City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Seattle Lodge No7 IOOF


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594 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 6/85 J A O'Neal Labor on Streets No 823 $16.87 E C McClanahan Labor on St 824 15.75 R A Wilson Labor on Streets 825 15.75 H B Williams Labor on Streets 826 14.62 A P Huson Labor on Streets 827 14.60 W Curtis Labor on Streets 828 9. S D Fannon Labor on Streets 829 9. Stetson & Post Lumber 830 285.10 Seattle Lumber & Comcial Co Lumber 831 11.32 D M McDaniel Hauling Lumber 832 9. Steves Bros Hauling Lumber 833 1.75 Ballard & Sox Hardware 834 120.45 Wald & Campbell Hardware 835 2.62 Gordon Hardware Co Hardware 836 14.50 Jones & Hubbell Feed for Team 837 44.60 J F Warner & Co Repairing Harness etc 838 3.75 J W Hunt Repair Tools 839 21.20 Wm Beattie Horse Shoeing & Repairs 840 7.55 James Bogart Boarding prisoners 841 14.20 Gordon Hardware Co Iron for James St Grade 842 27.30 Chas McDonald Bracing up Cribbing sa 843 21.65 Thos Wood Padlocks, Chains & nials 844 3.15 Seattle Cooperative Society Candles 845 2.07 Chas Baker Lanterns & Coal oil 846 2.45 Harrington Smith Oakum & wick 847 1. R H Thompson Engineering Rollin St Extension 848 40.50 R H Thompson Engineering Madison St Sewer 849 23. R H Thompson Engineering Union St Sewer 850 29.80 Seattle Lodge No7 IOOF Taxes Refunded 851 3.75 Gas Fund Settle Gas Lt Co Gas No 105 $341.93 J Schram & Co Putting in Posts 106 96.57 J H May Attending Lights 107 52.41 Washington Iron Works Lamp Postsl 108 21. Fire Fund W A Perry Engineer #1 No 511 $75.

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
Page Status Indexed


595 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 6/85 P E Smith Engineer #2 No 512 $77.50 Frank McCoy Work on Engine & hose 513 5. A LaBrasche Washing hose 514 3. James Dunham Washing hose 515 3. Waddell & Miles Stove etc for Engine House #2 516 30.87 Hall & Paulson Furniture Co Furniture for Engine House #2 517 93. R L Burke Repairing Engine Room for # 4 518 10.50 Western Mill Co Lumber for Engine Room for #4 519 23.77 W N Bell Lumber for Engine Room for #4 520 2.35 Ballard & Sox Nails etc 521 2.25 John McCauley & Co Fixing Bell Clapper 522 1. Geo London Engine from fire 523 5. J D Lowman Ink Stands 524 1. Seattle Lodge No7 IOOF Taxes refunded 525 2.25 Cemetary Fund Seattle Cemetary Association Lots exchanged as follows: Mrs S J Plummer $31.50 S F Coombs $31.50 E Calbert $31.50 D Horton $31.50 W W White $31.50 No 35 $157.50 Seattle Cemetary Association W Perry Smith 36 16.50 Ursula Wyckoff Lots Exchanged 37 25. Moses Keezer Lots Exchanged 38 16.50. Mary Etta Settle Lots Exchanged 39 12.50 A E Hanford Acknowledging Deeds 40 10. Seattle Lodge No7 IOOF Taxes refunded 41 25. Water Fund Spring Hill Water Co Water No 16 $139.50 Sharpe Coffman & Co repairing Hydrant 17 5. Fifth Street Grade #573 R H Thompson Engineering No 1312 $28.45 Wm Harkins Bal in Contract 1313-1351 1450.65 Latimers Claim The Claim of J H May against the Road Fund is referred to Street Comtee The Claim of W G Latimer as submitted by the street Commissioner in pursuance of teh order of the Council of Date Jan 16,185 and

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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