Pages That Mention Washelli Cemetary
596 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 6/85 recorded on page 589 for labor on streets after the storm in the sum of $22.75 is ordered paid. Latimer Claim Councilman Latimer thereupon declines to accept the allowane & states that he will not take the warrant therefor & requests the Clerk that no warrant issue. Ordered that the thanks of the Council be & is tendered to Councilman Latimer for his service rendered as afore siad James & 5th Grade Claim Claims are presented by laborers & others against James & 5th Sts grades. Referred to the clerk. License Ord Ordered that the matter of certain proposed amendments to Sections 7 & 11 of Ordinance No 637 be & the same is referred to the License Comtee to report next meeting. Ordinances Detective Service An Ordinance is submitted entitled "An ordinance appropriating money to pay for Detective Service" After due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Frye, Harrington, Latimer, Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder, Sox & Yesler. Against the same none. Washelli Cemetary An Ordinance is submitted entitled "An ordinance creating Washelli Cemetary and setting apart and dedicating the grounds for the same" After due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Frye,Harrington, Latimer, Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder, Sox & Yesler. Against the same none. To pay Bills An Ordinance is submitted entitled "An ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" After due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Frye, Harrington, Latimer, Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder, Sox & Yesler. Against the same none. Miscellaneous Clerk to notify Brugger Ordered that the Clerk be & is hereby instructed to notify Abraham Brugger that at the next regular meeting of the Council his license will be revoked. The following reports having been duly approved by Committees are ordered filed to wit: City Justice, Justice Lyon, Chief of Police & Jailor. Ordered that the council stand now adjourned wntil Monday Feb 9, 1885 at 7 PM Attest E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary mayor
613 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar 27/85 with Washelli Cemetary Broadway to be straightened Ordered that the Chariman of the Street Comtee be & is hereby requested to procure from the owners of the abutting property on Broadway Street the straightening of said street Claim of the Board of Fire Delegates for an appropriation in the sum of $100.00 referred to Fire Comtee Alley in Blk 25 & 28 Borens Vacating of of A petition is rec'd from James M Colman for vacating the alley in Blocks 25 &28 of Boren Plat. Referred to Street Comtee Alley in Blk 98 Terrys vacating A petitionis rec'd from Eliza J Ludlow for vacating the alley in Block 98 of Terry's Plat. Referred to Street Comtee Bids forwater of Bell Twon Propositions are rec'd from the Union Water Co & The Spring Hill Water Co to furnish water for certain Fire plugs in North Seattle Referred to a Special Comtee to wit: Councilmen Sox, Latimer & Harrington Claims Claim of F A Minick against the City Fund for services as Special Policeman at Fire ordered paid. amt $2.50 Hospital care for injured oriental fire Ordered that the action of His Honor the Mayor in Procurint Hospital Care & Medicine for injured at Fire be & is hereby endorsed. Liquor Ordinance An Ordinance is presented by the attorney to amend ordinance No 637. Referred to Judiciary Comtee. To pay bills An Ordinance is submitte entitles "A special Ordinance appropriating Money to pay audited bills" Adpoted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption HArrington, Northrup, Sox, Yesler, Latimer & Rinehart. Against adoption none. Ordered that the Council Stand now adjourned Atest E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary mayor
330 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 4 1887 to the City of Seattle is rejected for the reason that the same is neither signed nor acknowledged. Ordered that the Plat of Madison Street addition to the City of Seattle be rejected. Ordered that the plat of Bell's Seventh Addition to the City of Seattle and the Supplemental Plat of Block 27 the Bell and Denny's first Addititoin to the City of Seattle be referred to the City Attorney. Ordered that the proposition fo the County commissioner made to Councilman Lake in regard to building a pest house on the County Poor Farm be accepted and CouncilmanLake appointed a Committee of one to attend to the matter and report to the Council. The Plans and Specifications of Bell Street Improvement submitted by the City Surveyor are referred to the Street Committee with power ot act. Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the city Attorney entitled "An Ordinance converting Washelli Cemetary in the City of Seattle into a public Park and providing for the removal of bodies of persons buried therein and for the purchase by the City of the burial lots therein owned by private persons" which after due consideration by the Council is passed by the following vote viz: Ayes Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Niesz, Russell & Reitze Nays None. An Ordinance is submitted by the city Attorney entitled "An Ordinance authorizing and empowering