Pages That Mention J Green
77 Petition of Citizens & Taxpayers of Freement For extension of license Limits
C P Stone et al John Jenkins voter A J Pearse voter George James Iron Founder J S Oldham voter D Morton Tax Payer W H Maqueken Tax Payer Jarry J Divern TaxPayer James Worth voter J Green K Berg Boot & Shoemaker H P Aurneson Boot & Shoemaker Josiah Lewis voter T C Oram John C Lewis voater W E Levin Tax Payer J W Eckels Tax Payer & voter
70 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 11 1886 exception of J W Hunt and F A Fay, who each received five votes of the Council. The Mayor announces that he has amended his previous appointment of Committee as follows:
Judiciary and } J Furth chairman Legislative } J M Frink & T D Hinckley
Public Buildings} Chas F Reitze chairman and Grounds } C W Coulter & J M Frink
Health and} T D Hinckley chairman Police } J M Frink & Robt Russell
Finance} J M Frink chairman } T D Hinckley & J Furth
Streets and } T W Lake chairman Street Improvements } C F Reitze & Robt Russell
Fire and Water} J M Frink chairman Supply } T W Lake & Joseph Green
Street Lights} J Green chairman } C F Reitze & J Furth
License and} T D Hinckley chairman Revenue } T W Lake & C W Coulter
Harbor and} T W Lake chairman Wharves } J Furth & R Russell
Sewers and} J Green chairman Drainage } C W Coulter & J M Frink
73 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 20 1886 E C Huntley R Intox 3 months from Aug 11th 1886 Harms & Peters R Intox 3 months from Aug 20th 1886 A Slorah R Intox 3 months from Aug 28th1886 Wm Gross R Intox 3 months from Aug 1st 1886 E Champeaux R Intox 3 months from Sept 5 1886 A P Hoteling Co Wholesale Intox 6 months from July 16 1886 Ernst Romey R Malt 3 months from Aug 22 1886 Fred Gasch R Malt 3 months from Aug 8 1886 W Waugh R Malt 3 months from Aug 16 1886 M McDonald R Malt 3 months from Aug 13 1886 thos Anderson R Malt 3 months from Aug 8 1886 Margaret O'Shea R Malt 3 months from Aug 15 1886 The Vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows to wit: In favor of the same J M Frink J Green, T D Hinckley, T W Lake, R Russell & C F Reitze against none Bills Allowed The following claims against the City having been duly audited and allowed by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows viz: Name WarrantFund Amount Remarks John W McGee 1847 City 28.21 Services as Police Officers D H Blackman 1848 City 26.00 Services as Police Officers W H DeWolf 1849 City 32.00 Services as Police Officers A McRae 1850 City 28.21 Services as Police Officers [Geo M Craig]] 1851 City 2.00 Services as Police Officers E Shepard 1852 City 69.30 Deputy Clerk D C Harris 1853 City 3.75 Recording Deeds G Davis & Co 1854 City 12.00 Code & Laws E Meyer 1855 City 2.50 Meals for Election Ofrs E Hoisington 1856 City 2.50 Specl Officer H & W McDonald 893 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose Wm McDonald 894 Fire 1.00 Work at Jackson St Bridge Wm McDonald 895 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose Boardman & Woolery 896 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose
84 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 7 1886 Be it remembered that on this the 7th day of September 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to call of His Honor the Mayor The Following officers are present to wit: Mayor W H Shoudy and Councilmen C W Coulter, J M Frink, J Green, T D Hinckley, C F Reitze amd R Russell Thereupon the folowing proceedings are had: On motion it is ordered that the action of the Council in granting the petition of H L Yesler for permission to erect certain wooden buildings be reconsidered. On motion it is ordered that petitions of H L Yesler for permission to erect an addititon to certain wooden building on James Street be granted. On motion it is ordered that the petition of H L Yealer for permission to erect a wooden building on Front Street between the Yesler Leary Building and L M Starrs building be not granted. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn W H Shouldy mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk by E Shepard deputy
114 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 19 1886 Be it remembered that on this the 19th day of Nov 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law; the following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor Shoudy and councilmen Frink, Green, Hinckley and Reitze: There not being a quorum present it is ordered that the Council adjourn until Friday November 26th at 7 o'clock PM W H Shoudy mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk Nov 26 1886 Be it remembered that on this the 26th day of November1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law; the following officers are present viz: Mayor W H Shoudyand councilmen C W Coulter, J Furth, J M Frink, J Green, T D Hinckley, R Russell and C F Reitze: The following proceedings are had, to wit: Minutes of the last meeting are read and approved Petitions etc Petition of Geo Kinnear to vacate Allee and Bluff Sts between Banner and Temperance Streets and to extend High Street through Block 7 of G Kinnears Addition to the City of Seattle Granted by full vote. Petition of W U Telegraph Co for reduction of assessed valuation of its property within the limits of the City of Seattle. Laid on the table. Petition of E F Lange for abatement of a nuisance in Jefferson Street Referred tp Street Committee.