City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Cedar River


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Board of Aldermen and House of Delegates of the City of Seattle Clerk Municipal court Appt of 6-9 City Limits Extended Sp election -13 Chestnut St Assmt Roll 67-68 Committee Auditing report of 105 Chapin Herman petition for Franchise 156 Carroll Street Improvement of 170-171 City Emplayee revision of salaries of 188-190 Cummings Lawrence 201 City Hall New 217 Chestnut Street Imp of 232-233-234 Choat Street Imp of 279-280 City Adopting Money and Security in King Co 377 Cenffrey Thos protest on Weller St 352 Clein Wm protest on Weller St 352 Clein M J protest on Weller St 352 Canvass of votes Genl Election March 6th 1894 358 Canal - City under provis. to take charge 381 Chestnut St approving Asst. Roll 391-400 Chestnut St approving Asst. Roll 380 Cullen St Imp of 428-432 Curry G W protest Bush St 434 Canvassing Sepecial Election Charter Com. Dec 10 1895 537 Cummings Lawrence F nom. Chief Fire Dept 484-485 Cook Ralph -nom, Chief of Fire Dept 486-487 Cedar River water supply 498, 540 charter 1896 Canvass Returns of Election upon 558

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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Slough from passing that point is quite within reach if those interested will unite in an effort to obtain it.

The complaints of the suffering farmers have lately become louder than usual from the fact of excessive rainfall and the fact that Cedar river has partly changed its course allowing Black river to fill up to a certain extent thus retarding the outflow.

The farmers of the upper Snohomish valley petitioned the Co. Commissioners for a ditch and a preliminary survey was mde but residents of the lower valley protested on account of the height of Lake Wash. and the matter was dropped.

Last winter petitions were presented to the Co. Commissioners asking them to dig a canal that should lower the Lake but they inform us that there is no law under which they can proceed.

Then an effort was made to get [?] from the Washington Improvement Co. that with the offer in hand, an effort might be made to raise the necessary funds, this failed.

Last edit over 2 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Seattle, Washington:

Your petitioners respectfully represent that they are citizens and tax-payers of the City of Seattle and are interested in its welfare; that the rich bottom lands of the country surrounding the said city are now and at several times during the last ten years have been inundated and overflowed by waters from the Duwamish, Black, Cedar and Sammamish rivers and Lake Washington and that on account of such overflow the owners of said bottom lands are prevented from raising vegetables and garden truck thereon and the citizens of Seattle are obliged to send to California for these articles, and for this reason large sums of money are sent out of our city which otherwise would be spent here; that the water supply of the City of Seattle is obtained from Lake Washington, and at the present time the water is impure for the reason largely that the slough water from Lake Sammamish and river must, in going through Lake Washington to the outlet at Black river, flow past the "take in" pipe of the city water works; that if the low land between Lakes Union and Washington called the "Portage" and the outlet of Lake Union were deepened and widened so as to allow the passage of a large amount of water from Lake Washington to Puget Sound by this channel, the inundation and overflow of the hereinfore mentioned bottom lands would not happen and the vegetable market of Seattle could and would be supplied by home production; that the pure waters of the Cedar river would flow into Lake Washington and pass by the "take in" pipe of the city water works and the water supply of the said city of Seattle would then be rendered pure because of this and because the slough water of Lake Sammamish would flow out of Lake Washington by way of the "portage" and Lake Union and not come near the said "take in" pipe; that the accomplishment of these two objects, viz: a pure water supply and a home production of vegetables and table supplies would be of incalculable advantage to your petitioners and to all the citizens of Seattle.

Wherefore, your petitioners pray that such steps may be taken by ordinance or otherwise as shall assist the property owners of said lands and the County of King in widening and deepening said outlet by way of Lake Union, and your petitioners will ever pray.

F. R. Nauteyl R. H. Denny J. L. Schultz A. F. Tourvill Lee DeVries G. Elliot Pratt Frank E. Andrews H. B. Bagley L. N. Parfanter T. H. Dempsey T. A Noble H. L. Siger

R. S. Thorne G. B. Peavey J. R. Bean N. H. Latimer Wm McAchorn

C. A. Walsh W. W. Radcliffe Geo B Adair Leo F. Michael C. H. Teaff

F. H. Hardwiez Abner G. Gilmore Wm. Chistoken F. W. Smith J. R. Taylor

W. F. Wadleigh Frank E. Kovacks H Cowden

Last edit over 2 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Seattle, Washington:

