(Lovely day) JANUARY 18 1933 GB paid taxes today 27.57 He got letter from Lillian asking him to meet Will in Syracuse sat. Will is on trip for company
1934 Zero this aM bright day Thurs Mildred said dog I gave her got killed tree fell on him. GB has some sold He had letter from Will at South Bend.
1935 I washed tonight - nice 15.76 moon light Eve Roosevelts daughter married the second time. 11:00 to bed
1936 Home all day washed and did general work
1937 Marion + I to Reeses in Eve She walked home with me. Mrs Reese first alive
[gal] JANUARY 19 1933 Rained last night and some this am. The after noon lovely + wam + sunshine Tonight very strong wind Silas Baker bought 1 gal van today
1934 Blustery this AM early but sunshine latter. Letter from Sue + Cousin Maggie today coal came today 312 ton
1935 Nice day worked all day Sat at shop cleaned up down stairs safter work went to Reeses short time 10:00 to bed
1936 Snowing + blowing Marion Lamb here stayed for lunch. She did supper for me what Viola gave me. [Chas] was boy next door was over
1937 Mrs Reese died this morning
JANUARY 20 1933 Wind blew again last night and this am sun came out at 9 and nice all day no snow GB going to Syracuse tomorrow
1934 Sat Home today did usual work GB went to Hamilton with Ford to deliver extracts listened to Radio this eve + wrote letters
1935 Home all day warmer Mrs Baker in tonight made cake + pumpkin pie tired tonight 10:00 to bed
1936 Heavy snow last night walks drifted got a ride with a farmer on [rode] King George of Eng. died tonight. I heard him on radio xmas
1937 Worse floods in years in Ohio Indiana [Penn] + Kentucky
11:30 to bed JANUARY 21 Lonely day walks dry temp 48 above 1933 in Entry tonight coal came furnace this am. GB went to Syracuse this AM on train Bus came after nine I washed + did work today. Tonight went to Reeses
1934 sun We were alone all day got dinner read + listened to radio GB feeling good. Wrote L + E this eve 11:15 to bed
1935 Slushy out raining tonight They started Brides check down stairs today worked till five but I hardly kept busy all day
1935 Letter from Martha Prince of Wales becomes King Edward 8th Fair today
1937 Thousands homeless from Hords Roosevelt calls for [?] to help
JANUARY 22 Looked at Sunday paper this am 1933 It rained hard but let up a 7:00 then went to Coles for dinner came home with Fords at 10:30 still warm rained a little cloudy all day
1934 Mon Fair day no sunshine listened to good radio programs untill 11:00 GB up too Letter from Loring
1935 Worked till five tonight I ironed this eve icy today colder GB said he had been busy. 11:00 to bed
1936 cold today worked 8 hrs. Lena + her sister in tonight
1937 $12.02 Mrs Reese buried yesterday I did not go