


Status: Complete

And their place looks lovely. Tulips & lilacs & dogwood
grape hyacinths lilies of the valley & forget me nots & pansies!
And I'm mad about the house. It is utterly quaint
and charming, and yet so completely livable.
Phil and Dick are here; awfully nice boys. Other
people staying over—or dropping in—Tennis yesterday
and most of them over at the Golf Club this morn.

There seems to be so much to tell you—
little things—that would interest you—nothing
of particular importance—or at least only one—
I've made what will probably amount to one
of the most important decisions of my life! Got
myself into quite a stew over it, of course—which
was probably the psych. reason for catching a
perfect whopper of a cold. Finally found an osteopath—
and after a couple of treatments with baking under
lights—& ultra violet—and with pills which Alice
has been plying me with, I seem to be on the
mend. It was one of those damn thing which
only N.Y. could produce. But I must be in
really good shape because I haven't felt particularly
badly with it, in spite of having the curse
too—in fact it hasn't interfered with any

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