

Five Year Diary of Lucie Lang


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JANUARY 13 1933 nice day rather cold no snow like spring. 10 P.M. to bed gB still in Loues have not been out in tomorrow 9.60

1934 Sat snowed all PM and trees + bushs white as it sticks not cold cleaned up + ironed part of wash Listened to Radio 11:30 to bed

1935 Sun Snowed today and drifting We were alone all day I did not mind as I was tired 10:00 to bed

1936 No news worked as usual

1937 Stayed up all night with Viola her mother worse

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$4.00 JANUARY 142 cords wood Mary brought 1933 Lonely day no snow washed cleaned up house GB went down St twice. I went a short time to[ Jangeth's] auction met Katherine Moore coming up went with me

sun 1934 dark day Sol up late ironed + cleaned gB clothed Sol dinner + read paper + listened to radio + we were alone all day I was tired today some colder tonight 11:00 to bed

1935 Fair but cold strong wind worked seemed more dull today Hope there wont be lay off GB went down town this PM

1936 Icy weather mild rather windy. No one here this eve Letter from Loring

1937 Tired today

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JANUARY 15 1933 Beautiful day no snow Mrs Baker over tonight got dinner today and looked at papers wrote two letters

mon 1934 Another dark day not cold Old lady at Reeses died yesterday GB walked down town this afternoon Letter from Cousin Maggie

1935 nice day snow on ground rather deep went to Reeses a short time this eve. GB said he was tired. He got up at 5:30 this am

1936 Icy walking went to Reeses a short time worked 8 hrs. They set up new staying machines to day

1937 Raining 13 00 11 3 $12.87

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11.15 raining harder a shower I think JANUARY 16 Beautiful day walks dry as summer 1933 Walked after mail tonight 11 PM going to fed sprinkles a little GB nearly over his cold He is fixing furnace for night.

1934 Sun shone to day snowed little Thur GB had card from Roy wife is at Georgetown Del with Roys father for few days as he has Rhum GB has // to fever + gone to bed

1935 Nice day rather cold tonight Had sugar on snow this eve [?] machine work new at shop We have some tan work for two weeks

1936 Very icy no news. Hauptman granted a reprieve alone all eve.

1937 Cold + Windy washed

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JANUARY 17 Nice day but a little cloudy, strong wind 1933 and a bit colder tonight working on tan 14-1 today 9:30 GB + ginger gone to bed Mrs Avery Laura + Mrs Coughlin + me at [paper]

1934 Real cold again worked on 44-6 Wed Ian got eggs Mrs Sabins 21 [do] 11:00 going to bed GB just gone also ginger

1935 snowed + blew part of day not very cold. cleaned + moped kitchen tonight looked at paper + listened to radio 10:15 to bed

1936 Very icy some colder $12.33 No news to write about

1937 Home all day did not feel good Rain

Last edit almost 2 years ago by rmiller2
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