City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Fifteenth


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Seattle, Washington. December 27" 1893.


The Board of Public Works. Seattle, Washington.


We, The Undersigned, residents of Beacon Hill in the City of Seattle, respectfully petition that five ( 5) Arc Lights be located at the following points on 14th Street and Fifteenth streets on Beacon Hill

One Light at the corner of 15th Street and Frederick streets. One Light at the corner of Amy Street and Fifteenth streets. One Light at the corner of Grand Street and Fourteenth streets. One Light at the corner of Atlantic Street and Fourteenth streets. One Light at the corner of Canal Street and Fourteenth streets.

At the present time there is not a City light established on the Hill. We are without police protection and owing to these conditions are liable to all the danger and annoyance that darkness and lack of protection entail. Thousands of dollars have been expended in improvements on Beacon Hill, yet up to the present time we have been unable to secure any light service whatever. We earnestly request that this petition may receive your early attention, and such action be taken by your Honorable Board as will bring this matter to the attention of the proper officials in order that the lights petitioned for may be established at an early date.

Respecfully yours, New England Northwestern Investment Co, M. N. Young, General Manager.

M. N. Young C. H. Black F. D. Black E. Atwood J G F Dearborn W. G. Scott R W Cawingorm George E. Wright Wm Wright

Gen agreement from Company

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom
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