Pages That Mention Jas bogart
683 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 4 1885 Licenses Ordered issued Ordered that Licenses be issued as follows to wit: Schwabacher Bros & Co Wholesale Liquor for 6 months from Aug 9 85 Gumbert & Dickman Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Sept 1st 85 Geo F McConnell Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 12 months from Aug 22nd 85 A F Hill Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Sep 3rd 85 Vitus Schmidt Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 6 months from Sept 14th 85 Geo M Perkins Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Aug 15th 85 Andrew Slorah Retail Malt Liquor for 3 months from Aug 14th 85 John Levy Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Sept 6th 85 Jacob Boegli Retail Malt Liquor for 3 months from Aug 22nd 85 Ernst Romey Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Aug 22nd 85 Julius W Smith Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Aug 8 85 Morgan & Lawrence Retail Intoxicating Liquor for 3 months from Aug 23 85 The vote on granting said licenses is as follows: In favor of granting same Calligan, Furth, Hall, Keenen, Lake, McDonald & Young against none. Claims Allowed The following claims having been duly audited by the terminal are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the funds in the following amounts, viz: Name Fund No Amt Services W R Forrest City 1255 84.34 Salary Clerk partMo W R Forrest City 1256 100.00 Salary Atty C H Hanford City 1257 100.00 Salary Chief of Police Jas Bogart City 1259 60.00 Janitor & Jailor Police W H Hughes City 1258 100.00 Salary Assessor J D Lowman City 1260 82.25 Salary Treasurer partMo W M Jones City 1261 42.20 Salary Policeman partMo Jas Welch City 1262 65.00 Salary Policeman partMo Wm Pinckney City 1263 65.00 Salary Policeman Wm Murphy City 1264 65.00 Salary Policeman A E Hunnen City 1265 4.40 Salary Special Policeman Jas Donovan City 1266 4.40 Salary Special Policeman L A Hobson City 1267 2.20 Salary Special Policeman L Cummings City 1268 63.00 St Coroner Part Mo $837.39
693 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 2 1885 The application of Pat Flynn for a license is referred back to applicant for correction Bills Allowed The following claims having been audited by the council are ordered paid by warrants on the funds as follows, viz: Name Fund No Amt Service W R Forrest City 1277 125.00 Clerks Salary WH Hughes City 1278 100.00 Assessors Salary C H Hanford City 1279 100.00 City Attys Salary Jas Bogart City 1280 60.00 Jailors Salary Wm Murphy City 1281 65.00 Police Salary Wm Pinckney City 1282 65.00 Police Salary Wm Jones City 1283 65.00 Police Salary A Chilberg City 1284 125.00 Treasurers Salary N S Snyder City 1285 32.50 Quit Claim Deed James Welch City 1286 65.00 Police Nicholas Brown City 1287 7.00 Removing Carrion J H Woolery City 1288 100.00 Salary Chief Police L Cummings City 1289 91.00 Salary St Comnr Seattle Chronicle City 1290 1.50 Publishing Notices F Anthony City 1291 15.00 Leger F S Chadbourne & Co City 1292 27.00 Furniture Clerks Ofs D Moore 58.50 Labor on Streets Thos Rock City 1088 58.50 Labor on Streets Michael Murphy City 1089 12.95 Labor on Streets Luther Albee City 1090 4.50 Labor on Streets Patrick Delany City 1091 4.50 Labor on Streets Jus Christopher City 1092 24.75 Labor on Streets Phillip Corchran City 1093 58.50 Labor on Streets Jno Keenen City 1095 22.50 Labor on Streets Stephen Berry City 1096 58.50 Labor on Streets R S Woolery City 1094 57.37 Labor on Streets Jas Campbell City 1097 58.50 Labor on Streets [total] 419.07 Jas Bogart City 1098 58.50 Board of Prisoners
81 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 3 1886 Name Warrant# Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 1858 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk E Shepard 1859 City 15.40 Salary City Clerk Jas Bogart 1860 City 60.00 Salary City Clerk Jas Bogart 1860 City 53.80 Salary City Clerk A Chilberg 1861 City 40.00 Salary City Clerk L A Treen 1862 City 60.00 Salary City Clerk L Cummings 1863 City 94.50 Salary City Clerk F H Peterson 1864 City 100.00 Salary City Clerk Bolton Rogers 1865 City 26.00 Services as Police Officer J W Smart 1866 City 26.00 Services as Police Officer L B Young 1867 City 26.00 Services as Police Officer J R Davis 1868 City 26.00 Services as Police Officer W B Jackling 1869 City 26.00 Services as Police Officer B Rogers 1870 City 4.30 Special Police Chas E Norager 1871 City 2.15 Special Police Fred A Minick 1872 City 2.15 Special Police J Kelley 