City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Lot 6 Blk 7 of Boren's plat


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641 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE A petition rec'd from R C Grimes regarding the drain from Lot 6 Blk 7 of Boren's plat. Referred to sewer comtt Ordered that the Chief of Police be & is hereby instructed to proceed against George Bigelow for a nuisance maintained on Lots Corner Main & South 4th Streets. Ordered that the City Atty and Surveyor examine the premises above mentioned before the Chief of Police proceeds to abate such nuisance The Street Comtee returns the plat of "W C Hills addition to the City of Seattle with their approval. Ordered that said report be approved. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Monday June 1 1885 at 8 o'clock pm Attest E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary mayor Be it remembered that on this the 1st day of June 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Geo F Frye, W A Harrington, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox, H L Yesler, W G Latimer, W V Rinehart & S D Crockett Thereupon the following proceedings are had. And now the council proceeds with the examination and equalization of the assessment Roll for the year 1885 Ordered that the following changes be made on said Roll to wit: Angus Mackintosh to be reduced on Mortgages $3370. F J Burns to be increased on Mortgages $190. F M Haller to be increased on Mortgages $125. Geo F Frye to be reduced on Improvements to $20,000. Ordered that Fred E Sanders assessment be increased Wednesday evening june 3rd 1885 And now E F Sox as chairman of Police Comtee files written article for the Impeachment of James H Woolery as Chief of Police, thereupon said Articles are read and said James H Woolery pleads not guilty to the [?] Ordered that an investigationof said charges be had by Wednesday June 3, 1885 at 8 o'clock pm

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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641 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE A petition rec'd from R C Grimes regarding the drain from Lot 6 Blk 7 of Boren's plat. Referred to sewer comtt Ordered that the Chief of Police be & is hereby instructed to proceed against George Bigelow for a nuisance maintained on Lots Corner Main & South 4th Streets. Ordered that the City Atty and Surveyor examine the premises above mentioned before the Chief of Police proceeds to abate such nuisance The Street Comtee returns the plat of "W C Hills addition to the City of Seattle with their approval. Ordered that said report be approved. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Monday June 1 1885 at 8 o'clock pm Attest E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary mayor Be it remembered that on this the 1st day of June 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Geo F Frye, W A Harrington, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox, H L Yesler, W G Latimer, W V Rinehart & S D Crockett Thereupon the following proceedings are had. And now the council proceeds with the examination and equalization of the assessment Roll for the year 1885 Ordered that the following changes be made on said Roll to wit: Angus Mackintosh to be reduced on Mortgages $3370. F J Burns to be increased on Mortgages $190. F M Haller to be increased on Mortgages $125. Geo F Frye to be reduced on Improvements to $20,000. Ordered that Fred E Sanders assessment be increased Wednesday evening june 3rd 1885 And now E F Sox as chairman of Police Comtee files written article for the Impeachment of James H Woolery as Chief of Police, thereupon said Articles are read and said James H Woolery pleads not guilty to the [?] Ordered that an investigationof said charges be had by Wednesday June 3, 1885 at 8 o'clock pm

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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