Pages That Mention A Burgus
674 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 12 1885 Be it remembered that on this the 12th day of August 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are preent to wit: His Honor the Mayor H L Yesler and Councilmen Keenen,Young,Calligan, Hall, Furth & Lake thereupon the following proceedings were had, to wit: Petitions received Petition of James Pallock for a sewer from North side of Main St to South side of Jackson St referred to comittee on sewers. Petition of A S Miller for street crossing corner 3rd & Marion Sts. Referred to Committee on Streets and Improvements. Remonstrances. The remonstrance of A Burgus et al against the issuance of a Retail Liquor License to Richard Pritcherd of the Lake View House at East end of Jackson St was received read and ordered filed, and the application and bond of said Richard Pritchard ordered laid over by a unanimous vote. Communications A communication from the Board of Fie Delegates asking for additional fire apparatus received. Referred to committee on Fire & Water. Reports Report of the City Justice approved and ordered filed. Report of Street Commissioner Manning approved & ordered filed Application of Charles Ross for License referred Licenses ordered Issued Ordered that Licenses be issues as follows to wit: Thomas Anderson Retail Malt Liquors for 3 months from Aug 8 1885 Peter Buerman Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Aug 1st 1885 E H Huntley Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Aug 11 1885 Fred Homan Retail Intoxicating Liquors for 3 months from Aug 15 1885 S Baxter Wholesale Intoxicating Liquors for 6 months from Aug 10 1885 Wm Waugh Retail Malt Liquors for 3 months from Aug 16 1885