City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Edward Kogan


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ordered that the claim of Chronicle Pub. Co for $1.50 be & is hereby laid on the table Ordered that the claim of Edward Kogan be & is hereby referred to the Judiciary Comtee. Ordered that the claim of Harris & Greenus by & is hereby referred to the Comtee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted entitled "A Special Ordinance appropriating money to pay auditors bills" Adopted, upon the following vote, to wit. In favor of adoption Northup, Rinehart, Snyder, Yesler & Latimer. Against adoption none. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned Attest: E. S Osborne, Clerk Approved John Leary, Mayor Be it remembered that on this the 1st day of May 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen B. L. Northup, Alfred Snyder, H. L. Yesler, W. G. Latimer and W. V. Rinehart Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From the President of the Board of Fire Delegates for an appropriation of $100 00 for the Secretary of said Board for the past year. Rejected From Bittner & Theiler for the right to remove the location of their Salon business from the West side of Front Street to the East side of Front Street in the Maddock's building From Bailey Gatzert for vacating Alley in Block 787 McNaughts & Terrys 2d, additions, Referred to the Comtee on Public Buildings, Property and Grounds From C. H. S. R. R. Co. for the rebate of certain taxes assessed to the Oregon Improvement Co. Referred to Judiciary Comtee From J. F. McNaught for rebating taxes on a/c of double assessment

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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624 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ordered that the claim of Chronicle Pub Co for $1.50 be & is hereby laid on the table Ordered that the claim of Edward Kogan be & is hereby referred to the Judiciary Comtee Ordered that the claim of Harns & Gillams be & is hereby referred to the Comtee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted entitled "An special Ordinance appropriting money to pay audited bills" Adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder, Yesler & Latimer. Against adoptionnone. Ordered that the Council Stand now adjourned Attest E S Osborne]] clerk Approved John Leary mayor Be it remembered that on this the 1st day of May 1885 the Common Council of the Cityof Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law The following Officers are present towit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen B L Northrup. Alfred Snyder, H L Yesler, W G Latimer and W V Rinehart Therupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From the President of the Board of Fire Delegates from an appropriation of $100.00 for the Secretary of said Board for the past year. Rejected From Bittner & Theiler for the right to remove the location of their Saloon business from the West Side of Front Street to the East Side of Front Street in the Maddock's Building From Bailey Gatzert for vacating alley in Block 78 of McNaughts & Terry's Additions. Referred to the Comtee on Public Buildings, Property and Grounds. From C & P S R R Co for the rebate of certain taxes assessed to the Oregon Improvement Co Referred to Judiciary Comtee From J F McNaught for rebating taxes on a/c double assessent

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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626 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE John Stifler for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from May 1 Flynn & Anderson for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from May 8 Margaret Sullivan for retail malt liquors for 3 months from May 15 Ed H Huntley for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from May 11 Thos Clancy for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Apr 16 John Shepich for retail malt liquors for 3 months from May 8 James Murphy for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from May 4 H Kersey for retail malt liquors for 3 months from Apr 12 A & J Hemrich for retail malt liquors for 3 months from May 14 The vote on said granting said licenses is as follows In favor Rinehart, Snyder, Yesler & Latimer. Against Northrup Claims Paid City Fund E S Osborne Clerk No1102 $ 125. J S Lowman Treasurer 1103 150. C H Hanford Atty 1104 100. J H Woolery Chief of Police 1105 150. E A Gardner Police 1106 80. Wm Murphy Police 1107 80. W H Pinckney Police 1108 & 1109 80. F L Bangs Police 1110 80. T H Campbell Police 1111 80. W B Thompson Police 1112 31.95 Wm H Hughes Assessor 1113 62.50 G L Manning Street Commissioner 1114 87.50 G A Weed HealthOfficer 1115 75. G A Hill Justice Fees 1116 23.20 James Bogart Janitor & Jailor 1117 60. Post Intelligencer Pub Co Printing 1118 16.40 Post Intelligencer Pub Co Printing Del. Tax list 1119 989.20 Lowman & Hanford S & P Co Stationary & Job work 1120 10.60 Harris & Greenus Calsomining City Hall 1121 40. O Schillestad Letter box for Clerk 1122 1. John W Hunter Coal Hauling 1123 1.25 Harrington &Smith Brooms & Brushes 1124 2.50 Sunset Telephone Co Line Rentals 1125 6.65 D H Webster Atty fee City-v-Webster 1126 5. Edward Kogan Tax deeds cancelled 1127 62.09 James Morisson Janitor & Jailor 1128 7.06

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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