Pages That Mention Eades
781 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 16 1886 building on motion the petition is granted Fro M Hays for refunding of taxes paid by mistake referred to Finance Commitee From T H Dempsey et al for opening of Williamson Street from Madison to Eades referred to Street Commitee From Mauer and Steinle et al for extension of liquor licenses of 15 day o a/c of closing during martial law referred to License Committee From M Bailey et al for drainage of pond on 3d Street between Leonora & Blanchard referred to Sewer Committee From W C T U praying that Mrs F N Ledger be allowed to peddle articled of her own manufacture without paying a license on motion referred to License Committee Moved that the Council reconsider its action in referred petition of W C T U to the license committee lost by the following vote to wit: in favor thereof Councilmen J Furth and G W Hall; against Councilmen R H Calligan, C McDonald J J Post and G W Young On motion the License committee is empowered to act in the matter of petition of W C T U From W G Curtis et al protesting against the Grading of 4th st fromBattery to Virginia, on motion the petition is laid on the table The following reports are received From His Honor the Mayor, that charges of conduct unbecoming an officer having been preferred against Capt.