
The diaries of Joan Marion Drake (1940-1945) detail six years of the life of a young English school-child during WWII. She was the daughter of a farmer, dutiful to her studies, and she remarks on the war.





31 SUNDAY Went to Sunday school in morning and taught Primary. Went to Sunday school in afternoon. Auntie Winnie and Roger walked up. Peggy went home in evening. FL Hump came. Read a book.

NOVEMBER 1 MONDAY Miserable day. rained most of the time. Helped Mummy in the morning. Had a card from George. Wrote to Sheila and Margo and sewed in evening.

2 TUESDAY Helped Mummy in morning and darned 4 pairs of socks, and let down my plaid dress. Took Rona for a walk in afternoon and Joy came to tea. Read all evening.

3 WEDNESDAY * Went to school. Miss Baird was nasty to me in French. Had a lot of homework which took all the evening.

4 THURSDAY Did gym and Miss Latimer was in a temper. Had a French and Geometry test in afternoon. Played patience in evening.

5 FRIDAY Quite a nice day. Started to cut out my blouse in needlework. Got my thumb hit in hockey. S.L. Hump came in evening. Made a terrible mistake in cutting out my blouse.

6 SATURDAY Helped Mummy all the morning. Daddy ill in bed. Did homework in the afternoon and cut out my blouse. Had tea at 6.30pm. Did more homework.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir



7 SUNDAY Went to Sunday School in Morning and taught Primary. Daddy still in bed. Wrote a geography essay in afternoon. Daddy got up for tea.

8 MONDAY Very cold. Started going to school at 9.30 am. Mr and Mrs Hump came to stay. Had quite a lot of homework.

9 TUESDAY Made bread in cookery 2d. Played netball and got very dirty. George came back from his sea voyage Mr and Mrs Hump went to party.

10 WEDNESDAY Quite cold, Mummy and Mrs Hump went to Ely in afternoon Saw George when we came home from school. He was just off to Newmarket. Had a lot of homework in evening.

11 THURSDAY Mrs Wright away ill, so had 3 free maths lessons and 1 other free lesson so got my homework done. George came in evening and we all played games together. Mummy went in for her exam

12 FRIDAY Mummy ill in bed, so stayed at home to do the work. Mrs Hump went in afternoon. George came for tea and we played games all the evening, and had a super time. Did not go to bed until about 11.30 pm.

13 SATURDAY Mummy still ill in bed. Worked hard all the morning. George came to see how Mummy was and bought us some strip chewing gum and pop corns with which we had some great fun. Janet and Mrs Hump went to the pictures in afternoon. Played games in evening

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir



CGB 14 SUNDAY Went to Sunday School in morning and taught primary. George came at dinner time to wish us good-bye. He is going to Upwood for a week and then on to Oakington. Trevor came to wish us Goodbye too. Mrs & Mrs Hump went early in the morning.

15 MONDAY Went to School, and Janet stayed at home to look after mummy. Very cold. Had some fun in Science. Have to stay in the formroom for free lessons now. Doctor came to see Mummy. She is much better. Miss Baird away from school.

16 TUESDAY Still very cold. Made pancakes in cookery and ate them at break. Had a nice time playing about in netball. Mummy got up for tea. Had quite a lot of homework.

17 WEDNESDAY Mummy got up in morning Janet still stayed at home Miss Borough was absent, but sent us some work

18 THURSDAY It rained in the night and then frose. The roads were terrible and the bus skidded badly. Janet went to school. Had a fairly nice gym lesson. Had a lot of homework.

19 FRIDAY A miserable day in the morning. but turned out quite nice in afternoon. Got on quite well with my needlework. Janet had an accident at school in the dinner hour and cut her foot quite badly I brought her home in a taxi.

20 SATURDAY Very very cold and foggy. Helped Mummy all the morning and went to Sutton to do errands. Got nearly frozen. Did homework in afternoon. Had a bath and had my hair washed.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir



21 SUNDAY Went to Sunday School in morning and taught Primary. Auntie Connie came instead of Auntie Winne. Went to Sunday School in afternoon. Wrote a history essay in evening.

22 MONDAY Very cold and foggy. Miss Bourough absent so had two free lesson as well as other two. Got most of my homework done. Played patience in evening.

23 TUESDAY Very cold. Did no cooking in cookery, but had a theory lesson. Had a singing practice and then had a nice netball game. Had a lecture by an ATS commander in afternoon.

24 WEDNESDAY Had two free lessons in morning as Miss Borough still away. wrote pages of notes in History. Had some very hard maths sums for homework.

25 THURSDAY Missed our gym lesson. Did not have a French test as we said words of songs. Had a Geometry test which I got right. Had a lot of homework but did not do it all.

26 FRIDAY Had a singing practise for lesson did some of my sleeve in needlework but did it wrong so had to pull it out. Played hockey in afternoon

27 SATURDAY Very cold. Helped Mummy in morning and did some homework Did some of my blouse in afternoon and had a bath. Wrote an English essay in evening.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir



28 SUNDAY Went to Sunday School in morning and taught primary. Went to Sunday school again in afternoon and then finished my homework. S.L. Hump came in evening. I read a book and played the piano.

29 MONDAY Not quite so cold. Miss Borough still away so had two free lessons then and two in the afternoon. Went out in the dinner hour. Sewed and knitted all the evening. Seargent Hemsley came in. S.L Humps birthday

30 TUESDAY Did theory in cookery again and had a test. Had a mass singing rehersal and then a lovely game of netball. Wrote to George in my free lesson Did homework all the evening

DECEMBER 1 WEDNESDAY Had a singing practise first lesson. Miss Baird was very nice in French. Wrote notes most of the time in history. Did homework all the evening.

2 THURSDAY Missed Gym as had to be arranged for speech day. Did cookery in my free lesson Had a English test. Had a fairly easy French test. Did some needlework in evening and listened to Itmar. 3 FRIDAY Frosty and foggy. Had a singing practise first two lessons. Got on alright in needlework. Rained in afternoon so played indoor games in the gym. Seargent Hemsley came in evening. I did some needlework.

4 SATURDAY Helped Mummy all the morning. Got a bad cold. Had a bath in afternoon and then Janet and I went to tea at Hilda's Little Margaret is very sweet. Did homework all through the evening.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir
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