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37 Columbia June 5th, 1893 The Town Council met pursuant to adjournment Mayor C P Hutchinson presiding. Roll call and the following Councilmen present: Voland, Willacy, Bond, Sullivan & Schade The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved. Oath of Office of O A Schade as councilman, and placed on file, The following Bills read and on motion warrants orderd drawn for payment of same. Bill from Z C Miller for water pipe and fittings $65.34 Bill from R Palmer for Drayage $4.50 Bill from Columbia House Co for Lumber $8.67 Bill from Rainier Ave E R R for fixing Lt $1.75 Bill from B R Shaw for 3&1/2 days of work on assessment roll $10.50 Bill from Press Times Pub Co for $1.00 Bill from H H A Hastings for salary as attorney $170.00 The following bill for work on the Water Works was read and on motion ordered paid our of the Water Fund. On motion the Bill from the Post I was laid on the table for investigation. A Houghton 15&7/8 days @ $2.00 $31.75 Oscar DeVaulr 2 days @ $2.00 $4.00 A H Hepler 6&1/2 days @ $2.00 $13.00 Joseph Hellenthal 9 days @ $5.00 $45.00 Joseph Hellenthal Sundries for Water Works $.40 Motion made and carried to pay the Supt of Water Works $2.50 per day for actual work performed. Motion made and carried to advertise 1700 ft of 3 in water pipe also prices for 1/2 inch and 1 in stop colks and price per lb for fittings also for the loan of such tools necessary for laying said pipe. On motion the Clerk was authorized to notify the people using Water from the Water system that their water rent for the month of May is now due and payable to the Town Treasurer who is

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


37 Columbia June 12th, 1893 The Town Council met pursuant to adjournment Mayor C P Hutchinson presiding. Roll call and the following Councilmen present: Voland, Schade, Sullivan, Bond & Willacy. The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved. On motion the office of City Engineer was declared vacant. Motion made and carried to employ L C Woodman as engineer for the Town at a salary of $5.00 per day On motion the Superintendent of the [?] Water Works was instructed to clean out the stream above the reservoir. this contract and bond for the grading of Columbus St read and on motion accepted and signed. Motion made and carried to advertise for the construction of the sidewalk on Columbus St. The bids for the furnishing of 1700 of 3 in water pipe opened and the motion to accept the bid of P V Dwyer & Brosof wrot iron pipe at 22&1/2 cents per ft. cost. Motion made and carried to accept the bid of P V Dwyer & Bros for galvanized pipe at 31&1/2 cents pr ft. Motion made and carried to adjourne to meet Monday June 17th 1893 B R Shaw clerk Approved June 17th 1893 C P Hutchinson mayor

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


40 Columbia June 19th, 1893 The Town Council met pursuant to adjournment Mayor C P Hutchinson presiding. Roll call and the following Councilmen present: Willacy, Bond, Schade & Voland The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved. P V Dwyer & Bros reprt that they have not sufficient Galvanized water pipe on hand and they were ordered to send what they had in stock and to get the balance here as soon as possible. Movd and carried that the Town make good the discount in the Bill of J E Miles & Co The resignation of Joshua Sullivan as Councilman read and on motion accepted. Motion made and carried to take up old sidewalk on Columbus St and replace it again with a 2 in plank for a gutter when the street is graded. Motion made and carried to adjourne to meet Monday June 26th 1893 at 8 o'clock pm B R Shaw clerk Approved June 26th 1893 C P Hutchinson mayor

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


41 Columbia June 26th, 1893 The Town Council met pursuant to adjournment Mayor C P Hutchinson presiding. Roll call and the following Councilmen present: Bond, Willacy & Schade The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved. Motion made and carried to advertise for bids for new sidewalks on both sides of Columbus St the same bids to be opened Monday July 3rd at 8 o'clock Motion made and carried that the marshall be empowered to build the bulkheads for the bridge on Columbus St. Motion made and carried to adjourne to meet next Monday July 3d at 8 o'clock pm B R Shaw clerk Approved July 6th 1893 C P Hutchinson mayor

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


44 Columbia July 15th 1893 The Council met pursuant to adhournment, Mayor C P Hutchinson presiding, Roll call and the following Councilmen present, Schade Willacy & Bond. The minutes of the two last meetings read and on motion approved. Communication from the A Hughston read declining to enter into contract with the Town to build sidewalk on Columbus St and on motion it was decided to let the contract to the next lowest bidder. Joseph Hellenthal and the Attorney instructed to draw up a contract for the compliance of same. The assessment Roll Call the improvement of Columbus St received from the clerk read and on motion the clerk was instructed to post the assessment Notices as requited by ordinance #29. Motinmade and carried to adjourne to meet Tuesday July 25th at 8 o'clock pm Approved July 25th 1893 B R Shaw clerk C P Hutchinsonmayor Approve Aug 7th 1893 C P Hutchinson mayor

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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