Pages That Mention Lombard Street
T the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle
Gentlemen Your petitioners the owners of property of John Street in the City of Seattle respectfully request your honorable body to order said John Street graded and Sidewalked From Elliot Bay to Lombard Street with 8ft of walk on each side.
Name /Lot /Blk ________________________________________ 1. 6 Stimson Mill /1,2,3,8,9,&10/18 N Seattle 2 1. E Leockwood / 1/59 3 3. B F Bette / Lots 11&12 Blk 59 Lot 7BLk60 4 1. W C Sanderlin /3/68 5 1/2 L H Foster / South half 12/68 6 1. Mrs. F Raftery / 11/68 7 1 Priert & Turner / 1/67 8 1 Frank Teem /7/67 9 2 Wm Ritterhoff /1&2/68 1- 1 Dyer & Nickerson /2/67 11 1 Mrs H L Hall /2/59 12 2 August Schone /5x6/60 13 1 Chas Kayser /n 40ft/68 14 1 B A Anderson /Lot 2 /58
609 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar 21/85 Be it remembered that on this 20th day of March 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following Officers are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmembers B.H. Northup, Alfred Snyder, H.L Yesler, W.G. Latimer and W.V Rinehart. Thereupon the following proceedings are had. Petitions Rec'd James St planking of sewer in 5th St. into James S Cherry Sts From John Collins et al for planking, James Street from Front to Second Street. Referred to Street Committee From Fridolin Wilhelm et al for a sewer in Fifth Street between Cherry and James Streets. Refered to Committee on Sewers. Lombard, Payne and Birch Sts Opening of Lombard, Payne & Birch Sts Opening of From Thos Mercer et al for opening Lombard, Payne and Birch Street in Collins addition. Referred To Street Committee [Hose Co #1] admitted to Fire Dept From The Board of the Delegates recommending the admission of "Hose Co No 1" to the Seattle Fire Department. Thereupon said recommendation is approved and said "Hose Co. No. 1" is hereby declared admitted into the Seattle Fire Department. Reports Rec'd Commercial Mill & Front St planking cost of From the Street Commissioner showing the cost of planking Commercial Mill and Front Streets. Report adopted. Cemetary to be fenced. Park approved. From the Cemetary Commission recommending the fencing of the City Cemetary and for certain improvements to the City Park. Ordered that the Clerk be & is hereby instructed to notify said Commission that a fence has heretofore been ordered by the Council for the Cemetary and further ordered that the Committee on Public Buildings, Property and Grounds in connection with said Cemetary Commission be and are instructed to repair the fence around the City Park and to make certain other repairs to said Park grounds. Rollin St Extension From Surveyor reporting progress on Rollin Street Extension ordered that the surveyor be & is hereby instructed to complete the plat of such extension. Moltke St From Street Committee reporting against granting the petition of A.E. Houser et al for opening Moltke Street. Report adopted. Blk 42 draining of From Committee reporting against granting the petition of D.C. Townsend et al for draining Block 42 Hen's S.A. Bell addition.
513 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jun 29 1888 Petition of F E Sanders & others for extension of sewer in Madison Street to Twelfth Street read and referred to the Committee on Sewers and Drainage. Remonstance of H L Yesler & others against granting a franchise for a street railway in Front Street, read and on motion of Councilman Reitze tabled. Petition fo Wm Boyle for permission to put a lunch and lemonade stand foot of Mill Street next to the Coleman Building, read and rejected. Petition of W N White & others for the grading of Lombard Street & laying sidewalks on bothmsides of said street. read and referred to the Committee on Streets. Petition of Parry & Reardon for permission to put a tent stand at Intersection of Front & Mill Streets until July 5th read & Rejected. Licenses referred John Brannen, O N Morse, J M Blanchard & Co, Ahlby & Kriedel Thompson & O'Hara, Shaw & Alger, J T Armstrong, Clancy & McMasters, Jensen& Kunst, Joshua Prosser, James F Megrath Julius Wegert, Julius Wright & Co. Committee Reports Received From Street Committee on remonstrance of Amos Brown against filling in foot of Spring Street unless a bulkhead is built to protect his property; that the committee had stopped dumping earth at the foot of said street and no bulkhead would be required. Orderd filed. From Same Committee returning petition of A Krug & others for the grading of Sixth Street fromBattery St toDepot Street without recommendation but the Committee
520 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jul 6 1888 Committee Reports Received From Street committee rejecting petition of John Leary for a cable road franchise on Front Street for forty (40) years. Adopted From same Committee tabling the remonstrance of D S Smith & H Patrick against change of grade on West Street. Adopted. From same Committee granting petition of W N White & others for grading and laying sidewalks on both sides of Lombard Street from Depot to Harrison Street recommending that the City Surveyor be directed to submit plans and specifications therefore. Adopted. From same Committee granting petition of J N Nist & others for grading Rollin Street and laying sidewalks on both sides of said street from Depot Street to Republican Street and recommending that the Surveyor be instructed to prepare plans and specifications therefore. Adopted. From same Committee rejecting the remonstrance of H L Yesler & others against against granting a franchise for a Cable Road on Front Street; and recommending that such franchise be granted to J M Thompson and his asociates. Adopted From same Committee granting petition of H L Yesler & others for grading Mill Street for a distance of twelve blocks for Williamson Street to Windsor Street. Adopted and the Surveyor directed to submit plans and specifications at the next meeting. From the Committee on Sewers and Drainage recom-
554 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 3 1888 Remonstrance of [Frank A Keene]] against the line of the grade of South Eleventh Street, read & referred to the Street Committee an City Attorney. Remonstrance of H M Peters against grade of sidewalk on Box Street in front of Block 56 read and on motion tabled. Petitionf of J A Gould & others for opening Ward Street from Farm to Lombard Street and Lombard Street frpm Farm Street to Farragut Street read and referred to Street Committee. Petition of Geo B Kittenger for permission to raise certain buildings on Washington Street to grade read and referred to Committee on Streets with power to act. Remonstrance of J C Haines and others against granting a franchise for the construction of any street Railway on Union Street which is to be operated by what is known as the overhead" system of electric propulsion read and referred to the Street Committee. PetitioinofD T Denny & others praying that the sewer on Bell Street heretofore ordered constructed be extended to Fifth Street read and referred to Committee on Sewers and Drainage. Petition of W V Rinehart and others for streeet lights on Fifth Street between Pine & Bell Street read and referred to Committee on Street Lights. Petition of Peter Durose for permission to erect a boot black stand in Mill Street referred to Com. on Fire and Water.