1873 City 2.15 Special Police J Meyers 1874 City 2.15 Special Police Wm Murphy]] 1875 City 100.00 Salary Chief ofPoliceman Jas Welch 1876 City 50.54 Salary Capt of Policeman J W Hunt 1877 City 41.00 Salary Policeman W G H Pickney 1878 City 41.00 Salary Policeman T H Campbell 1879 City 41.00 Salary Policeman J L McClellan City 41.00 Salary Policeman T Butler 1880\1881\1882 City 41.00 Salary Policeman F A Fay 1883 City 41.00 Salary Policeman Fred Voigt 1884\1885 City 41.00 Salary Policeman J L McDaniel 1886\1887 City 41.00 Salary Policeman Wm Morris 1888 City 41.00 Salary Policeman Geo G Lyon 1889 City 11.50 Justice [?] S C Harris 1890 City 1.75 Recording Deed Lowman & Hanford 1891 City 12.00 Printing for City Sunset Telephone Co 1892 City 5.90 Telephone for Sept D & E M Munroe 1893 City 7.00 Meals for ElectionBoard G A Hill 1894 City 58.65 Justice Peace Fees
93 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 1 186 Jas Green, F D Hinckley, T W Lake, C F Reitze and R Russell against none. Bills Allowed The following Claims against the city having been duly audited and allowed by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows, to wit: Name Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 1905 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk L A Treen 1906 City 100.00 Salary City Treasurer F H Peterson 1907 City 100.00 Salary City Atty Laurence Cummings 1908 City 91.00 Salary Street Commissioner Jas Bogart 1909 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor Jas Bogart 1909 City 35.80 Board of prisoners Geo G Lyon 1910 City 9.80 Justice Fees G A Hill 1911 City 38.45 Justice fees R H Thomson 1912 City 120.75 Services as Supt & Assts on Beach Road Bridge Sunset Telephone Co 1913 City 5.90 Telephone Month of Sept G Davis & Co 1914 City 1.00 Lettering Code for Clerk Harrington & Smith 1915 City 6.60 Lanterns & Oil for police Lowman & Hanford S & P Co 1916 City 178.50 Publishing Mayor's Report etc L P Smith & Son 1917 City 1.00 Repairing Stars Police Young & McKeon 1918 City 1.50 Gas Bracket in Jail J H Woolery 1919 City 200.00 Judgement agaonst City J H Woolery 1920 City 38.55 Costs against City Wm Murphy 1921 City 100.00 Salary Chief of Police J L McClellan 1922 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer T Butler 1923 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Wm Pinckney 1924, 25, 26 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Wm Morris 1927 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Fred A Fay 1928, 29, 30 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer F Voigt 1931 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Thos H Campbell 1932 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer J Welch 1933 City 80.00 Salary Police Officer J W Hunt 1934 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer
228 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jul 15 1887 mercial Streets thence running north sixty (60) feet, thence commencing one hundred and twenty (120) feet north of the north line of Jackson Street to the south line of Main Street. Third, North side of Washington Street, commencing at the north east corner of Commercial and Washington Streets, thence east one hundred and twenty (120) feet. Recommendation adopted by the Council and the Chief of Police directed to notify property owners to immediately rebuild said sidewalks. Applications for Liquor Licenses Referred Drown & Rice, Henry Robbins & Deitz & Schnietztien Licenses ordered Issued J N Meyer Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Geo Meister Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Chas Norager Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st H Carson Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Wm Garrett Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Fred Scholpp Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Melhorn & Probst Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Thevote upon issuing said said licenses is as following, viz: In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze. Against none. Bills Allowed The following claims against the City having been duly audited by the Council and allowed are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as following viz: Names Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2386 City 177.50 Registrar E Edson 2387 City 75.00 Dep Clerk Purchasing Agent 2388 City 2.00 Posting notices etc Jas Bogart 2389 City 46.00 Board of Prisoners I H Page 2390 City 15.00 Board of Registration F A Twitchell 2391 City 15.00 Board of Registration [total]330.50