Joseph Brown Diary

Joseph Brown Diary


Untranscribed 1862

Untranscribed 1862

BOOK BUSINESS METHODIST BOOK CONCERN 200 Mulberry-street, New York, (NEAR BROADWAY, BETWEEN BROOME AND SPRING-STREETS.) BOOK BUSINESS Carlton & Porter, Agents, PUBLISH BIBLES, COMMENTARIES, SINGING BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, DICTIONARIES, BIOGRAPHIES, GIFT BOOKS, ETC., Making some four hundred volumes, besides a great variety of other works in the departments of Biblical Literature, Experimental and Practical Religion, etc., etc., etc. Also more than twelve hundred bound volumes of SABBATH – SCHOOL LIBRARY BOOKS THE LARGEST LIST PRINTED IN THIS COUNTRY Besides multitudes of Question Books, Hymn Books, Picture Books, Catechisms, Cards, and Tracts, adapted to children of all ranks and ages. They are ordered and prized by schools of all denominations. Then we have a large list of other works, beautifully illustrated, for gift-books for children and youth, which are equal to any in the land. Shall Methodists use Methodist books and periodicals, or purchase of other denominations? The Charge that our Sabbath-school books are dearer than those of the American Sunday-School Union is not true, if we except their ten dollar and smaller libraries, which they sell at more than double their library price when ordered from their General Catalogue. Be not deceived. Agents. – All the traveling ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church who are in full connection are regularly authorized agents of the Methodist Book Concern. Preachers on trial in the conferences, and local preachers employed to fill vacant appointments, who act as agents for periodicals and purchase of books, are requested to forward the cash with their orders, or, if they wish an account opened, to send a recommendation from the presiding elder of the district. A little reflection will show the propriety of this, as the brethren referred to are generally entire strangers to the Book Agents. Presiding elders will please furnish a list of those they feel willing to recommend at an early period after the session of their conference. Discounts to Preachers. – On General Catalogue and Tract Books we all 30 per cent, for cash, and 20 per cent on time. Bibles, 20 per cent for chas, and 12 ½ per cent on time. Books on Sale from other publishers, from 10 to 20 per cent on time, and from 20 to 30 per cent for cash. Sunday-school Books. – No discount is allowed preachers on these books, except on cash bills of $50 and upward, when we will allow 10 per cent.

Last edit over 5 years ago by adtyr82
Untranscribed 1862

Untranscribed 1862


Cash and Credit. --The cash discount above offered will be allowed on bills for books which are paid within ninety days of their date. Books puchased on credit must be paid for in six months, or, at least, at the next session of the Annual Conference to which the purchaser belongs.

Risk and Freight. --The Concern assumes the risk of all shipments of books, and pays the freight by transportation lines (not by express) where bills amount to $50 or more. Shipments of less than $50 are at the risk of the purchasers, who also pay the freight. Money sent to the Agents in payment for books is at the risk of the purchaser.

Depositories. --This Concern has three regular Depositories, namely: At BOSTON, MASS., 5, Cornhill, J. P. MAGEE, Agent. At PITTSBURGH, PA., Rev. J. L. Read, Agent. At BUFFALO, N. Y., H. H. Otis, Agent. These Depositories give the preachers the same discounts, credits, etc., that are given at New York ; but preachers are earnestly desired to make all their credit purchases at one place.

Full supplies of our books may be had also of Poe & Hitchcock, Cincinnati, Ohio; W. M. Doughty, Chicago, Ill.; Peekinspine & Manship, Agent; I. P. Cook, and Armstrong & Berry, Baltimore; Ingram & Bragg, Cleveland, Ohio, and many others.

Catalogues are always free, and we wish each preacher to have a supply for himself, the Sabbath-school teachers, and others.

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Last edit 2 months ago by sieboldd
Untranscribed 1862
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Untranscribed 1862

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Untranscribed 1862
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Untranscribed 1862

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Untranscribed 1862
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Untranscribed 1862

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