Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Kedgeree

Abstract log of the E. I. Ship Clarence, 1864-1891.

p. 147

p. 147

Balasore Roads on sending a boat ashore for provisions. The whole country was discovered to be devastated by the storm which had risen over the high sea dyke, sweeping everything before it. On steaming further up the same news was brought from Durreapoor; the people who were left, and had been without food for two days, were eased only by escaping to [Koutie?] the land was covered with the debris of the ocean, such as porpoises, sea shells, &c. mixed up with dead buffaloes & human bodies, & the stench already dreadful. The following day on arriving at Kedgeree where the "Martaban" lay dismasted. The news from the shore was the same. The Postmasters house was swept away, & himself & family with it The surveying Brig "Salween" was blown inshore off the Telegraph office which was entirely destroyed & the loss of life there was frightful. The river the whole night was emitting the putrid odour of floating carcasses, & the next morning while pro- ceeding with the "Martaban" the water all the way up was black with wreck drift bodies of men & cattle

Last edit about 4 years ago by donna29

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 52

p. 52

13th. Received an order to attend a Commitee of inspection of the Belgravia & also at the Commisariat on provisions of medical comforts for the use of troops on board

14th. Feby. Joined the 'Belgravia" Took leave of Capt. Goodwin Mr Johnston Dibbs. Left note to Hornby to Barry to settle his mess bill orders with Barry to draw my pay fully to remit 50 Cos.Rs. home monthly got my traps on board at 2 oclock left Kedgeree Calcutta Anchored at o clock. at Wrote a letter home.

15th Weighed Anchor at Anchored at at OClock

16th Weighed anchor at Oclock

17th Weighed Anchor at Anchored at a man fell overboard & was drifting [slowly struck through] swiftly past the ship when a rope was

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 53

p. 53

dropped from the quarter of the ship & the native succeeded in taking hold of it. 6 seconds longer & he would have been lost. This forenoon made visits round the sick men found most of them improving. 2 men however still remain in a precarious state.

19th Left Kedgeree in tow of the Sydney past Saugor island between 12 & 1 oclock. lost sight of land at 2. OClock. Pilot went left at 4 oclock. I sent letters for home stating that I was of to the Cape & that Barry was to draw my pay & remit Cos. Rs. 50 monthly. Wrote to Fred Bessie & Kate I. This Afternoon boy fell overboard from boat. [illegible?] and bravely lines dropped for him but he struck out from the ship Lascars would scarely help to save him but on being Shouted to from our ship they reached him an oar As soon as he got into the boat he

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 93
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p. 93

Kedgeree. After resting a short time Mr. Cloete Senr. & Junr. the Genl. Cafer Dadson & I went out to see the vineyards. the season of the grapes was nearly passed & they had been nearly all gathered. A very large tract of ground was under Culturation extend- ing a good long way up the side of the Hill. Constantia is the place famous for its manufacture of wines. A great many spurious imatations are sold [the only meth scored through] & have consequently given the Cape a bad name for wine but the genuine Constantia which is only to be got bygoing to the vineyards is in reality one of [written above] the finest wines possible to procure. We went to the Vintry & saw the processes by which the grape is fermented the pressing of the grape, [illegible] & exposure & fermentation &ec. & then we had

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 203
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p. 203

after had dinner & went up to St. Pauls in the evg. again. Called at Dicey's. Asked to take tea with him after church went there met Mrs. D.

Monday Feby. 21st. 1859

Called on McGregor to day. sent a penc[?] to shew me Mrs. Ogilvies house. Met Bowen & Dibbs at the Exchange. had a rotten old Gharrie from Kedgeree. Called at Mrs. Ogilvies agreed to take a room. 80 Rs. a month. got my large box out of the ship & sent my Madras servant with it to my lodging with 2 coolies. Went up in the evg. with Dibbs in the Buggy. took quarters at Mrs. Ogilvies my traps did not arrive & made search all round about for them did not come had

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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