12 PM to bed JANUARY 28 colder + windy no snow 1933 Baked cookies + pie + cake today and cleaned house. No one here today GB went down but in house and of time. I went down this eve + right back
1934 Sun rain this AM tonight very much colder strong wind are over alone all day read + listened to radio 11 15 to bed
1935 20 below this am. 9:45 bed Three new girls came in today to work girl killed that boarded with Louise auto crash
1936 Cold King Geo of Eng buried to day he and some on radio this a.m.
1937 Work still slack
JANUARY 29 1933 Like winter a light blanket of snow + has been windy. Home all day no one here. I washed as I did not get to it yesterday GB looked at looked at papers
1934 Mon Very cold 18 below this am pipes froze but GB thawed them Working yet on 17-1 tan don't lnow how long 10 45 to bed
1935 The new help laid off tonight that came yesterday untill Mon. They told them 10:00 to bed tired
1936 Very cold takes the fuel. Mrs Kneffly in tonight
1937 $11.27 I ate supper at Marion Lambs in eve we called on Walt + Eunice
January 30 1933 Rather cold but not stormy a little snow. went down st to night - some worked on chests to night
1934 Very cold last Tuesday night and today some warmer. Mrs. [Taft] is dead. Listened to Pres. Roos speak. It is his fifty second birthday.6000 balls held
1935 Ginger was sick had to wash blanket. I also did GB pants + under wear 10 to bed 8 hrs work today
1936 10 below or more this AM starting today work 7 hrs
1937 Mr Stuart fixed roof again as it leaked during heavy rain 234 In Eve went to Violas earlier Mary up
January 31 10:30 PM 1933 Nice day still a little snow on ground. I ironed tonight GB made vanilla. he said today I worked on tan & tudor
1933 I was laid off today at 2:30 after we finished the order. Those left working on unstayed boxes about twleve left down stairs.
1935 9 hrs work today Tudor boxes worked on ironed tonight Very cold this AM seems warmer tonight 11:00 to bed
1936 still cold. Five were laid off I heard tonight $13.00
1937 Home all day
not cold at all FEBURARY 4 Frisoty + sunshine this AM. PM 1935 Cloudy and tonight rained just a bit but over now. Had a ltter from Cousin Maggie to day 10:00 going to bed
1934 Thursday Home all day did a few odd jobs warm today Listened to a speech by mayor Laguardia og N.Y. City tonight
1935 Nice day worked 8 hrs on Normandy chests. Letter from Ruth to day. Mrs Kneffly came in to work this PM Pay $14.30
1936 Wind blew terribly all day home did usual work very cold went down town got groceries called at Reeses
1937 To day we start on piece work do not think we can make much