Your petitioners respectfully represent that they are citizens and tax-payers of the City of Seattle and are interested in its welfare; that the rich bottom lands of the country surrounding the said city are now and at several times during the last ten years have been inundated and overflowed by waters from the Duwamish, Black, Cedar and Sammamish rivers and Lake Washington and that on account of such overflow the owners of said bottom lands are prevented from raising vegetables and garden truck thereon and the citizens of Seattle are obliged to send to California for these articles, and for this reason large sums of money are sent out of our city which otherwise would be spent here; that the water supply of the City of Seattle is obtained from Lake Washington, and at the present time the water is impure for the reason largely that the slough water from Lake Sammamish and river must, in going through Lake Washington to the outlet at Black river, flow past the "take in" pipe of the city water works; that if the low land between Lakes Union and Washington called the "Portage" and the outlet of Lake Union were deepened and widened so as to allow the passage of a large amount of water from Lake Washington to Puget Sound by this channel, the inundation and overflow of the hereinfore mentioned bottom lands would not happen and the vegetable market of Seattle could and would be supplied by home production; that the pure waters of the Cedar river would flow into Lake Washington and pass by the "take in" pipe of the city water works and the water supply of the said city of Seattle would then be rendered pure because of this and because the slough water of Lake Sammamish would flow out of Lake Washington by way of the "portage" and Lake Union and not come near the said "take in" pipe; that the accomplishment of these two objects, viz: a pure water supply and a home production of vegetables and table supplies would be of incalculable advantage to your petitioners and to all the citizens of Seattle.

Wherefore, your petitioners pray that such steps may be taken by ordinance or otherwise as shall assist the property owners of said lands and the County of King in widening and deepening said outlet by way of Lake Union, and your petitioners will ever pray.

Geo F. Ward E. B. Fowler J. S. Harlan John Perez D. K. Howard J. Powers W. A. Botling W. E. Egbent, M. D. Thos. Papworth J. D. Phillips E. Adamson Dr J P Kaned W. R. Wilber T. E. Alvord H. Harvey C. H. Gray Wm W Sotyel C E Hedrich Peter Wiklap Ernst Speck R. H. Young L. Kellogg T. E. Jones Terence O'Brien A. A. Wright S. R. Haddock J. W. Breen

Henry F. McClellan Hiram J. Jacobs T. H. Hinckley J. J. Burns W. O. Hardin G. L. Little W. J. Blaise I H. Prosin E. C. Moore E. L. Holingsworth W A Alexander J. J. Wambright F. B. Corhen Jno B. Yasho Lane Beirson

Last edit over 2 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Seattle, Washington:

Your petitioners respectfully represent that they are citizens and tax-payers of the City of Seattle and are interested in its welfare; that the rich bottom lands of the country surrounding the said city are now and at several times during the last ten years have been inundated and overflowed by waters from the Duwamish, Black, Cedar and Sammamish rivers and Lake Washington and that on account of such overflow the owners of said bottom lands are prevented from raising vegetables and garden truck thereon and the citizens of Seattle are obliged to send to California for these articles, and for this reason large sums of money are sent out of our city which otherwise would be spent here; that the water supply of the City of Seattle is obtained from Lake Washington, and at the present time the water is impure for the reason largely that the slough water from Lake Sammamish and river must, in going through Lake Washington to the outlet at Black river, flow past the "take in" pipe of the city water works; that if the low land between Lakes Union and Washington called the "Portage" and the outlet of Lake Union were deepened and widened so as to allow the passage of a large amount of water from Lake Washington to Puget Sound by this channel, the inundation and overflow of the hereinfore mentioned bottom lands would not happen and the vegetable market of Seattle could and would be supplied by home production; that the pure waters of the Cedar river would flow into Lake Washington and pass by the "take in" pipe of the city water works and the water supply of the said city of Seattle would then be rendered pure because of this and because the slough water of Lake Sammamish would flow out of Lake Washington by way of the "portage" and Lake Union and not come near the said "take in" pipe; that the accomplishment of these two objects, viz: a pure water supply and a home production of vegetables and table supplies would be of incalculable advantage to your petitioners and to all the citizens of Seattle.

Wherefore, your petitioners pray that such steps may be taken by ordinance or otherwise as shall assist the property owners of said lands and the County of King in widening and deepening said outlet by way of Lake Union, and your petitioners will ever pray.

A. L. Palmer T. C. Brawley D. Kaufman Charles Waters J Langston John Cunningham

R. Hoeyke O. C. Shony L. W. Bomey M. R. Maddocks James Welch

Griffith Davis G. L. Brins T. H. Carne

W. W. White Leo Heel J. Manogry P. Schmidt David Graham C. F. Stevens J. D. Larriman

E. R. Clark John Kelly G. Cunningham John Lingley E. P. Ebs

Stephen Berry W. J. Wallis Geo. Clancy Chas. P.

J. J. Post George Rolland H. A. Frederick Charles E. Patterson W. W. Thompson Fred A. Fay W. W. White Frank T. Frye Cha. H. Frye

Wm A. Cunningham

Fred Wiles Stephens

Last edit over 2 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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