City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention H H Pease




253 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 9 1887 and improvements on same valued at $1300. be stricken from E L Terry assessment that property having been assessed twice in same list. Ordered that Bessie J Lewis be reduced on Syndicate Ridge from $4500. to $900 and on Syndicate Hill from $3600 to $720. and that Lot 4 Block 65 Terry's Second Addn be reduced from $500 to $100 Ordered that C T Terry be reduced on Syndicate Ridge from 4500. to 900 and on Syndicate Hill from $3600 to $720 Ordered that J R Kinnear be reduced on personal property 2700. account County Scrip. The City Atty reporting that the same is unassessable. Ordered that L B Andrews be reduced on personal property from $30,057 to 20,050. Ordered that Mrs Nellie M Scurry be reduced on her total assessment $400. account clerical error. Ordered that lots 6 & 7 Block 52 Dennys Eastern to Terry be assessed to H H Pease and the same stricken from A A Denny's list also that Lot 9 in Block J A A Denny's 4 Addn be changed toLot 10 Block J: A A Denny's 4th in H H Pease's assessment. Ordered that an undivided 1/2 of Lot 2 Block 32 C D Boren's valuation $850 be assessed against R Russell instead of the full lot also 2/3 of Lot 1 Block 37 valued at 1335 instead of the full lot. and that 1/2 of Lot 2 Block 32 be assessed to Samuel W Russell and 1/3 of Lot 1 Block 37 value $665 be assessed to Geo G Arnold Ordered that 1/2 o f Lot 3 Block 32 Boren's Plat be assessed to Lulu Russell and the same stricken from

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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