City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention W. F. Hall


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Ordered that the application of W. F. Hall for a Retail Intoxicating Liquor license be & is hereby rejected. In favor of rejection Frye, Harrington, Northup, Rinehart, Snyder, Sox, Yesler & Latimer. Against the same none.

Claims Paid

The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds & in the amounts following, towit:

City Fund

Providence Hospital, Care of Injured by oriental Fire, No 1129, $133.55 Smith & Willard, Physicians Care same, 1130, $40.

Road Fund

J. Close, laborer streets, No 966, $12. F. Harty, laborer streets, 967, $4.50 John McCaulay & Co, branding iron, 968, $2.25 J. F. McNaught, error in assessment, 969, $15. D. Rohlfs, error in assessment, 970, $2.38

Gas Fund

Seattle Gas Light Co, gas, No. 116, $338.80 J. F. McNaught, error in assessment, 117, $6.

Fire Fund

J. F. McNaught, error in assessment, No. 582, $9. D. Rohlfs, error in assessment, 583, $1.42 Chronicle Pub. Co, printing, 584, $1.50

Cemetery Fund

J. F. McNaught, error in assessment, No. 59, $3. D. Rohlfs, error in assessment, 60, $.48

Water Fund

J. F. McNaught, error in assessment, No. 22, $1.50

Claims of W. H. Hughes, & Chronicle Pub. Co referred to Finance Com tee Claims of N. S. Snyder referred to Clerk


The attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to vacate certain alleys in the City of Seattle"; after due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote, towit: Frye, Harrington, Northup, Rinehart, Snyder, Sox, Yesler, Latimer. Against the same none.

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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"himself from the city without permission from the proper authority.

Therefore your Committee recommend that an investigation be had of the charges against Chief Woolery." Dated May 15, 1885. E. F. Sox, Chairman W. V. Rinehart B. L. Northup

Ordered that an investigation be had of the charges made in said report in open Council.

And now Councilman B. L. Northup tenders his resignation of the Office of Councilman for the Third Ward. Ordered laid on the table.

Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Monday May 18, 1885 of 8 O'Clock P. M.

Attest: E. S. Osborne, Clerk. Approved: John Leary, Mayor

Be it remembered that on this the 18th of May 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment.

The following Officers are present, towit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary & Councilmen W. A. Harrington, B. L. Northup, Alfred Snyder, E. F. Sox, H. L. Yesler, W. G. Latimer & W. V. Rinehart.

Thereupon the following proceedings are had:

Petitions Rec'd

From Gus Brehm asking for the contract to buy a certain rock in Madison Street. Referred to Street Com tee.

Communications Rec'd

From Councilman Sox regarding the claim of Ballard & Sox for powder stolen from powder magazine. Ordered filed.


A Motion is made to reconsider the vote by which the application of W. F. Hall for a Retail liquor license was rejected. Motion is lost.

A Motion is made to reconsider the claim of Harris & Greenis. Motion carried claim referred to Judiciary Com tee.

The Com tee on Public Buildings & Grounds recommend

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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