
The diary of Edwin Marshall Clarke (1917) follows the day-to-day happenings of a twelve year old boy's life in New York during the penultimate year of World War I. Edwin narrates his somewhat troubled adolescence through the lenses of his social life, home life, and formal education, and provides political commentary in the midst of the war.




handle broke. It was made of a 1" board I hit punkin right in the face once but I shot it easy then I can shoot a marble out of sight straight up. It is below zero today.

I forgot to say that last night pop took my putty shooter away from me and he tookit away tonight too just cause dony & I was rasing the duce in the little Sitting room playing fighting the Amerians & Germans America Has declared war broken off relations with (honest) der Germany It would have been al right if president wilson had done it 2 or 3 years ago. It is below zero.

Sunday - gosh nothing much doing on sundays but I had some fun in church. Gosh! I dident know that pop was so prominent why he got a letter from Teddy Rosevelt Half of it was written by a typwriter & half in his own handwriting. He was president then I mean T.R. He has got a photograph of Vice President Cleavland & on the back it says, to my dear friend C.G. Clark I feel pretty big. he is going to save them. My

Last edit 5 months ago by KokaKli


father is the best man in the world. I cant have my putty shooter until spring unless I swipe it. I guss I will buy another one

It was good weather yesterday It is very cold today. It is Donald’s Birthday today he is 8 years old & he got an old maid game of cards & the Hollow tree & [Snows?] & nights & a new [suit?] & a fountain pen & we went to the show pretty soft for us

Cold - Nothing particular today

Very cold - Gosh! Talk about hard labor, I pretty near broak my back today shoveling walks the snow was about 4 ½' thick & I shoveled it way down to the ice on the walk which was thene when it rained. Yesterday when I did the front walk Hambone, Punkin, Snookems & myself did it but snookems went home early because he thought we were coming up to his house to box. We got the walk done just the same

Gee I forgot to wright about yesterday because dony & me went to the moving pictures & I took little [little le?] Georgy

Last edit 5 months ago by KokaKli


went & [evry?] day down to the show & we had mr. & Mrs. Chaple & Mr. & Mrs. Perkins came at noon & we had 4 chickens & I guss I ate 9 or 10 Drumsticks I was so hungry I ate 2 livers & 1 drumstick in school. I had them done up in my handkerchief. When we got home everbody was gone except Winnee. We dident know where to sleep so we played old maid for a while & then I put dony in the lounge & I laid on the floor in front of the fire & next thing I knew I got an awful whack on my [Boombashie?]. [Mary] & Harry they are married mary is my sister & she wooke me up but she had to shake me around some before she could make me know where I was. Lots of times I have never woke up when the firewhistle blows. Pretty tough on me. When I got up to Louise’s room which was where we was going to sleep I dident know whether I was dreaming or not. but after I got in bed & laied down it was the last I knew until Louise woke me up & said that it was quarter after eight & school the first bell rings at ½ past eight &

Last edit 5 months ago by KokaKli


I & Tommy mguire had to wash all the boards. but I did them this noon. tomy worked about 5 min. & said that he had to go home. I had to finish them. pretty tough on me. Louise was playing cards tonight & she was so interested that she dident know that I tore up a good - sized piece of cardboard into little pieces & put it on her hair. When I got through it looked like snow & she never knew that it was there. I put some salt in the sugar boull tonight but I guss I didnt put enough in. because nobody said anything. If I dont forget it I will dump the sugar out & fill it up with salt If they dont know the diff when they taste of their tea I will quit it. Getting Colder

Feb. 10, 1917. Very cold. & windy. Down to garrisons you can step from the snowbank into the trees & I went down there & old man garrison was shoveling walks & he hollered dont get on that walk young fellow, dont get freshe either Cause I put my hand up to my nose & wiggled my fingers like this [drawing] He was mad. So I went a round the other

Last edit 5 months ago by KokaKli


way & I hid on top of the snowbank & he came snoopin around to see if I was up to any mischif & I laid low & he starts shoveling & throws a shovelfull on my face which I dident expect & then I threw the hunk of snow at him that I was going to & I threw 2 others which hit him on the head & then I dusted down to Bud’s. Mr. Butler & I played checkers & I beat him 2 games out of about 7 or 8. He is a pretty good player too. I changed Put the salt in the sugar bowl but Winne, the colored girl who works here told mama, but She is gone & now for hard labor on my part. She went tonight but I am going to do it again monday. I guss I will never see that putty shooter again. I am going down to Olins Hardware where harry works & get some white lead to mix with the putty so as to get it soft & then I am going to put it in a tin can so it wont harden. You know I started this diary so as to get something funny in it But there is nothing funny that happens with me exapt once in

Last edit 5 months ago by KokaKli
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