
The diaries of Joan Marion Drake (1940-1945) detail six years of the life of a young English school-child during WWII. She was the daughter of a farmer, dutiful to her studies, and she remarks on the war.




FEBRUARY 2nd Month 1945 4 Sun-Sexagesima Very mild day. Went to S. School in morning. Janet was chairman. Taught primary Went to S. School again in afternoon. Afterward went to see Bill & Gordan in Sick Bay. Grandma came to tea. Went to Chapel in evening, Geo. Phang came with us. Daddy went to see Bruce in the RAF hospital

5 Mon-(Moon's last quarter 9.55 am. Still very mild. Examined dogfish scales under mic in biology. Went to English So had no free lessons. Read artist's lives in afternoon. Washed my hair in evening & made a bookmark for Bill. Peggy came to stay a week

6 Tues Rained nearly all day. Did french in free lessons. Came home in afternoon and got a lot of work done Mummy & Peggy went to see Bruce. Ted Neville & Betty came to supper party

Bill's Birthday

7 Wed Did homework instead of art. Had quite a nice singing lesson and had to make up exercises in gym. Had notes in history. Did some of Bruce's mascot and read in evening.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Theakir
Needs Review


1945 28 Days FEBRUARY 8 Th Bill came [?] Betty away from [?] Had quiteinteresting free lesson. Started the discection of dog fish in biology bill had his birthday party here. Gordon came, Had bible class - Leslie, Geo Phang. Bill and Gordon came . Had a very good time.

9 Fri Still quite mild. Had a free morning. so did a lot of Bruces mascot. Went to Woolworth's after dinner & had a drink. Saw a play and listened ot music by the staff in afternoon. Did wings in Peggy's autograph and read in evening.

10 Sat Very windy and quite cold. Went to Sutton in morning and did errands. Peggy came with me. Also cleaned Bathroo. Had a Bath in afternoon. Peggy, Janet Gorden and I went to Ely in evening withto entertainment by staff and old girls. Memo Very good. VI form. mistresses and old girls all had supper together in dining. Had a very nice time ,caught loclock bus home

Last edit about 1 year ago by Theakir


February 2nd Month 1945 Betty Maclean's birthday 11 Shrove Sun-Quinquagesima Rained nearly all day. Went to S. School in morning and taught primary. Wrote a history essay in the afternoon. We all went to Chapel in evening. Geo Phang came with us. Wrote to Dave in evening.

12 Mon-New Moon 5.33 p.m. Started school again at 9-o clock Peggy went on early bus. Rained all morning. Miss Brown demonstrated dissection of dog fish to us. Did french in free lesson. Started to make a leather purse in art. Gordon came in in evening. Finished embroidery of Bruce's mascot.

13 Tues-Shrove Tuesday Send cheque to Rev Treso Lovely day. Quite mild. Did a lot of work in free lessons English & french lessons not bad. Came home in afternoon. Finished Bruce's mascot the Tiki. Did French HW in evening also a crossword and played piano

14 Wed-St. Valentine's Day Ash Wednesday First Day of Lent Lovely day. Continued doing leather work in art. Had netball instead of gym. June Mac & June Moore took history lessons. Went to Sutton & did errands in evening. Didn't do any HW.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Theakir
Needs Review


1945 28 Days FEBRUARY

15 Th--Old Candlemas Day Very foggy all day, [] of all the House Plays were necessary Knut is doing a piece from Jane Eyre [] Brown away so played about in library all the afternoon. Gordon came to tea. Had bible class. Gordon, Ted, Geo. Phang & Joan Hart came.

16 Fri Quite cold day. Had house play completed in morning. Miss La Mern was Judge. Etheldreda won and Knut came second. Sat with Form II for a lesson in afternoon and played hockey. Washed my hair in evening and did some darning.

17 Sat Quite a nice day. Helped Mummy all the morning. Did the vegetables. Had a bath in afternoon and then went with Janet to see Bruce in the Ely hospital. Took him the Tiki. Mummy & Daddy went to the pictures to see Rebecca in evening Memo So we were on our own. Gordon came in and we played patience. Betty came in later. Listened to Saturday Night Theatre.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Theakir


February 2nd Month 1945

18 Sun-1st in Lent Very close day. Went to S. School in morning. Auntie Winnie ill, so I taught primary. Went to S. School again in afternoon. Betty Maclean came to this. Went to Chapel in Evening. Gordon came in after the op.

19 Mon- Moon's first quarter 8.38 a.m. Lovely day. Sunny & warm. Helped Mummy with the washing all the morning. Joy came to tea and brought Rona in the afternoon. Janet D and I went to Pictures in evening with Kay. Saw Adventures of Mark Twain. Very good

20 Tues Another lovely day. Helped Mummy in morning and wrote to Cousin Gordon. Bill came in in morning. Went to Sutton in afternoon and did errands. Played patience in evening.

21 Wed- Amber Week Lovely day. Did not have art owing to Miss Smith's absence. Gym & singing not bad. History only a little boring. Gordon came for tea & evening. Bill & Ted and Betty also came in. Went for a walk in dark.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Theakir
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 129 in total