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—18th after Trinity Dery's Wedding Quite a nice day. Went to S. Seb the morning and taught prima [primary] Had a practice in afternoon a [and] did some french on W. Janet & I we [went] to school in sunday. No one came [en] or evening

Mon—Pheasant Shooting begins ends February 1st Lovely day. Had five biology lessons and [epin] all the time making and drawing sections. Judy came in in evening to section. I got [9% cotton] for a ref for college and spend all evening filling [smudged writing]

Dave's birthday. Quit nice day. Didn't have free lesson all day. Still p my freeze in art. Spent the evening doing some Fre [French] homework. Judy came in. S [She] helped me. Eric came in too.

Dull day. Did slides agai [again] biology adn had two histor [history] lessons at Archer House. Had afternoon and finishing my Fren [French] and filled in some more college f [forms] Finishing filling in forms and sent them. Went to B C

Last edit almost 2 years ago by etorresjohnson
Needs Review


1945 31 Days OCTOBER

4 Th Very foggy. An accident occured just past Howard's. Man on motor bike killed. Had a nice music lesson and then had singing. Had a nice art lesson in afternoon. Had a practise in evening and starting writing a letter to G.

5 Fri -- Dividends on Consols due Fogging in morning, but lovely later on. Discussed school news again in current events. Finished writing letter in free lessons. and Betty posted it. Went to field in afternoon but did not play hockey. Gave Titia a bath and put her to bed. Had a long practise. Desmond, Bunty, Judy & Frankie came to supper.

6 Sat - New Moon 5.22 a.m Cold day. Titia went back to her mother. Mummy took her in to Ely and George took her home. We stayed at home & did all the work. Judy came for the weekend. Had a bath in afternoon. Had a practise in evening.

[Memo] Bunty came in. Played a game and did some knitting. Wed Desmond took it, Bunty Judy Padre, Bill Gibbs, Geo Phang Eric Heather, Mr Cottam & a new boy Ted came.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Theakir
Needs Review


OCTOBER 10th Month 1945

7 Sun -- 19th after Trinity Nice Day Summer Time ends at 2 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time. Taught Primary in morning. Went to S. School in afternoon. Desmond came to tea. Mummy, Daddy and Judy went to Wilburton in evening. Bunty, Bill, [unknown...] went to Sutton. Got letter from Derby for [unknown]

8 Mon Quite a nice day. Mummy taken ill in night with severe chill so stayed at home to do the work! I did all the washing, several of the boxes [?] and Judy came in to see Mummy. Bunty, Judy, Desmond + Eric all came in in evening.

9 Tues Quite a nice day. Had a lovely letter from Gordon. Did all the ironing in the and cleaning. Eric + Desmond came in several times + washed up at dinner. Judy came in. Had some fun in evening with Eric, Desmond + Bunty dancing + Singing. Mummy up for tea.

10 Wed Lovely day Mummy got up for dinner, cooked dinner and made some scones for B C. Judy went on leave. Desmond Eric + Bunty came in. Went to Bible class in evening. The new [unknown] Ted took it. Eric, Demond.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by alicia.amor
Needs Review


OCTOBER 10th Month 1945 14 Sun- 20th after Trinity Quite a cold [Moon's first quarter 9.38 a.m] day. Went to S. School in morning and taught Primary. Went to S. School in afernoon. Went to Chapel in the evening. Bunty came in, she and Judy [were both in ?]

15 Mon Lovely day. Spent a long long time trying to get a section of a leaf in biology. Read Romans Scripture. Had a practise in the evenng and went to bed [unknown]

16 Tues Quite a nice day but a foggy. Started off at about 7.45am to travel by car to [D?] for an interview for college. Arrived at 12 o'clock, had lunch and then the interview. Came straight home, arrived at 7.30. Judy, Bunty + Betty came in.

17 Wed Was very tired all day. Had notes in Biology and history and nearly went to sleep. Had a practise in afternoon. Went to missionary meeting in evening. Bunty and Judy [Unknown]

Last edit almost 2 years ago by alicia.amor
Needs Review


1945 31 Days OCTOBER

18 Th - st. Luke. Quite a nice day. Had a awful music lesson on scales. Had a nice singing lesson. Had a nice time in art. Mrs Gimbert came to tea. Judy & Bunty came in in evening.

19 Fri Lovely day. Miss Tilly in bed so spent 5 free lessons copying up notes and doing Biology. Talked about world affairs in history. Had a nice game of hocky. Came home and changed quickly and caught the 35 bus back to Ely with Bunty who took us to pictures to see a Song to Remember. Very good. Heather & Tony a Cpl. came in.

