William Richardson Notebook



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Reccipt to make Worm Cakes Take powder of Jalop a Drain

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Last edit almost 2 years ago by mbuffington
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March 27th 1804 Came on last night before sun set a strong blast of snow and east wind which continued all night and all day today without intermission in which time an immense quantity of snow fell and was so blown as to fill most of the lanes above the tops of the walls and hedges and overblew great numbers of trees.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Matte_Webber
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State of the Military Force of England in March 1804 as laid before the House of Commons by the Yorke Secretary at War Regular Cavelry -- 23,324 Infantry --130,167 Militia -- 99,650 __________________________ Total 253,141 Artillery - 14,242 __________________________ Grand Total 267,383 Volunteers armed and disciplined for the internal defense of the Country. Cav. -- 27,000 Infantry --300,000 Artillery -- 4,000 _________________________ Total. --331,000

Regulars. 267,383 ----------------------------------------- Total of 598,383 fighting men

Last edit over 1 year ago by ZoeyZephyr
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Trophonius was the son of Appollo Apollo and had a Temple erectid in honor of him in a wood near Labadia a town in Baetia where by the help of the Priests he became famous for giving Oracles any dreams. - Whoever came to enquire his Fate was first obliged for several days to pass through a long formality of Charms Ablutions and Sacrifices and when judged fit to be admitted he was washed, Drank of two springs, was annointed with oil, brought to worship the statue of Trophonius

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Matte_Webber
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Then dress'd in a linnen garment and led to a Mountain inclosed with Walls of white Marble. Within was a Cave like the mouth of an oven through which he descended by a Ladder. When in the Dark he was dragged by the Feet to another little Cave where he was to receive the Oracle in a Trance after which he was dragged back and by Charms restored to his Senses.

But what is particularly to be remarked is that those who went into the Cave lost for a time the Power of laughing.

Last edit over 1 year ago by MaryV
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