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Abstract log of the E. I. Ship Clarence, 1864-1891.

p. 25

p. 25

July 9th

am. Light NW wind & fine "Arima" in co. [company] astern. Noon Light North wind & fine. Latde [Latitude] obsd [observed] 30.47 N Londe [Longitude] Chr [Chronometer] 18.54 W Course S 21 W 133 miles Bar [Barometer] 30.20 Symp [Sympiesometer] 30.11 Ther [Thermometer] air 76 Wr [water] 72 PM Moderate NE wind & fine. Passed & spoke the Chilian Brig "Samuel & Julia" 19 days at Liverpool to Rio

July 10th

am Steady NE trade & fine carrying all sail. Performed Divine service on the Poop Latde [Latitude] obsd [observed] 28.23 No Londe [Longitude] Chr [Chronometer] 20.23 W Course S 28 W 164 miles Bar [Barometer] 30.18 Sympr [Sympiesometer] 30.08 Ther [Thermometer] 73 water 72 PM moderate NE trade & fine passed a Barque standing as ourselves.

July 11th

am Moderate NE trade & fine throughout the 24 hours. Latde [Latitude] Obsd [Observed] 25.28 Londe [Longitude] Chr. [Chronometer] 21.54 West Course S 25 W 193 miles Bar [Barometer] 30.19 Sympr [Sympiesometer] 30.07 Ther [Thermometer] air 77 water 72 PM at 7.30 the wife of Private Eccleston 18th Hussars was delivered of a son.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 28

p. 28

July 17th - continued

PM Light wind at NNE & fine 5 knots at 2 Signalled the ship "Myrtle" from Bombay to Liverpool 82 days out & the ship "Landerdale" from Shanghai & passed an English Barque stdg [standing] Nd [Northward] at 10 a shift of wind to the South in all stdg [studding] sls [sails].

July 18th

am Light Southly [Southerly] airs & cloudy. a Barque in Co [Company] at 10.30 Tacked ship to SEd [SEastward] Latde [Latitude] obsd [observed] 10.24 No Londe [Longitude] Chr [Chronometer] 26.11 W Course S 22 W 63 miles Bar [Barometer] 30.03 Sympr [Sympiesometer] 29.85 Ther [Thermometer] air 81 water 80 PM Light breeze at South Tacked to the West at 3 wind SW Tkd [Tacked] to SEd [SEastward] Spoke in passing the American Barque "Investigator" 36 days from New York to Buenos Aires signalled the English ship "War Spirit" standing to the Nd [Northward] midnight Light WSW wind & cloudy.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 66

p. 66

October 9th

am Light breeze at ENE heading SE 1/2 S sounded in 23 fms [fathoms] 0.30 Saw False Point Light from Crossjack yard Bearing West. at 2.30 Passed a ship the "Nile" standg [standing] to the Nd [Northward] -- at 4 sounded in 30 fms [fathoms] 5.30 sounded in 37 fms [fathoms] nearly calm 3 ships in company. a steamer the "Orissa" passed down the coast at 6 Breeze made at No in a squall trimmed on the Port Tack Lewds [Leewards] E by N squally with rain Noon Moderate at NNE & squally + [cross with four dots] Latde [Latitude] obsd [observed] 20.8 No Londe [Longitude] Chr [Chronometer] 87.34 E Course S 20 W 16 miles Bar [Barometer] 29.90 Sympr [Sympiesometer] 29.72 Ther [Thermometer] 82 PM Moderate NNE wind & squally Signal- led the English ship "Hengist" from Liverpool to Calcutta at 5 squally at Northd [Northward] with heavy rain a waterspout to leeward at 7 The wind veered NWd [NWestward] & fell calm Midnight calm + [cross with four dots] Observed a dismasted large vessel in tow of a ship under all sail. Found afterwards, it was the "City Poonah" in tow of the ship "Iron Crown"

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom

William B. Hadden diary, 1865.

p. 28

p. 28

our progress is best very indifferent today, &[and] during the night we had showers of rain. A ship was seen today a long way to the windward, she apparently was going the same way as ourselves, My [corser] upon the [ll] toothe for my jaw was sore &[and] swollen, [He} Again we are in almost a calm, how unfortunate, we have not had [illegible] 6 days fair sailing since we left Kurachie, &[and] now we are on board 44 days, what will the end be, it ought to be good according to the old saying, today a ship appears but in an other direction than the one we saw yesterday, [?y] sent many small whales &[and] purposes[porpoises] was seen [s?o?lling] about in the Calm waters near our ship about 5 o 6 [5 or 6] P.M. we [illegible] up with the ships, it was very pleasant for both, she was from Java, for Liverpool, Her name is the Reinsrowshire. she was then 17 days at sea her Crew give us three Cheers we returned the Complement, we are very crowed on such [illegible] and [wh???skies] ordered us to be put off there at Retreat. where could we go, we Could not move about, on the deck. &[and] all being experienced [illegible] Commanded to Kik up now [??thing] &[and] shouting. &[and] calling [illegible] them over board, they feared [illegible] &[and] you're [or?] [t?] back to the [illegble] as the [Lattov]. no more [illegible] them about evening the breeze rose a little. [Stansalls?], were [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] [illegible].

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Last edit almost 3 years ago by sheebe

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 43

p. 43

We left Lat. 4.5 N Long. 21.28 West 140 miles. Sept. 2 We will cross the line tomorow. No ceremony. Ceremony as it used to be Complaint about dinner. Lat. 1.50 North Long. 21.2 Sept. 3rd. Crossed the line. Wind ahead at 11 o'clock. Signalled the "Ville de Aigue Morte" & asked them to report us. Wind changeable. Lat 00.55 S 21.34 W 149 miles. Sept. 4th. Spoke the Schooner reward from L'pool to Cape Town had been 42 days at sea. We had been 18 days Lat 4.8 South Long. 22.52 W. 219 miles Sept. 5th Notice up to prevent Cards on the Quarter deck. Lat 4.16 S Long. 23.4 W, 204 miles No singing after 10.30 at night. Sept. 6th. Service today by the purser & surgeon on q deck large attendance. Fine pleasant day. Sails all set. Lat 10.33 S Long 25.31 W 231 miles Sept. 7th First appearance of the Candia Gazette. Lat 13.53 South Long. 24.4 W. 229 miles Sept. 8th Hailed the Maryanna from L Pool to Bombay. She had been at sea 50 days. Singing in the leeway to commemorate Sebastopol. Weather fine. port open 16.31 S Long 28.20 W 185 miles.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
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