

Five Year Diary of Lucie Lang


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1933 Fine day started work at shop 9. B home + busy. Mrs Baker over tonight. Back dry no snow

1934 snow goneNice day went to Violas tonight Wed Had letter from Martha gB went down town other am. Heard opening of Congress this noon.

1935 Lonely day + warmer tonight snows + blows again Letter from Loring Esther sent $10.00 owed for errands Heard congress today

1936 Did not feel good did Tuesdaynot get up untill near noon. Very icy

1937 Viola sent word for me to come down today lonesome, Her mother very sick

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1933 Nrs Watson + Mrs Pellet died today. I had letter from Martha. GB put up vanilla today not cold no snow

1934 Nice day Viola was up a short walks dry time and walked home with her ThurMay Rogus + Harold Burch have daughters Flood in Cal. Mon destoyed Glen Rogers home

1935 above zero in pm yesterday + 10 below this am $13.00 very cold tonight. Did a big wash after work Viola up a short time

1936 still not feeling good cleaned up stairs and washed Viola Marion + Alice Mulagan have had popcorn in Kitchen went to Reeses supper

1937 worked 8 hrs Went to Marys this eve

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JANUARY 5 1933 Viola here tonight nice day ironed tonight. GB has some cold but not serious Coolidge found dead today

1934 Friday Letter form Loring and one from Mrs Baker said Esther was getting along OK rained and thawed nasty out but warm 9 00 to bed $15.52

1935 Ironed tonight worked sat all day at factory cold GB working picking up his things

1936 Home all day Mrs Irish in this AM Charles brought me some ice cream Went over to Heffley tonight

1937 Weather []

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JANUARY 6 1933 Beautiful day like spring went to see Viola tonight 11 PM going to bed

1934 satWorked at shop all day. This will be last Sat ive work on account NR9 sloppy + dirty out 9.00 to bed Did some mending tonight

1935 Worked all day cleaning up house and getting meal than took bath Lonely day warmer 10.45 to bed

1936 Vary icy this am. snowed some in afternoon work rather slack Jessie + Jane called

1937 Went to Reeses. She is some better. Latter went to Marions. She came home with me

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sat JANUARY 7 1933 Lovely am. rained a little at Mrs Baker brought cream over noon rain low. colder and strong wind GB is hoarse ful went down town to P.O and Baker shop

1934 Sunday rain all day + tonight got up late baked + got dinner cleaned up down stairs. Mary was up a while in after noon Listened to Radio 12 00 to bed

1935 Very icy much warmer and foggy tonight made cookies tonight 3 ton coal today + cd wood $38.54 Tax $26.54

1936 Not very cold Went to Reeses rode home with Alfred Reese + wife

1937 Rain today Home this eve

Last edit almost 2 years ago by rmiller2
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