Pages That Mention West
Seattle, Wash. Jan 21 1891
Hon Board of Fire Comrs
Seattle Wash.
Dear Sirs:
As per a resolution passed by your Hon body at last session I hereby respy submit locations for additional boxes for fire alarm purposes.
Corner of Marion + West Sts
" of Washn + South Second
I would also recommend the changing of box at corner of Pine + 3rd to corner of Pike and Third, and box at Spring + West to University + West.
Should these additions be made I would have then but one box on hand not in use having fire now. As I
679 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 12 1888 Congress of the United States asking for the immediate admission of Washington Territory as a State under the name of the State of Washington, and that the City Attorney and the City Clerk be instructed to prepare such memorial and have the same ready for submission to the Council at the next regular meeting. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn. Approved Robert Moran Mayor Attest W R Forrest Clerk Dec 21 1888 Be it remembered that on this 21st day of December AD 1888 the Common Council of the City of Seattle met pursuant to law in their Council Chambers in the City Hall. Present His Hon. Mayor Robt Moran, Councilmen F.J. Burns, D.E. Durie, Jos. Green, T.E. Jones, Jos. McCombs J.F. McDonald, U.R. Niesz, C.F. Reitze and Clerk W.R. Forrest Petitions etc. Petition of W Mason for permission to put partition in Kinnears building No 216 So. Second Street. Read & referred to Committee on Fire & Water. Petition of Andrew Nelson to have personal property tax #1025. Stricken from the Assessment Roll he being a nonresident. Read and referred to Judiciary Committee. Petition of Felix Rose and others for opening alley between Front & West, Virginia & Stewart Streets. Read & Referred to Street Committee. Petition of McNatt & Clark for permission to raise sidewalk on Main St. corner of Second St. and extend porch along
Boone & Meeker Architects Seattle W T 1889 This argument made the first day of April 1889. Between the Park Comissioner for the City of Seattle and J H West and J A Hill Witnesseth that the said West & Hill agree to do the clearing of Kinnear Park in accordance with instructions and to the satisfaction ofGeorge Kinnear in consideration of the above promises the Park Commissioner agree to pay or cause to be paid to the said West & Hill. the sum of $30.00 per acre. The above amount to be paid only after the above work shall have been completed and accepted by Mr. Kinnear and the Park Commissioners W E Boone for Park Com't J H West J A Hill
Seattle May 29th 1889 I have examined the clearing done in the lower part of Kinnear Park by Messrs West and Hill and find that the work has been done carefully and satisfactorily. F A churchill Mr Boone I am satisfied the clearing above mentioned has been well done. Geo Kinnear