City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention J Langston




758 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 5 1886 F S Curtis retail intoxicating 12 mos from Mar 5th Chas Ross retail intoxicating 3 mos from Mar 1st Schwabacher Bros & Co wholesale intoxicating 6 mos from Feb 9th John Shepich retail intoxicating 3 mos from Feb 8th Theovte upon issuing siad licenses being as follows towit: In favor thereof Councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth G W Hall, W A Harrington, T W Lake, C McDonald, J J Post and G W Young; against none The following claims against the City are presented and referred to theproper committee viz: name fund amount W R Forrest City 125.00 C H Hanford City 100.00 A Chilberg City 83.33 L Cummings City 84.00 J Bogart City 60.00 J Bogart City 27.40 Geo G Lyon City 24.30 J Blood City 2.20 Geo Behan City 2.20 Chas Hardy City 2.20 Ed Norton City 2.20 L VanDoren City 2.20 Donovan Bros City 10.50 Gordon Hardware Co City 77.50 Neuman & Agrens City 11.20 Seattle Chronicle City 27.64 Sunset Telephone Co City 5.90 Harrington & Smith City 2.40 W H Pinckney City 41.17 Jas Burke City 41.17 G W Hapgood City 5.00 D H Webster City 32.50 Wm Morse City 32.50

Wm Murphy City 65.00 F A Minick City 65.00 Lowman & Hanford S & P Co City 5.50 Turn Verim Society City 75.00 Young & McKeon City .75 W B Jackling City 40.00 Bolton Rogers City 15.12 G L Hill City 20.44 Geo A Hill City 17.40 R H Thomson City 129.25 R H Thomson City 52.25 R H Thomson City 28.50 James Welch City 45.36 Wm Morse City 23.33 W H DeWolf City 18.67 W B Jackling City 18.67 H K Struve City 15.17 D H Blackmar City 15.17 Neil Heuly City 15.17 A McRae City 15.17 G W Hapgood City 15.17 J R Davis City 15.17

J W McGee City 15.17 S P Short City 15.17 M M Holmes City 15.17 C A Craig City 15.17 W M Morse City 15.17 Bolton Rogers City 15.17 G L Hill City 10.83 D H Webster City 15.17 J W Smart City 15.17 J W Currier City 15.17 P Frizell City 15.17 J Normile City 8.67 W M Jones City 15.17 E H Hubbart City 2.17 G Jager City J Kahaley City Jas Murphy City Leo Lester City O D Butterfield City W M Jones City 49.83 J Langston City 3.00 Spring Hill Water Co Water 166.00

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Seattle, Washington:

Your petitioners respectfully represent that they are citizens and tax-payers of the City of Seattle and are interested in its welfare; that the rich bottom lands of the country surrounding the said city are now and at several times during the last ten years have been inundated and overflowed by waters from the Duwamish, Black, Cedar and Sammamish rivers and Lake Washington and that on account of such overflow the owners of said bottom lands are prevented from raising vegetables and garden truck thereon and the citizens of Seattle are obliged to send to California for these articles, and for this reason large sums of money are sent out of our city which otherwise would be spent here; that the water supply of the City of Seattle is obtained from Lake Washington, and at the present time the water is impure for the reason largely that the slough water from Lake Sammamish and river must, in going through Lake Washington to the outlet at Black river, flow past the "take in" pipe of the city water works; that if the low land between Lakes Union and Washington called the "Portage" and the outlet of Lake Union were deepened and widened so as to allow the passage of a large amount of water from Lake Washington to Puget Sound by this channel, the inundation and overflow of the hereinfore mentioned bottom lands would not happen and the vegetable market of Seattle could and would be supplied by home production; that the pure waters of the Cedar river would flow into Lake Washington and pass by the "take in" pipe of the city water works and the water supply of the said city of Seattle would then be rendered pure because of this and because the slough water of Lake Sammamish would flow out of Lake Washington by way of the "portage" and Lake Union and not come near the said "take in" pipe; that the accomplishment of these two objects, viz: a pure water supply and a home production of vegetables and table supplies would be of incalculable advantage to your petitioners and to all the citizens of Seattle.

Wherefore, your petitioners pray that such steps may be taken by ordinance or otherwise as shall assist the property owners of said lands and the County of King in widening and deepening said outlet by way of Lake Union, and your petitioners will ever pray.

A. L. Palmer T. C. Brawley D. Kaufman Charles Waters J Langston John Cunningham

R. Hoeyke O. C. Shony L. W. Bomey M. R. Maddocks James Welch

Griffith Davis G. L. Brins T. H. Carne

W. W. White Leo Heel J. Manogry P. Schmidt David Graham C. F. Stevens J. D. Larriman

E. R. Clark John Kelly G. Cunningham John Lingley E. P. Ebs

Stephen Berry W. J. Wallis Geo. Clancy Chas. P.

J. J. Post George Rolland H. A. Frederick Charles E. Patterson W. W. Thompson Fred A. Fay W. W. White Frank T. Frye Cha. H. Frye

Wm A. Cunningham

Fred Wiles Stephens

Last edit over 2 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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