

Five Year Diary of Lucie Lang


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Lucie Lange Earlville NY

Last edit almost 2 years ago by MaryV
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Five-Year Diary

Where is the heart that doth not keep, Within its inmost core, Some fond remembrance hidden deep Of days that are no more?

Ellen C. Howarth

Last edit almost 2 years ago by MaryV
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Years are the milestones that tell us the distance we have travelled. And while each passing year robs us of something, we can always recapture it in memory. Strange to say, even those things that are hard to endure are pleasant to remember.

Through the medium of our written chronicles, we can turn back the pages of Time and review the events of yesteryear as they apply to our own lives...a lasting record of our activities, our experiences and our viewpoints...a living memoir of things attempted and things done...a vivid story that is ever new and ever refreshing to us in hours of recollection.

This diary is designed for just such a purpose. It can be started on any day of the year and record the events of any five years on your journey through Life.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Amelia_scribes
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1933 Just ringing in New Year on radio. GB Just retired. Nice day cold, light snow. We were alone all day Dec 31

1934 Rained most all day washed mon Viola up tonight - colder tonight GB and I alone all day listened to Stanford Columbia foot ball at Cal

1935 Deep snow this am worked at shop today wind blows not very cold alabama won in Cal Heard Alabama Stanford game

1936 Went to Reeses for dinner home about seven oclock. Lovely day not cold.

1937 Home alone all day did not get info untill noon Went to Marions in eve.

Last edit over 1 year ago by carol ann
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Sunshines started work for year JANUARY 2 1933 Fine day I washed. GB feeling good. heard foot ball game Cal + Pittsburgh on radio. GB listened to Mayor Marvin Syracuse this eve I went to Violas

1934 Letter from LG said Esther broke Tue both bones instep Xmas day returning to home fell on ice getting eggs at farm Had it set at Cazenovia cold today

1935 Some Blizzard last night cars stuck in snow all around Fair today worked on Olean boxes. Hauptman Lindberg trial starts today

1936 Home all day did not do much

1937 Marion + I went to Norwich this noon on train and spent 15.83 got two dresses shoes + underwear

Last edit over 1 year ago by AFracchiolla
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