Bid of Wm H Harkins Sewer pipe per lineal foot $ 1.55 Brick per [thousand] 15.00 Iron Cover for manhole 35.00 Iron Cover for lamp holes 20.00 each Bid of Simpson and Jordan Sewer pipe per lineal foot $ 1.49 Brick per [thousand] 18.00 Iron Cover for manhole 25.00 Iron Cover for lamp holes 27.00 each On motion of Counclman Calligan the matter is laid
34 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jun 25 1886 Be it remembered that on this the 25th day of June 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor H L Yesler and Councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, Geo Hall, W A Harrington T W Lake, Chas McDonald and G W Young & J J Post When the following preceedings are had to wit: Petitions Received From Rod & Gun Club for permission to shoot pigeon match on Columbia & Puget Sound Wharf on July 5th. Granted From T J Howard for permission to conduct a laundry. rejected From W Burret et al for a sewer along Block 44 on Front Street to connect with Virginia Street sewer. Referred to Committee on Sewers From Rice and Clarke for permission to conduct a Public Laundry. Granted From J B Metcalfe et al for street lamps on Jackson and Main Street referred to Finance Comittee From L P Ferry asking that certain taxes paid to the City by him be refunded. Referred to Finance Committee Committee Reports Received From Com. on fire and Water recommending that the petition of W H Pumphrey et al for 5 fire plugs on 8th and Union Sts be granted adopted From License Committee recommending that Miss Della Widger be permitted to sell dress making chart without a license. Adpopted Fron Judiciary Committee reporting on charges against L Cummings that the same are unfounded; untrue and