City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Town of Columbia




10 by virtue of "an act providing for the organization". Classification incorporation and government of municipal corporation and declaim and emergency which said act was duly passed by legislature of the State of Washington, and was approved by the Governor. If said State on the 27 day of March A D 1890 and also by virtue of order of the Board of Commissioners of said county passed Dec 10, 1892 directing said election to be held on said day, and it further appearing to the Board from the returns of said election duly filed with said Board that said election was duly and regularly held on said day and that all proceedings have been regular and in conformity with said statutes And thet being no owner of over 20 acres of unplatted land with in said boundaries and the board having canvas it said election returns do find said election to be as follows. Viz: For Incorporation- 47 Against Incorporation- 12 For Mayor C P Hutchinson- 51 For Mayor E L Hepler- 1 For Treasurer E L Hepler- 49 For Treasurer V R Pierson- 3 For Councilman J Sullivan- 50 For Councilman Wm Willacy- 42 For Councilman E Voland- 48 For Councilman J Hellenthal- 36 For Councilman Fred Bond- 37 For Councilman V R Pierson- 19 For Councilman O A Schade- 15 For Councilman C N Groat- 10 For Councilman W D McKnight- 1 Whereby it appears to the said Board that said returns show the vote to be in favor of Incorporation, wherefore it is ordered that said returns to be placed on file and the said "Town of Columbia" be declared duly and regularly incorporated as a municipal Incorporation of the fourth class, under the name of "The Town of Columbia" and that the following officers are declared elected to hold their respective offices until the next regular election held in said town.

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


59 Columbia Oct 2nd 1893 Town Council met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Hutchinson in the chair. The following Councilmen wee present, Sullivan, Willacy & Voland The minutes for the meeting of Oct 2nd were read and on motion approved. the record for Oct 9th 1893 showing no quorum was also read. L C Woodman city engineer submits a reprot certifyin therein that R Palmer has completed four hundred and two yards of bulkhead on his contract with the city according to contract and specification. On motion the report was accepted and warrants ordered to be drawn for 70% of said estimate. A communication fro the County Auditor showing the value of Real and Personal property around within the Corporate limits of the Town of Columbia and read. On motion the same was received and placed on file. His Hon the Mayor presented a request of Citizen Woodruff that Angeline Street crossings be made four feet in width instead of three. A motion was made by councilman Voland that we readvertize for bids for the construction of the sidewalks on Angeline Street specifiying therein that the crossings shall be four feet in width said bids to be opened on Monday Oct 23rd 1893. Said motion was duly seconded and carried and clerk ordered to post notices in accordance therewith The Rainier Avenue sewer question was informally discusse and on motion further consideration of it was postponed until the next meeting of the Council. On motionof CouncilmanWillacy it was ordered that sewer and Box 10x12 in the [?] constructed across Angeline Street next to the railway. On motion Council adjourned to meet Monday Oct 23 1893 approved Oct 23 1893 C P Hutchinson

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


60 Columbia Oct 25th 1893 Town Council met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Hutchinson in the chair. The following members being present, viz: Schade, Willacy, Voland & Sullivan, The minutes for the meeting of Oct 14th were ordered read and on motion approved. The superintendent on Town Water Company reported some bursted pipe and recommended that provision be made to repair same until new pipe could be obtained On motion of councilman Voland the supt. was empowered to purchase sufficient "tarred twine" to make such repairs as needed. The superintendent of Water Works further reports that uponexamination of copliant made by one Harry Finch he found that siad Finch house was connected with water main by an 1/2" pipe. Said pipe not being sufficiently large to supply water for the two families occupying Finch House. Also that A H Hepler had bought of the City 60 ft of 1/2 " iron pipe. On motion Mr Finch was exempted from paying for two families until the suppply of water was increased. The clerk was ordered to charge Mr Hepler 1 cent per foot for the 1/2" pipe, and render him a bill for same. On motion of Councilman Schade an ordinance No 35 was read pertaining to and providing for the levying of a tax of 1% on the property in the Town of Columbia for the years 1893 and 1894 The same was passed and the clerk ordered to post the same as provided for and required by laaw. He was also instructed to certify same to the Auditor of King Co. Mr Hastings the Town Attorney instructed the Council as to the requirements of the law regarding the registration of voters. And advising the Council accordingly. Councilman Voland then moved that His Honor the Mayor be empowered to provide a registration book & etc for the approching electin and a tax receipt book for the Town Marshall Carried. A communication from Mr J K Edmistonexpressing his willingness as a large holder of Columbus Street Improvements Warrants

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


67 Columbia Dec 11th 1893 Town Council met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Hutchinson Presiding. Roll call and the following councilmen present, Voland,Willacy & Schade The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved. The council proceeded to canvass the returnes of the anual election held onthe 5th day of Dec. for the purpose of electing 3 three councilmen to serve for two years and two councilmen tofill the unexpered term of Joseph Hellenthal and Fred Bond ending on the second Tuesday of January 1895. And for the following special propositions:- Shall the Town of Columbia for municipal purposes borrow six thousand dollars $6000 and issue its negotiable bonds there for and in favor if the proposition as set fourth and detained in Section 1 of this Ordinance #39 of said town. That the Town of Columbia ratify the purchase of the water works of the Town of columbia made pursuant #24 from Columbia Home Company and expenditures and additions hereto fore made thereto and to make certain other additions therefor the said water works now controlled by said town for the purpose of supplying water to the inhabitants of the Town of Columbia at the total estimated cost as set fourth on said section of said ordinance of Four Thousand Dollars ($4000) and for the purpose of providing for the epxpenditures therefor said town borrow money ad contract indebtedness therefore by the issuance and sale of bonds of said town in the sum of four thousand Dollars ($4000) The council having canvassed saie election returns do find said electio to be as follows - viz: For councilmen for the term of two years, William Willacy50 D W Calder 46 J D Chase 48 E Voland 1

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




144 Columbia Feby 4th 1895 The Town Council met persuant to adjournment Mayor Pierson presiding Roll Call and the followingCouncilmen present; McKay, Groat & Almquist The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved. A communication from Fred H Peterson in reference to the suit to reclaim the land known as Park read and on motion ordered placed on file and on motion the Park Committee discharged from further service. Report from the Marshal Brown reand and on motion accepted and ordered placed on file. A petition from Rainier Lodge #184 I O G P read asking for better protection of their property and on motion the same was ordered placed on file. and a committee of one appointed to inform the members of the Columbia Athletic Club that unless better usuage of the Hall and contents is maintained they will be refused the use of same. Ordinance #50 fixing the bonds and the compensation of the Officers of the Town of Columbia read and on motion passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor. Ordinance #51 defining the duties of the City Attorney and fixing his compensation read and on motion passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor The folllowing standing committees are appointed by the Mayor. On Water Councilmen Calder, Groat and Almquist On Streets and Alleys, Almquist, Chase and McKay On Finance, McKay, Groat & Chase On Health, Groat, Calder & Chase On Public Buildings and Wharves, Chase, McKay and Calder Bill from D C Brown for salary for the month of January as Marshal $8.33 read and on motion the same was ordered paid.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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