of my dates. And the cause - of course was the whether or not of Medical School. I had a chat with Leonard - he is a peach as usual - and he lent me a Tome which contained a discussion on lay Analysis which he thought might be helpful - but which wasn't particularly as all the M.D's seemed to think the M.D. was essential - & all the nots didn't! But some of the M.D's conceded the possibility of there being certain angles open to the Lay worker - and - well it's just too long to go into. It simply seemed to boil down to
(Letter head stationary that reads in red type with a train logo): WHITE PLAINS PORT CHESTER 3032
Peggy darling - Yes I'm here. Aren't you green with envy. Your Alice is a darling! I called her up to say "hello!" and she asked me up for the weekend and I took her up on it. I was already sick of the city after a week of it! And the country is simply oozing with Spring and Pep.
And their place looks lovely. Tulips & lilacs & dogwood grape hyacinths lilies of the valley & forget me nots & pansies! And I'm mad about the house. It is utterly quaint and charming, and yet so completely livable. Phil and Dick are here; awfully nice boys. Other people staying over—or dropping in—Tennis yesterday and most of them over at the Golf Club this morn.
There seems to be so much to tell you— little things—that would interest you—nothing of particular importance—or at least only one— I've made what will probably amount to one of the most important decisions of my life! Got myself into quite a stew over it, of course—which was probably the psych. reason for catching a perfect whopper of a cold. Finally found an osteopath— and after a couple of treatments with baking under lights—& ultra violet—and with pills which Alice has been plying me with, I seem to be on the mend. It was one of those damn thing which only N.Y. could produce. But I must be in really good shape because I haven't felt particularly badly with it, in spite of having the curse too—in fact it hasn't interfered with any
still plenty of time for that, but one isn't young forever. And in the meantime, it isn't as if I were just playing around. I've darn sure I can make something very worthwhile out of this other. And isn't the proof of the pudding in the way one feels? I feel so darn much happier since I made that decision!
So, I'm bound first for England. Address c/o The American Express, London for about two weeks, making London my headquarters—and scouting around from there. Then through Germany
[letterhead] Quilyry King Street and Cliffdale Road Port Chester, New York
White Plains Port Chester 3032
this—that I find myself arguing against med school—and why—because of the length of time necessary for such a completely absorbing grind. For example, my friend Alice B. in her second year—everyone says they have seen nothing of her since she started. It's a twenty-four hour job if done right, and what would be the use of going into it any other way. Comparing myself
to the type of person (women) who has accomplished this—I know that I haven't that particular type of driving energy. I could put myself through it, I know. But it would be "putting myself through"—it wouldn't be—couldn't for me be completely absorbing—because it would be only a means to an end and my interest would always be elsewhere. And for 4 years med school— one or two years internship, and post-graduate work after that (which would be essential)—for a means to an end? No—!!! I've got to live. There isn't one M.D. I know of—who wasn't married before she she started in—who is—or who probably ever will be. They are all the type of women to whom a career is of primary importance and I could never fool myself into thinking that! Besides—if she is going to work with the problems of living, with grown up or children—one simply must be experienced in living one's self. And so I'm going to try the other attack. And that's that! And whether I ever marry or not I'll at least live! And later if my career ever becomes of primary importance I can always go to med school—There's
went up to Fieldston—the new Ethical Culture School— with Mrs Weinberg—it's perfectly marvelous. Aunt Minnie gave me a theatre party. Ruth Weinberg & friend of hers and a German chap by the name of Baum. Funny how I seem to be going in for Germans! and Robert W. was there for dinner but didn't come to theatre with us. He was by far the most interesting of the men. Saw a peach of a play, Street Scene—don't miss it if it comes out. Ruth W. has been wonderful to me—& with the exception of Ruth. L. has been nicer to me than any of my so called friends. Of course I insulted
[letterhead] Quilyry King Street and Cliffdale Road Port Chester, New York
White Plains Port Chester 3032
ending up at Zurich. What is the latest news from there? I'll send more details later.
One other thing of importance—my bank account. That bill from Bullocks floored me—a bit over $400 net—I've sent them a check for $200—which about cleans out my bank account. I feel so silly—to have used my