City of Seattle Records

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732 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 4 1886 Applications for License Referred A F Able & Co, Brazil & Burns, Chas F O'Hara, John J March, M L Abbott, Thomas Clancy, Henry Kersey, Chas G Steinweg, Geo Meister, John McCarey & C B Sperry Licenses Granted The folowing licenses are ordered issued viz: Andrew Lunn retail Intox 3 months from Jany 1st Oscar A Kraus retail Intox 3 months from Jany 8th E J Powers retail Intox 3 months from Dec 18 Jo Francisco retail Intox 3 months from Jany 7 Thomas & Morgan retail Intox 3 months from Jany 11 M S Booth retail Intox 3 months from Jany 1 J P Tighe retail Intox 3 months from Dec 16 E C Storah retail Intox 3 months from Dec 13 Oliver Bernard retail Intox 3 months from Dec 27 John Collins retail Intox 3 months from Dec 28 M & K Gottstein Wholesale Intox 3 months from Dec 17 L V Schnyder Retail retail Malt 3 months from Jany 4 Frank Wilton retail Malt 3 months from Dec 13 Pat Flynn retail Malt 3 months from Dec 19 The vote upon issuing siad licenses is as follows to wit: In favor of the same, R H Calligan, J Furth, W A Harrington, Geo W Hall, John Keenen, T W Lake, Charles McDonald, J J Post, Geo W Young Miscellaneous On motion the City Attorney is instructed to prepare and submit an ordinance requiring all persons selling fruilt trees grown outside of King County to pay a license. On motion it is ordered that the City Attorney be and he is hereby directed to take the necessary steps to collect the several amounts due the city for for theater and exhibition.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




128 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 21 1886 Communication from R H Thomson superintendent of Grant Street Plank Road reporting thatthe bridge had been fully completed in accordance with the contract & making certain suggestion. Read, Approved and ordered filed. Committee Reports Received From Steet Committee on petition of T T Minor et al recommendingthat the petition be granted and the Street Commissioner instructed to open a road from commencing on Jackson Street at the foot of the last hill (known as Pritchard's Hill) and connecting with the water works road. and continuing along the top of the ridge to the City Limits. Report Adopted. Applications for Licenses referred Gumbert & Clinch, A Slorah, Murphy & Price, H Hoggenmaker, Fred Scholpp, J H Foster, Charles Deitz, M J McDonough, Wm Grose, Melhorne & Probst, John Heinrich Jr, Fred Gasch, W F Allen & Co, M McDonald, George Meister E J Powers, Vitus Schmid, James W Smith A F Hill, Chas G Steinweg, Davidson & Grubb, Thomas Clancy, John Brennan, Julius Wright, Charles Ross, Wm Waugh, O N Morse, E C Huntley, Andrew Lunn, L Diller, H M Peters, Ernest Romey, John Collins, O P Dahlquist, M & K Gottstein, J P Tighe, Joe Franciso, Oscar Johnson, Frank P Heman E Champeaux, Martin Lange, Thomas & Davis, Ernst Romey, McMaster & Co, A F Able & Co. The A P Hoteling Co, Geo Delfil, John McCann William Mason, Ole Nelson, August Wolffe Morgan & Prosser, Shaw & Alger, Feigh & Miller, John Feigh, John T Lester, Margaret O'Shea, Jacob Bersch, Oliver Bernard, E C Slorah

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




132 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 30 1886 William Mason, James W Smith, A F Hill, Charles Ross Charles G Steinweg, Thomas Clancy, Ernst Romey, H.M.Peters, L Diller, Mehlhorn & Probst, Davis & Armstrong, Jno Heinrich Jr. Wilton & Jordison, McMaster & Co, Gumbert & Clinch Fred Scholpp, Jack Connors, G K Beede, Geo W Walsh, M J McDonough, W F Allen & Co, Fred Gasch, M McDonald, Vitus Schmid, E C Huntley John Fiegh, J H Foster, John Brannen, M & K Gottstein, Andrew Lunn, E J Powers, Chas Deitz, Geo Delfil, Wm Grosse, Geo Meister, O N Morse, Wm Waugh, John T Lester, H Haggenmaker, Julius Wegert, John McCary, Julius Wegert, Davidson and Grubb, A Slorah, Shaw & Alger, Morgan & Prosser, Margaret O'Shea, Jacob Bursch, Oliver Bernard, E C Slorah, F L Benjamin, Joe Francisco, The A P Hoteling Co, Ernst Romey, Murphy & Price, Jno Collins, E Champeaux, J P Tighe, O P Dahlquist Oscar Johnson, Frank P Heman and Martin Lange The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows viz: In favor of the same C W Coulter, J Furth, J Green, T D Hinckley, T W Lake & R Russell Against none. Ordinance 796 An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance to amend Sections 5 & 7 of Ordinance No 767 entitled 'An Ordinance governing the traffic in intoxicating liquors within the City of Seattle' Approved July 31st 1886", which is passed by the following vote: In favor of the same C W Coulter J Green, [T D Hinckley]], T W Lake & R Russell. Against the same J Furth ordered that the Council do now adjourn W H Shoudy mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk Ordered that

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




502 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE June 15 1888 Report of A A Bell and F W Wald the committee appointed to obtain dedications of property along the line of Second Street for the purpose of widening said street, recommmending that the Council pass an Ordinance condemning property on Second Street for the purpose of widening said street, read and referred to Street Com, & City Atty. Licenses Referred Davidson & Grubb, Beede & Sinclair, Jo Francisco, Dietz & Meyer, Melhorn & Probst, Gumbert & Clinch, M Racine, Geo Meister, Jus McCarey, M & K Gottstein, A Slorah,A P Hoteling Co, L Diller, Geo Drefel, E J Powers, Charles Ross, James P Tighe Adolph Schander, Jacob Bersch, James W Smith J H Foster, Oscar Johnson, Fred Schopp, Henry Haggenmaker, Branham & Carson, J T Armstrong, Oscar Johnson Licenses Ordered Issued Kreielscheimer Bros & Frank Clinch The vote upon issuing said licenses is as folows In favor of the same Frink,Green, Lake, Niesz Russell & Rietze. Against the same none. Tenth Street Improvement Bids for the Improvement of Tenth Street from Broadway to Seneca Street under Ordinance No 944 were opened and read as follows: Henderson & Locke Earthwork per cubic yard .39&1/2cents Cribbing per MBM[thousand Board feet] $18.00 Sidewalks per MBM[thousand Board feet] $17.50 Box Drains per MBM[thousand Board feet] $19.00 Clearing and grubbing per acre $150.00

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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