City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Ursula Wyckoff


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595 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 6/85 P E Smith Engineer #2 No 512 $77.50 Frank McCoy Work on Engine & hose 513 5. A LaBrasche Washing hose 514 3. James Dunham Washing hose 515 3. Waddell & Miles Stove etc for Engine House #2 516 30.87 Hall & Paulson Furniture Co Furniture for Engine House #2 517 93. R L Burke Repairing Engine Room for # 4 518 10.50 Western Mill Co Lumber for Engine Room for #4 519 23.77 W N Bell Lumber for Engine Room for #4 520 2.35 Ballard & Sox Nails etc 521 2.25 John McCauley & Co Fixing Bell Clapper 522 1. Geo London Engine from fire 523 5. J D Lowman Ink Stands 524 1. Seattle Lodge No7 IOOF Taxes refunded 525 2.25 Cemetary Fund Seattle Cemetary Association Lots exchanged as follows: Mrs S J Plummer $31.50 S F Coombs $31.50 E Calbert $31.50 D Horton $31.50 W W White $31.50 No 35 $157.50 Seattle Cemetary Association W Perry Smith 36 16.50 Ursula Wyckoff Lots Exchanged 37 25. Moses Keezer Lots Exchanged 38 16.50. Mary Etta Settle Lots Exchanged 39 12.50 A E Hanford Acknowledging Deeds 40 10. Seattle Lodge No7 IOOF Taxes refunded 41 25. Water Fund Spring Hill Water Co Water No 16 $139.50 Sharpe Coffman & Co repairing Hydrant 17 5. Fifth Street Grade #573 R H Thompson Engineering No 1312 $28.45 Wm Harkins Bal in Contract 1313-1351 1450.65 Latimers Claim The Claim of J H May against the Road Fund is referred to Street Comtee The Claim of W G Latimer as submitted by the street Commissioner in pursuance of teh order of the Council of Date Jan 16,185 and

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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263 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 12 1887 to J A Wirth on the roll and that the followwing described piece of land to wit: Commencing at N E Corner of S W 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec 20 T 25 N of R 4 E. & running thence South 20 rods, thence West 531/3 rods, thence N 20 Rods thence E to place of beginning containing 62/3 acres of land to assessed to said J A Wirth it having been omitted by the assessor. Ordered that Lots 3, 4, 5, 7 & 8 in Block 9 Plummer's Addn in Block 9 and 1/2 of Blocks 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, & 17 J C Kinnear's Addition be assessed to Geo F Dearborn the same having been omitted by the assessor That lots 1, 2, 7 & 8 Block 2 & all of Block 3 Plummers Addn be assessed toGeo F Dearborn and stricken from L F & Geo Dearborns list. Ordered that the application of Ursula Wyckoff to be reduced on personal property $16,000 she being a non-resident be rejected. Ordered that the name of John Mitchell on page 2 changed of John Mitchel and that Lots 5 & 8 Block 51 be changed to Block 57 Ordered that Lot 8 Block 1 Plummer's addn be assessed to W F Dearborn and stricken from L F & Geo Dearborn assessment. Ordered that Wm D Wood be reduced on personal property $800 account mortgage imporperly assessed. Ordered that M & K Gottstein be reduced on personal property $1050. Ordered that F G Strange be reduced on E 1/2 Lots 7 & 8 Block 2 Eastern Addition from $300 each to $150 each.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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