City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Geo Perkins


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644 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE the Comtee on Health & Police From Justice Geo G Lyon for 5 months ending May 31,1885 to Police Comtee From City Justice Hill Referred to Police Comtee From Atty on pending litigation. Ordered Filed From Chief of Police for may. Referred to Police Comtee Committee Reports From Street Comtee recommending tha tthe petition of Gus Behm for the removal of a certain rock on Maidson Street - be laid on the table. Adopted From Health & Police Comtee denying the petition of Adam Orth etal for the appointmnet of Peter Brun as Special Police Officer. Report adopted Applications for Licenses Referred M I Booth, M K Gottstein, JohnCollins, Frank Wilton, GeoF McConnell & Co, Andrew Mauer, Oliver Bernard, Moody & Foster, Frank Smith & James Alicoate Licenses Ordered Issued Ordered that licenses be issued as follows towit: M McDonald for Retail Malt Liquors for 3 months from June 6 Geo Perkins for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from May 15 H S Meyer for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from June 16 Benj Murphy & Co for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from June12 Otto Fuhrmann & Co for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from June 13 John Leary for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from June 6 E Davidson for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from June 13 Vitus Schmid for Retail Malt Liquors for 3 months from June 1 Cowles Foster for Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from May 12 The vote on granting said application is a follows to wit: In favor Frye, Harrington, Rinehart, Snyder, Sox, Yesler & Latimer. Against the same Claims Paid The following Claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds & in athe amounts following to wit: City Fund

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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345 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE N Soderberg 2632 City 42.05 Salary as Clerk M A Kelly 2633 City 8.75 Medicine Neisz Whittleey & Co 2634 City 16.00 List of Owners on Rollin St William Murphy 2635 City 100.00 Chief of Police A H Manning 2636 City 90.00 Captain of Police H A Bigelow 2637 City 75.00 Police Officer O D Butterfield 2638 City 75.00 Police Officer D R Huntoon 2639 City 75.00 Police Officer W H Lord 2640 City 75.00 Police Officer J L McLellan 2641 City 75.00 Police Officer Geo Van Dyke 2642 City 75.00 Police Officer W L Bowers 2643 City 75.00 Police Officer W Jones 2644 City 75.00 Police Officer Chas Robinson 2645 City 75.00 Police Officer F A Fay 2646 City 75.00 Police Officer D Phillips 2647 City 75.00 Police Officer D H Webster 2648 City 75.00 Police Officer Geo Sheehan 2649 City 75.00 Police Officer Geo Perkins 2650 City 75.00 Police Officer James Murphy 2651 City 2.50 Police Officer E Deal 2652 City 52.50 Police Officer Lowman & Hanford 2653 City 12.00 Printing Robt Russell 2654 City 57.00 Care of Angeline J C Grass 2655 City 2.50 Ext tooth for prisoner H L Carlton 2656 City 125.00 Rebate on license H Argens 2657 City 1.45 Latch Key etc James Bogart 2658 City 60.00 Salary as Jailor James Bogart 2658 City 101.00 Feeding prisoners J A Capp 2659 City 11.00 Amt refunded on Sale of impounded horse. Geo Halt 2660 City 6.60 Witness Fees Jones E Williams 2661 City 2.20 Witness Fees Jones J M Williams 2662 City 2.20 Witness Fees Jones Albro Gardner 2663 City 55.13 Columbia St Sewer Albro Gardner 2663 City 37.25 Pike St Sewer Albro Gardner 2663 City 75.50 Rollin Street

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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456 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE May 4 1888 O D Butterfield 2965 City 75.00 Salary as Police Officer J C McClellan 2966 City 75.00 Salary as Police Officer D Phillips 2967 City 75.00 Salary as Police Officer D H Webster 2968 City 75.00 Salary as Police Officer D F Willard 2969 City 75.00 Salary as Police Officer P Farraher 2970 City 75.00 Salary as Police Officer J B Brooks 2971 City 75.00 Salary as Police Officer Z T Holden 2972 City 75.00 Salary as Police Officer Fred Minick 2973 City 40.00 Salary as Special Police Officer A W Ryan 2974 City 40.00 Salary as SpecialPolice Officer S Smith 2975 City 40.00 Salary as Special Police Officer J H Beavoo 2976 City 65.00 Salary as Police Officer E Briggs 2977 City 65.00 Salary as Police Officer W I Peer 2978 City 65.00 Salary as Police Officer Mears 2979 City 65.00 Salary as Special Police Officer Geo Perkins 2980 City 30.00 Salary as Special Police Officer McGee 2981 City 10.00 Salary as Special Police Officer C V Roos 2982 City 36.80 Board of Prisoners H F Jones 2983 City 107.45 Justice Fees W Soderberg 2984 City 76.80 Justice Fees Gordon Hdw Co 2985 City 8.80 Nippers etc. Jesse F Cohran 2986 City 4.50 Painting Numbers Schwabacher Bros 2987 City 73.08 Carpet for City Hall Press Pub Co 2988 City 26.30 Printing C C Austin 2989 City 4.00 Coal a/c Small Pox H Argens 2990 City 1.00 Keys for Jail Bridges & Coughlin 2991 City 7.80 Repairing Closet Jail W B Drown 2992 City 55.75 Clothing lost a/c SmPox E L Smith 2993 City 75.00 Salary as Health Officer Vanwart & Counter 2994 City 3.00 Livery for Chf Police M A Kelly 2995 City 18.50 Medicine for Jail M A Kelly 2995 City 46.00 Medicine for Pest House H A Fredericks 2996 City .50 Hauling Sample sewer pipes Haley & Wright 2997 City 29.28 Groc for pest house West Union Tel co 2998 City 3.45 Telegraphing A/c Sm Pox McClellan & Allen 2999 City 8.00 Burying Cow

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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