20 Sat Sunny at first but dull and windy later on. Went to Sutton in morning and did errands. Also cleaned the bathroom. Judy came for the weekend. Had a bath in afternoon and did some of my history essay. Wrote an letter to Gordon in Memo evening.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Theakir
Needs Review


OCTOBER 10th Month 1945

14 Sun - 20th after Trinity Quite a cold [Moon's first quarter 9.38 a.m.] day. Went to S. School in morning and taught Primary. Went to S School in afternoon. Went to chapel in evening. Bunty came in. She + Judy were both in [choir?]

15 Mon Lovely day. Spent a long long time trying to get a section of a leaf in biology. Had Romans scripture. Had a practice in evening and went to bed early.

16 Tues Quite a nice day but a bit foggy. Started off at about 7.45 am to travel by car to [D?] for an interview for college. Arrived at 12 o'clock, had lunch and then interview. Came straight home and arrived at 7.30. Judy Bunty + Betty [Unknown]came in.

17 Wed Was very tired all day. Had notes in Biology and history and nearly went to sleep. Had a practise in afternoon. Went to Missionary meeting in evening. Bunty and Judy came with us.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by alicia.amor
Needs Review


10th Month 1945 [21] Sun - 21st after Trinity Wet day. Trafalgar Day, 1805 Full Moon 5.32 a.m Went to S. School in morning and taught primary. [Unknown.] [unknown]

22 Mon Lovely day. Had a nice french lesson and did notes in biology. Started an essay in script. Eric and Bunty took the whole family to the pictures in evening to see This Happy Breed with [unknown]

23 Tues Wet cold day. Miss Baund[?] told me off in french because I did not do my H.W. Had to write an essay in scripture. Had notes in history and had quite nice art lessons. Bunty and Judy came to tea. Eric came in for evening.

24 Wed Thunder storm in morning and [?] all day. Did practical in biology and had notes in history. Came home in afternoon. Had a practise and did some H.W. Eric came to tea. Went to B. Class in evening. [unknown] took it. Padre, Leslie

Last edit almost 2 years ago by alicia.amor
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1945 31 Days OCTOBER

25 Th Gale still blowing. Storm in afternoon. Had quite a nice music lesson and singing lesson. Had a lecture on careers in afternoon. Eric, Bunty, Desmond & Luthr went to service at Wilburton in evening. Judy came in. Did H.W. & had a practise in evening.

26 Fri Gale still blowing. Did french in all free lessons. Discussed foreign affairs in current events. Played hockey in afternoon, it was cold. Did H.W & had a practise in evening. Judy & Eric came in.

HALF TERM 27 Sat --(Moon's last quarter 10.30p.m) Fairly nice day. Eric came in after breakfast. All set off in car at 9AM for Scotter to stay at Auntie Irene's. Had uneventful journey. Clarence home on leave. Talked all the evening.


Wed (underlined) Desmond Eric, Tom Harry a Jamacian, Judy, Bunty, Molly & Joan came

Last edit almost 2 years ago by alicia.amor
Needs Review


OCTOBER 10th Month 1945

28 Sun - 22nd after Trinity St. Simon and St. Jude. George's birthday. Rained nearly all day. Went to chapel in morning + [unknown] Uncle John. Clarence took [me?] for a ride in car in afternoon + we went to [unknown] Uncle John. Auntie Sarah Uncle Alfred[?] [unknown] came to tea + supper. Had a sing song after chapel in evening.

29 Mon Rained nearly all day. Clarence gave Janet + I a pair of fully fashioned stockings each. Set for home about 12 o'clock and had no dinner. Arrived home soon [unknown]

30 Tues Lovely day. Helped Mummy until dinner time then got changed. Eric + Desmond came in. Had a long practise in afternoon. Wrote to Gordon[later?] + Gordon Mitch in evening and had another practise.

31 Wed Foggy at first but lovely afternoon. Did microscope work in biology and only did a few notes in history. Came home in afternoon. Finished letter to G + posted it. H.W + had a practise [unknown]. Went to B C with [unknown]

Last edit almost 2 years ago by alicia.amor
Needs Review


1945 30 Days NOVEMBER

1 Th -- All Saints Foggy at first but lovely later on. Had a nice music lesson and fairly nice singing lesson. Did french in free lessons. Enjoyed art in afternoon. Desmond, Eric Judy & Leslie came in evening. Had a long practise & went to bed early.

2 Fri Wet miserable day. Did french in free lessons. Discussed foreign affairs in c. events. Had a lecture on nursing after break which was quite nice. Stayed in pavilion in afternoon because a [unknown] leaked. Had a long practise in evening. Eric came in. Judy came for weekend.

3 Sat Foggy day. Went to Sutton in morning and did errands. Also cleaned bathroom. Did a french precis in afternoon and was doing H. W all the evening except for 1/2 hr practise. Janet went to Grandma's to sleep.


Wed: Evening, Daddy took it Luther, Tom, Flo, Ted, Geo Phang, Padre, Dennis, Eric, Desmond, Judy came

Last edit almost 2 years ago by cmc102247
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