June 28th 1801 [] July 22 I found a [Medicago Lupulina] out [Craft yake] it is very like [Trefaluion peracunben] Plant the latter has a round [stonne] the [fazzy]a square one Oct. 12 [Salit honandra] is near to foot of [Mr Hatchinsons] [Hanghs]
1802 I saw abundance of Gentiana [verna] on a Hill called green Thumb near [Lunehead] House
Paris [quadufalia] growns in Wandholm
1802 Oct. 27th. Being in Arkendale and [briusing] in a [Mafn] oof burn - buland the Height of several mountainn from the Level of the sea I cop^ied them into my Pocket Book They are as below [Crofrfell] - 1130 yards [Helriellin]-1108 [Haidolane]- 1090 [grafrmire] - 1027 Saddleback- 1016 grisdale Pike 968 Carrock- 755 Creffelling} - 634 Sealland} This appears to be an Error or else [Inglebarangh] in yorkshire far exceeds any of these in Height it is said to be 1760 yards from Mile high
1 lb of scumed Cheese is [sg Indines] 19 1/19 or which is the same 1 Foot sq- weighs 4 1/9 lb and 2/19
an account of Earl [Macantneys] Embafsy to China say that when tthey [rofred] the Chinees Wall to go into tartary the ascent was at last fine [Thases] and yards above the surface of the yellow sea
Supposed population and situation of the principal Cities of Europe in 1802