City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention South Third Street




To the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle:- Your petitioner, S L Bowman, a resident of the city of Seattle, respectfully petitions your honorable body to enact an ordinance granting to your petitioner and his assigns a franchise to build and operate a line of street railway in the city of Seattle, beginning at or near the corner of Yesler Avenue and South Second Street, thence southand east along south Second, Jackson, South Third and Weller Streets to the east line of the Syndicate Addition, thence southeasterly to the south boundry line of the city, which proposed route is more particularly designated in a draft herewith submitted of such an ordinance to that end as will be satisfactory to your petitioner; subject to such alterations of said proposed ordinance and ot the route therein designated, if any, as may appear suitable to your honorable body and as may be agreed upon between your honorable body and the undersigned. All which is respectfully submitted. Dated, June 27, 1890 S L Bowman

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




205 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 2/82 From Clerk Adopted From Treasurer, Referred to finance comtee From Street Commissioner, adopted From Fire Warden Adopted Committees Reports Rec'd From finance recommending that the Tresurer be instructed to proceed forthwith to collect all taxes on tax rolls for Pine & 9th and Stewart, 10th & Virginia Streets sidewalks. Adopted From Health & Police on the matter of T J Small Policeman. reporting that said T J Small at the time of his appointment as such Policeman was not eligible to such office. Adopted & office declared vacant. From Streets recommending the establishment of the grade within the districet bounded by Pine, 7th, Mill & Broadway Streets. Adopted From Streets reporting that the cribbing fronting the Colman & Denny Blocks on [Front Street]] is in a dangerous condition. Ordered that the Street Committee be & they are hereby instructed to take some inmmediate measures so as to prevent the said cribbing from giving way. Ordered that the surveyor be & he is hereby instructed to submit plans, specifications & Estimates for a stone wall to front said blocks in place of said cribbing. from Gas Lights recommending the erection of gas lamps corners if 3rd & Marion & 4th & Marion Streets adopted From Committee on Jail Building recommending the acceptance of the Engine House in South 3rd Street Laid over until next meeting From Finance approving the Surveyors report of work done on 2d, 3rd, & intersecting Streets grades. Adopted Claims Paid The following Claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




214 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb. 12/83 J.H. Honell and Joe Francisco for Retail liquors Licenses Granted Trana & Ackley for retail liquor Claims Paid Seneca Street Sidewalk Ord 336 Hill & Rosburg Contract Work No 176 $619.57 City Fund Wm Gure Taxes refunded No. 297 $22.50 And now the Council proceeds to open and consider the award of the Arbitrators duly appointed to consider & act upon the claim of E.W. Rea for $716.00 for extra services on Engine House: thereupon said arbitrators award in found to be in favor of E.W. Rea for $301.25. Award adopted. And now the Council proceeds to consider the specifications of the Surveyor for a Stone Wall fronting the Denny & Colman Blocks in Front Street. Pending which the matter is laid over until next meeting. And now the Plans and Specifications for Marion Street sidewalk under Ordinance No. 364 are presented and after due examination the same are approved and ordered filed. And now the Plans and Specifications for a sidewalk in Battery Street under Ordinance No. 362 are presented and after due examination the same are approved and ordered filed. Ordered that the matter of a Telephone for the Engine House on South 3rd Street be laid over until next meeting. The Finance Committee report favorable on the Report of the Treasurer. Adopted. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned. Attest: E.S. Osborne Clerk Approved John Collins Acting Mayor

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




221 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar 2/83 Council proceeds to the correction & equalization of the assessment Roll for the Battery Street sidewalk under Ordinance No 362 & Filed Feb 17, 1883 Pending which the matter of such consideration is laid over until Monday March 5, 1883 at 7&1/2 o'clock pm And now in pursuance to the notice duly published the Council proceeds to the correction & equalization of the assessment roll of the Marion Street sidewalk under ordinance No 364 & filed Feb 17, 1883. Pending which the matter of such consideration is laid over until Monday March 5, 1883 at 7&1/2 o'clock pm Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Monday March 5, 1883 at 7&1/2 o'clock pm for the special purposes of settleing with E W Rea Contractor the cnsideration of assessment rolls & the matters of grading Washington, South 2d & South 3rd Streets. Attest E S Osborne clerk Approved John Collins acting mayor Mar 5/83 Be it remembered that on this the 5th day of March 1883 the Common Council of the ciyt of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Acting Mayor Councilman John Collins and Council men O F Cosper, Chas F Clancy, Fred Gasch, Chas McDonald, G L Manning & U M Rasin. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: And now in pursuance to t he order made of date March 2,1883 The Council proceeds to the correction and equalization of the assessment Roll for the Cherry Street sidewalk under Ordinance No354 & Filed Feb 10, 1883 thereupon the name of J R Lewis & Lots 5 & 8 Blk 27 of Boren's plat & the name of Sarah Russell & Lots 1 & 4 Block 32 of Boren's

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




247 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 23/83 according to Plans & specifications and detail drawings to be furnished Ordered that no license be exacted of A J Smith for disposing of bibles Ordered that a sidewalk be constructed on the South side of Mill Street from South 2d to South 4th Street & that the Street Committee be & they are hereby instructed to notify all property owners to construct the same within 10 days from date & on failure to construct the same will be done pursuant to Ordinance. Ordered that a Sidewalk be constructed on the North side of Jefferson Street from North 2d to North 3rd Street & that the Street Committee be & they are hereby instructed to notify all property owners to construct the same within 10 days from date & on failure to do the same withh be done pursuant to Ordinance Ordered that the Gas Co under the direction of the Street Committee be & they are hereby authorized to obstruct South 2d Street at Washington Street pending the grading by raising their gas mains in accordance with the proposed grade Ordered that the Street Commission be & he is hereby instructed to secure all obstruction maintained by City on Wa Chong's Lot on South 3rd Street & adjoining Engine House property. Ordered that the Fire Committee be & they are hereby instructed to place proper hangings on Front doors to Engine House on South 3rd Street. Ordered that the Council as a Committee on Wednesday April 25, 1883 at 2 o'clock pm accompanied by the City Engineer & J G Scuny Engineer proceed to inspect all proposed grades & also the establishment of certain grades Ordered that the Clerk be & is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the completion of New City Engine House in accordance with plans & specification now on file

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom
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