City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention H M Haller


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To the Hon. City Council of the City of Seattle WA.

The undersigned respfully protests and objects to being taxed or assessed upon the Mortgage of James W Stuart made to her of $3000.00 for the reason that she has not owned said Mortgage or the debt secured by at any time during the year 1885, that the same was endorsed and delivered to A M H Nichols of Detriot Michigan,and affint has not now and has not had during an y part of the year 1885 any interest therein. Heinrick M Haller Territory of Washongton County of King H M Haller being duly sworn on oath says that she has read the foregoing statement & Knows is content and bleieves the same to be true Subscribed aand sworn to before me thia 21st say of May 1885 H M Haller

T N Haller Notary Public

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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38 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jun 26 1886 after due consideeration is passed by the Council and adopted by the following vote to wit: In favor of the same R H Calligan,J Furth, Geo Hall, W A Harrington, T W Lake, Chas McDonald, J J Post and G W Young against None Ordered that the Council Adjourn until Tuesday June 20th at 7 o'clock pm H L Yesler, Mayor attest W R Forrest, clerk Jun 29 1886 For the minutes of June 29th see pages 32 & 33 of this record entered there by mistake W R Forrest clerk Jul 9 1886 Be it remembered that on this the 9th day of July 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets inits Council Chamber pursuant to law: Present, Mayor H L Yesler and Councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, G W Hall, W A Harrington, T W Lake, Chas McDonald, J J Post & G W Young the following preceedings are had to wit: Petitions Received & Read From Geo Newell praying that Temperance St be opened. Referrd toStreet Com. From H M Haller et al praying that Broadway be opened Referred to Street Com From D W Treat, L R Kidd et al praying for appointment of additional officers of election. aid on Table From L M Robbins praying for abatement of nuisance

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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38 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jun 26 1886 after due consideeration is passed by the Council and adopted by the following vote to wit: In favor of the same R H Calligan, J Furth, Geo Hall, W A Harrington, T W Lake, Chas McDonald, J J Post and G W Young against None Ordered that the Council Adjourn until Tuesday June 20th at 7 o'clock pm H L Yesler, Mayor attest W R Forrest, clerk Jun 29 1886 For the minutes of June 29th see pages 32 & 33 of this record entered there by mistake W R Forrest clerk Jul 9 1886 Be it remembered that on this the 9th day of July 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law: Present, Mayor H L Yesler and Councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, G W Hall, W A Harrington, T W Lake, Chas McDonald, J J Post & G W Young the following preceedings are had to wit: Petitions Received & Read From Geo Newell praying that Temperance St be opened. Referrd to Street Com. From H M Haller et al praying that Broadway be opened Referred to Street Com From D W Treat, L R Kidd et al praying for appointment of additional officers of election. aid on Table From L M Robbins praying for abatement of nuisance

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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594 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 1 1888 Ordered that Alex Allen's assessment of $2000 on Str "Violet" be reduced to $800.00 Ordered that the assessment of lots 10 & 11 Blk 43 A A Denny's 6th Addn be marked in unknown list "double assessment" Also the F W Wald be reduced to L3 B 5 Maynard's Addn $500. tocorrespond with county roll. Also the Mary B Kittenger be reudced on S 20 ft of L 4 B 8 Maynard's Addn from 7333 to $6667 Also Blk 2 Terry's 5th from 4955 to $4500. Also that G M Haller be reduced to L 5-6 & 7 B i Adelia's Addn to$70 each. Alsothat Mr Bates assessment of improvements of L4 B 43 A A Denny's 6th addn be reduced from 1000 to $800. The special committee to whom was referred various assessments report as follows To wit: T T Minor improvements be reduced to $6000 H M Haller improvements be reduced to $6000 J MColeman improvements be raised to $7500 D B Jackson improvements Lots 3 B 12 Boren & Denny's Addn be reduced from $8000 to $800 Baker & Moore personal property be reduced to $1000 Everett Smith $777 Mortgages be stricken from Roll H L Yesler reduced on improvements Block 33 Boren's addn to $18,000 That the lot on which the Yesler- Leary Building stands be reduced to $22,000 That BayView addn be stricken from the rollalso we recommend that the assessment of the various Banks be fixed as follows: First National Bank $90,000 Puget Sound National Bank $44,000

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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