Pages That Mention University
Seattle, Wash. Jan 21 1891
Hon Board of Fire Comrs
Seattle Wash.
Dear Sirs:
As per a resolution passed by your Hon body at last session I hereby respy submit locations for additional boxes for fire alarm purposes.
Corner of Marion + West Sts
" of Washn + South Second
I would also recommend the changing of box at corner of Pine + 3rd to corner of Pike and Third, and box at Spring + West to University + West.
Should these additions be made I would have then but one box on hand not in use having fire now. As I
Seattle, Oct. 18th, 1889. To the Honorable Mayor, and Common Council of the City of Seattle.
I respectfully petition that definite action be taken in regard to cutting off the building known as the Knight Block, situated on Front Street, between University and Seneca Streets, City of Seattle. Having heard that is was soon to be cut off four feet, I applied to the city attorney to learn when it would be done. He could not tell me exactly, but said it would be soon. I also applied to the Board of Appraisers, who said it would be done soon, and instructed me to give them my estimate of damages, which I have done. I am the lesee of said building. The north store is being vacated today and I pay too high rent for it to remain unoccupied. I have been intending to engage in business in said store myself but the city attorney told me that if I did so, and sustained any damage by store being cut off, I would do so at my own risk, and would have to apply to the court for relief, which I do not want to do. I earnestly request that your honorable body will act on this as soon as possible as it is of much importance to me. Very Respectfully, Jerome M Souder, lessee
571 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 17 1888 Petition of M J Frye for permission to stretch a canvas sign across Front Street from corner of Marion Street. Tables. Petition of Lucy G Bell for compensation for damages caused by widening Second Street read and referred to the Street Committee. Petition on Mrs Lewis & son for permission to repair and alter the St Charles Hotel read and referred to the Committee onf Fire & Water. Petition of Thos R Hughes and others to be allowed to make connecton with the Jackson and Main Street]] sewers read and granted. Petition of Thomas R Hughes & others for the grading of the alley running north and south through Block 6 of D S Maynard's plat, read and referred to Committee on Streets. Petition of McClanahan & O'Day for extension of time for grading Lane Street read and placed on file. Petition of R E & A E Knight for a permanent grade line to be established along the East line of Front Street between University and Seneca Streets for the purpose of erecting permanent buildings of said grade. Tabled. Communications from the City Surveyor recommending that suitable monuments be erected at intersection of Streets read and referred to Street Committee. Communicaton from the Chief of Police mkaing certain recommendations and suggestions, read and
620 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 5 1888 of University and Fifth Seneca Streets. Granted Petition of Hardy Gamble and others for modification of Ordinance No 998 so as to permit cattle to run at large north of Blanchard St Read and referred to Street Committee. Petition of McNatt And Clark for permission to erect porch around two sides of City Saloon Cor S 2nd & Main Sts Read and Referred to Street Com. Petition of W V Rinehart and others for a sewer in Alley of Blk "K" Bell's 5th Addn Read and referred to Sewer Com. Petition of Woods & Payne for permission to build a boot black stand on the sidewalk in front of the 'Standard Theatre' Read and Tabled. Petition of C Timmson for permission to build a fruitstand on So 2nd St in front of 'Standard Theatre'Read and Tabled. Petition of Jno Cort for permission to rebuild fruit and cigar stand Cor So Second and Washington Read and Tabled. Petition of Jas McGrath for permission to build boot black stand on the sidewalk in from of the "New England Hotel" read and tabled. Petiton of P A Sevey for relief of 5th St Grade. Read and amount of $60.00 ordered paid Mr Sevey from General Fund Communication from City Surveyor in the matter of providing a sewerage system for the City. Read and referred to Sewer Com.
To the Hon Mayor & Common council of the City of Seattle: The undersigned, F.H. Kendall respectfully represents; that he is engaged in the business of dealing in stoves and tinware, and was burnt out and by the great fire of June 6th 1889, since which time he has been doing business in a tent on the west side of Second Street between Seneca and University, and has a tent permit for such location; that he is located upon the property of L. Kline; that said Kline is about to erect a brick building upon said property, and your petitioner is therefore compelled to move therefrom, and has second permission from A. A. Denny to erect his tent on the same side of Second Street about half a block from his present location; that said Kline will complete his said brick block in about seventy days, and your petitioner has engaged a store in the same and will move thereto as soon as completed, and only desires a place to do business until said store is completed Wherefore your petitioner prays that