Each Individual occupies nearby at London 1 1/12 Square [perches] at Paris- 2 - [D. 0] Berlin - 4- [D.0] Petersburgh 9- [D.0] Vienna 3 - [D.0] Amsterdam 2-[D.0] Stockholm 5 - [D.0] Rome - 3 - [D.0]
Doctor Oliver say that a certain Justice of the Peace [vending out] Manchester adminestered the Oath to twenty two Thousand recruits all of whom were en listed at Manchester in 1793.
Mr [Hohson] says that the same Justice [ucenied] 500 in its 18 months for [securing] in Recru at 1 Shilling each.
at [Saint Faiths] 4Miles from [Naruich] is a Fair for Black Cattle which holds 3 weeks and [undson] the 5th Day of November
February 11th [1802] The total prodice of Taxes for 1803 has been no [lesfthan] [L30804041-2-6/u sterling] a Produce remarkably ex-ceding other years.
By Mr [Adobringtons] statement in the House of Commons the British [Noval ]Expence for the year 1803 [announted] to[ 9.106063L]
I love with all my Heart the Tory Part hear The [hanorcerian] part most hatefulldoth appear And for the settlement I ever [hance] denied My Concience gives consent To be on Jameses side Most righteous is the Cause To Fight for such a King To fight for George [Louis] Would Englands [Ruren] bring In this Opression I Resolve to live and die