

Five Year Diary of Lucie Lang


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JANUARY 8 1933 Nice day cold. Mrs Baker over tonight GB still hoarse 11 PM going to bed GB + ginger home retired

1934 Some cold tonight dark day Mon Mrs Avery no snow came back to work today Listened to Radio tonight 10:45 to bed Mr Close's father died Sun

1935 Very icy this am cleaning eggs 35 cts tonight. Collins Lakin died last night made two pies tonight GB did not go out account ice

1936 no news cloudy worked same as usual

1937 $7.72 First of S.S Ms Caker out Mrs Reese not very good Very warm. Lost of colds

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JANUARY 9 1933 snow and bushes + trees look pretty shoveled a little but not deep GB better but stayed in today Lots sick + out at shop. Mr Cloyer died today

1934 Nice + spring like rather cool TueGB made vanilla he said today Cleaned my room + bath after work swept + waxed floor 9.40 to bed

1935 Rain and heavy fog. for two days rather very bleak South town warm 9:30 to bed GB put up vanilla

1936 Snowed and almost rain. Made Elder berry pie tonight home alone all eve

1937 Warm washed home all day

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JANUARY 10 1933 Nice sunshine all day snow on ground but not much and mild GB better. Lots out with flu but not very sick 10:30 to bed

1934 snow flurries this a.m. did not Wedamount to much Mrs Baker over this eve. GB got order for 2 gal van Bakery at Hamilton by mail 1045 to bed

1935 Fair today snow and ice gone made cookies tonight Worked turning in for Eleanor as I have for some time

1936 not cold. Henry Glance bought Baker place: they say for $1200. He is painting floors +French door $7.80

1937 Snowed a lot last night but not cold Home all day. Mrs Jones over in after noon

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JANUARY 11 1933 made fudge tonight no news to day 9:45 going to bed

thur 1934 nice day but no sunshine had letter from Lillian. GB went to Hamilton sold all to gether $17.00 to deliver He got ride home at five oclock. I wrote Detroit to night 10:30 to bed

1935 snowing tonight did washing $15.60 after work have to work at factory tomorrow. Three or four were laid off tonight GB got graduation card from Martha

1936 not at all cold home today. Went to Marion's to supper came home at 9:00

1935 Work slack

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JANUARY 12 1933 rather cold friday but bright sprinkling of snow 10:15 going to bed GB feeling better sifted ashes

1934 Fri Did not work this PM just a few worked did a big washing. nice day no sun shine no snow 10:00 to bed $15.60

1935 light snow much colder Letter from Lillian 9:30 to bed tired GB piled wood today Amelia Earhert flew from Honolulu to Cal.

1936 Sun home. e has brought me some ice cream. No one else here

1937 Worked as usual

Last edit almost 2 years ago by rmiller2
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